1. 2. 3. 4.
1. Rapid progress - 90% of pupils make good or better progress against the school’s curriculum. Analysis of tests and tasks to inform Covid-19 gaps. 2. Audit and check that curriculum plans fully meet and match the Abbey skills/knowledge big picture. 3. Develop EYFS staff confidence to articulate the learning and adult interactions needed to promote accelerated progress.
1. Leaders & UPS staff to ensure that prior knowledge gaps, identified by staff, are sufficiently scaffolded to ensure rapid progress from starting points - analysis of all statutory tests and tasks. 2. Ensure that all plans across phases cover the identified skills and knowledge from big picture summaries. Audit against the progression maps - check continuity and coverage. 3. EYFS INSET followed by semi-structured conversations during L&M, phase and QA checks so that staff can sharply identify the learning needs matched to curriculum tasks (including language) that is to be taught and learned. 1. INSET day to refresh adult roles and possibilities for how to enact these roles to secure good learning and AFL of gaps. 2. Following the first phonic checks, pupils who score well-below ARE to be screened on PhAB2 (see note) diagnostic assessment. 3. EYFS INSET followed by semi-structured conversations during L&M, phase and QA checks so that staff can sharply identify the learning needs matched to curriculum tasks (including language) that is to be taught and learned. 1. Enhanced directed time 2hr CPD focus upon subject specific training and revision of metacognition strategies. 2. Knowledge grids and EYFS Word aware choices ensure that pupils are exposed to, taught and expected to use domain specific vocabulary. L&M time to systematically check all plans. 3. Staff to draw upon the class knowledge of the non-core units taught to build up a picture map of key-learning that helps all to summarise what has been learnt and key concepts/knowledge. These will be re-branded as ‘learning’ journeys. There will be no learning journey recorded for PE to maximise active time but all pupils will still be expected to draw upon and explain the key concepts, knowledge and skills within lessons. 1. BSL are revised, revisited, promoted and permeate through the curriculum. 2. Bucket list adds extra-curricular opportunites. 3. Life skills support Abbey’s community in non- Natonal Curriculum skills and atributes. 4. Sof skills support wider employment skills and rapid progress of all pupils. 5. Curriculum plans show evidence of BSL. 6. L support leaders’ vision for the wider curriculum opportunity and specifc contextual challenges 7. S are actvely drawn upon to ensure good progress, behaviour and work ethic. 1. All plans to identify the start and end Kahoot to be used to support AFL of pupils’ learning of the curriculum. Practical subjects e.g. Art, PE and DT will have fewer Kahoot but strengthened Evidence Me. 2. All knowledge grids identify the assessment opportunities using either the Evidence Me or Kahoot Graphics to ensure consistency. 3. Develop a suite of assessment checks points to integrate into Evidence Me so that SACRE RE summative assessment is recorded. 1. Three staff enrolled on SENDCO award; opportunities to shadow key tasks, a year in the life of a SENCO so that knowledge of process, key link personnel and parent is learnt. 2. Planned CPD for subject specific training leads to all teachers being refreshed as experts in subjects. UPS teachers to support the implementation as part of their standards. 3. Governors develop a growing sense of the Academy Handbook alongside their current role and remit so that as the Government White paper gains ascent there is the ability to make an informed decision on the direction of the school and the academy agenda.
1. Progress is good against the school’s curriculum; Plans are adjusted to scaffolded gaps in analysis from end of year statutory tests and tasks. 2. The school’s plans are fully delivered and checked against the longitudinal plans. 3. EYFS progress from starting points is rapid; adults articulate well the learning. 4. 90% of children make good progress against the school’s curriculum.
1. Leadership release for coaching and mentoring. 2. Directed time to integrate plans - 2hr staff CPD alongside subject specific CPD 3. EYFS INSET; EYFS lead to teach in YR.
4 x Pupil Progress
PDM ongoing
Staff QA - wider group
Complete cycle will take one year
All staff are familiar with the wide variety of adult roles and make conscious choices so that learning is ‘taught not caught’.
1. Adults make conscious choices using relevant pedagogy to support all learners in making rapid progress to learn the school’s EYFS curriculum. 2. Proportion of pupils not secure at Phase 4 phonics is less than 10% 3. EYFS progress from starting points is rapid; adults articulate well the learning.
1. INSET day. 2. PhAB2 phonic assessment and diagnostic tool 3. All phase meetings focus upon moderation and pedagogy to support familiarity 4. AHT EYFS lead to work directly in YR
1. INSET day x 1 September 2. Follow up PDM for LSP each half term 3. Weekly phase meetngs 4. EYFS lead in YR to direct practce
2. Reduce the proportion of pupils who do not secure Phase 3 phonics to less than 10% 3. Adults confidently articulate the EYFS plans and how these relate to curriculum activities and their (subsequent) assessment of progress toward these. 1. Metacognition strategies become embedded in pedagogy leading to rapid progress. 2. Staff have a sharp focus upon the teaching and pupil use of subject specific vocabulary including Word Aware in EYFS 3. Rebrand summary learning maps a ‘learning journey’. Summarise use and consistency.
1. EEF Metacognition strategies support all pupils’ progress and teacher tools for delivery. All staff receive subject specific CPD 2. Language acquisition and domain specific words are commonly used, 3. Pupils can articulate how the non-core learning journey links through the units taught, drawing upon and retrieving prior learning.
1. 2hr directed time CPD 2. L&M QA checks and follow on CPD 3. EEF staff revision through directed time CPD 4. On-going L&M subject specific networks through Mary Myatt’s The Soak and TT Partnerships.
1. 2.
INSET Day September
Follow up PDM to ‘vignette’ good practice linked to pedagogy
3. L&M Time to check through the weekly release 4. 1/2 termly review of subjects NPQML & NPQSL
1. The opportunity to experience ‘Bucket list, life skills and sof skills’ has been signifcantly impacted by COVID restrictons. These need to be revised and refreshed. 2. Staf are moving year groups which also brings the opportunity to revise, revisit and refresh the main curricular themes and BSL links. 3. Revise, revisit and refresh.
1. All year groups to revise, revisit, refresh and engage pupils and the wider community in the design. 2. B - build in curricular enrichment 3. L - enhance the NC by providing opportunites to meet the Abbey mission statement and local knowledge. 4. S - ensure that these are taught and experienced through the year 5. Check for coverage loss and adjust so that these resonate strongly with children and adults.
1. Directed tme to plan 2. Website and bookings
1. PPA for all staff weekly 2. Calendar of events for staff/parents
1. Kahoot low-stakes assessment supports start and end summative checks on what pupils have learnt. This in turn supports changes to plans to accelerate progress of bottom 20% 2. Knowledge grids identify the summative ‘Evidence Me’ assessment check points. This supports staff with consistency and knowledge of what pupils have learnt.
1. Kahoot supports workload, AFL and identification of gaps to accelerate progress for those who need to catch-up. Work is scaffolded for all learners and progress is rapid against the school’s curriculum 2. Plans identify assessment opportunities which are then used to inform next steps and longitudinal changes over linked units, 3. RE assessment material is integrated into Evidence Me to support teachers with knowledge gaps planning in subsequent units.
1. QA & L&M time 2. Kahoot & evidence me subscription 3. CPD and subject specific CPD 4. RE analysis of SACRE plans
1. 2.
Taught as part of regular RSHE Review through QA process
3. Develop the Abbey Skill Progression e-suite to include RE statements.
1. A series of semi-structured tasks and training support succession plan for phase retirement of Inclusion lead. Knowledge and skills of aspirant SENCO leads to successful recruitment in two years. 2. NPQ staff deliver subject specific CPD following cluster training for all areas of NC and EYFS. Teachers are up-skilled and UPS support implementation of actions. 3. Governors develop their knowledge and skills against the Academies handbook. Build confidence for enactment of the Education White Paper.
1. Inclusion succession plan results in an internal appointment; knowledge and skills gained lead to a seamless transition. 2. All teachers refresh their subject specialism training; all leaders remain up to date through associate CPD packages of Mary Myatt & TT Partnerships. Pupil progress is good against the school’s curriculum. 3. Governors are informed and able to make the decision to set up or joint a MAT.
1. QA release @ £205 per day 2. Staff CPD directed time to ensure consistency 3. Joint SMT development. 4. Governor training
1. Half termly review with NPQML/SL to draw from and inform provision
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