
10B — July 17 - 30, 2015 — New Jersey — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


Southern New Jersey Chapter www.ai-snj.org Telephone 856-415-0281 • Fax 856-415-1952

he Southern NJ Chapter of the Appraisal Institute is proud to announce their topics for the 20th Annual September Symposium. This 7-hour continuing education event will be held Thursday, September 10, 2015, starting at 8:30am, at The National Conference Center at the Holiday Inn of East Windsor. ABOUT THIS YEAR’S SYMPOSIUM: Federal, State, and Industry Issues and How They Affect Appraisal Practice: This session will highlight pertinent information relative to the current status of BPO’s, AMC issues, and other state and federal legislation. This presentation will give a better understanding relating to local and national legislation, rules and regulations affecting their appraisal businesses and activities. This will be presented by Scott Dibiasio, who is Manager for State and Industry Affairs with the Appraisal Institute. His office is in Washington, DC, where he can keep his finger on the pulse of government activity. The Appraisal Institute is a global membership association of professional real estate appraisers, with nearly 23,000 members in nearly 60 countries throughout the world. Its mission is to advance professionalism and ethics, global standards, methodologies, and practices through the professional development of property economics worldwide. Land Analysis Overview: Quick Tips on Best Practices: The objective of this session is to give a quick, bullet-point style overview of factors affecting accuracy in land valuation. This includes: • Using a Sales Comparison Approach format • Transactional Adjustments: Property Rights, Conditions of Sale, Financing, Market Conditions • Property Adjustments: o Property Characteristics: Size, Access, Soils, Slope, Shape, Fill- Flag Lots, Environmental Issues o Development Approvals: Real or Not? Permit Extension Act, Building Permits, Perc Tests, Stormwater, Pinelands, Highlands, Zoning and Overlays, State Jurisdiction, Federal programs o Public Sewer, Public Water, Easements, Preserved Properties (rights), Legal Issues, Dams This is being presented by Susanne M. CurranMAI, MCRP, AICP, PP. She earned her Master’s Degree in City and Regional Planning from Rutgers University. She has 28 years of commercial appraisal experience, and is currently a Senior Commercial Review Appraiser for Susquehanna Bank. Previously, she was employed at a county Planning Commission and a private Planning Consulting Firm. Sue also worked at REIS.com in New York as a Market Analyst. She has been a National Course and Seminar Instructor with the Appraisal Institute since 2007, teaching four qualifying courses for the MAI designation, plus General Market Analysis/Highest and Best Use course, Conservation Easements course, General Appraisal Review Theory course, and the Residential Subdivision and General Appraisal Review seminars, among others. Digging into Ground Leases : Ground leases have existed for hundreds of years (originally as a feudal estate). Despite being the bedrock of real estate ownership throughout history, cur- rent ground leases in America are somewhat rare. The landowner of larger ground leases is typically the government or institutions (such as municipalities, schools, or religious organiza- tions). The landowner of smaller ground leases typically includes individual “mom-and-pop” investors. The landowner’s motivation to create a ground lease is simple: the desire for income while enjoying low risk and retaining ultimate ownership of the real estate. Although ground leases are frequently appraised, there is surprisingly little academic content on the subject. The five goals of this seminar are to address: Participants from this session will leave enriched on the subject and better equipped to per- form ground lease appraisal assignments. This is being presented by Trevor Hubbard, MAI, SRA. He has been actively engaged in commercial real estate valuation and consulting services for nearly a decade. Prior to joining Jones, Roach & Caringella, Inc., he completed the Master of Science in Real Estate (MSRE) program at USD. He has performed appraisals involved in eminent domain actions, title defect cases, easement acquisitions/dispositions, diminution in value matters, hazardous contamination litigation, and ground leases. Mr. Hubbard has suc- cessfully passed both the Litigation and Valuation of the Components of Business Enterprise Professional Development Program examinations from the Appraisal Institute. Prior to earning his MSRE, he attended SMU, where he graduated in 3 years. Mr. Hubbard is a California Cert. General Real Estate Appraiser and currently serves as an Officer at the San Diego Chapter, an Officer and Voting Member of the California Government Relations Committee, a Regional Representative of Region VII, a Member of the national Diversity Committee, and as Vice Chair of LDAC in 2016. His most recent accomplishment was shepherding the successful passage of AB-1888, which enhanced the integrity of California’s Public Records Act by eliminating the non-disclosure option in the recordation of document transfer taxes. Finally, Mr. Hubbard is developing curriculum for an undergraduate valuation course that he’s scheduled to teach as an adjunct professor at USD in 2016. Email lisamayweiss@hotmail.com or visit www.ai-snj for more information on this and all other events coming up in South Jersey. n SNJ AIA announces 20th Annual September Symposium T • The history of ground leases; • The anatomy of ground leases; • Appraisal principles and procedures associated with ground leases; • Ground lease trends; and • Common appraisal mistakes.

Southern NJ Chapter Appraisal Institute 2015 Chapter Officers

President Edward T. Molinari, SRA Ed@molinari.us

Vice President Josh Garretson Joshua.Garretson@farmcrediteast.com Treasurer Albert Crosby, MAI AlbertCrosby@outlook.com Secretary Michael S. Sapio, MAI northstarappraisal@msn.com

President Ex Officio Jake Ramage, MAI

Directors Michael Descano (Term through ’16) Samuel Levi, MAI (Term through ’16) Errett Vielehr

(Term through ’15) Robert Kirwan, SRA (Term through ’15) Jackie Marmur (Term through ’15) Timothy W. Sheehan, MAI, SRI (Term through ’15)

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