Key performance indicators
Metacognition: (Subject) Language: Big-picture
Adult interactions: phonics: planning
Gaps:Cohesion: EYFS
Start and end Kahoot: Evidence Me: Extend RE
Revise:Re-invent: Teach & practice
Succession plan: Subject CPD: Governance
A series of semi-structured tasks and training support succession plan for phase retirement of Inclusion lead. Knowledge and skills of aspirant SENCO leads to successful recruitment in two years. NPQ staff deliver subject specific CPD following cluster training for all areas of NC and EYFS. Teachers are up-skilled and UPS support implementation of actions. Governors develop their knowledge and skills against the Academies handbook. Build confidence for enactment of the Education White Paper.
Kahoot low-stakes assessment supports start and end summative checks on what pupils have learnt. This in turn supports changes to plans to accelerate progress of bottom 20% Knowledge grids identify the summative ‘Evidence Me’ assessment check points. This supports staff with consistency and knowledge of what pupils have learnt.
All staff are familiar with the wide variety of adult roles and make conscious choices so that learning is ‘taught not caught’.
BSL are revised, revisited, promoted and permeate through the curriculum.
Metacognition strategies become embedded in pedagogy leading to rapid progress.
Rapid progress - 90% of pupils make good or better progress against the school’s curriculum. Analysis of tests and tasks to inform Covid-19 gaps.
Bucket list adds extra-curricular opportunities.
Reduce the proportion of pupils who do not secure Phase 3 phonics to less than 10%
Staff have a sharp focus upon the teaching and pupil use of subject specific vocabulary including Word Aware in EYFS
Life skills support Abbey’s community in non- National Curriculum skills and attributes.
Audit and check that curriculum plans fully meet and match the Abbey skills/knowledge big picture.
Adults confidently articulate the EYFS plans and how these relate to curriculum activities and their (subsequent) assessment of progress toward these.
Rebrand summary learning maps a ‘learning journey’. Summarise use and consistency.
Develop the Abbey Skill Progression e-suite to include RE statements.
Soft skills support wider employment skills and rapid progress of all pupils.
Develop EYFS staff confidence to articulate the learning and adult interactions needed to promote accelerated progress.
Sitting underneath this overarching SIP is a series of subject review booklets that have individual subject/aspect detail
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