King's Business - 1928-04

9he «'¡BUSINESS täfte $i6fc SÄ ity Sïtoqctfme

April • 1928

Volume 19—Number 4 25 cents a copy

$1.25 a year in U. S $1.50 foreign


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C A a _ j ATTRACTIVE OFFER The Bible Institute o f Los Angeles Offers to Every Prospective Student INSTRUCTION IN THE W ORD OF GOD All courses of study are built around the Bible. Biblical Introduction, Synthesis, Bible Doctrine, Messages of the Books, and Christ and the ;Cure of Souls are required in all Departments. Instruction in all other subjects keeps to the fore, the light they throw on the Book and the larger ability they, give for understanding and using the Word in a soul-saving and soul-building ministry,

An Unexcelled Faculty

Training in Methods of Service The several courses of study offered, including The General Course; The Christian Education, Mis- sions^Mu^iej and Pastors’ Courses, prepare. t h o s e who: complete them for Leadership in t fe Educa­ tional Program of the Church, for direction of Music in the local Church and Evangelistic Field, for Mission Service at home and abroad, and for all- around use wherever the Lord may lead.

The Faculty of the Bible institute of Los Angeles is composed of men and women of God, of real con­ secration, possessed o f spir­ itual power, highly trained, widely experienced and of international reputation.

No one finds a placé, on the teachingstaff of the Institute who' does not whole-heartedly subscribe to the fundamentals o f the Christian Faith as outlined in the Statement o f Doc­ trine held by B. I. O. L. A. since its founding. The Finest of Christian Fellowship A carefully selected student body brings; to­ gether young men and women of one heart and mind in loyalty to Christ, and desire to serve Him. Class room activities, social life, group and private devotions and dormitory IifeS-all notably reveal the Presence of the Holy Spirit and the fruitage of Plis gra­ cious work.

Abundant Material Provision School activities are largely conducted in a two-million dollar building which in its size, location and general arrangement is excep­ tionally well adapted for such use. Living quarters for both men and women are pro­ vided— single' rooms comfortably furnished. Table board is ample in quantity and excel­ lent in quality. ,

ALL OF THIS OFFERED A T A VERY REASONABLE PRICE No tuition fees. Nominal registration and nurse and hospital fees.

...for Bulletin containing full information address Extension Department, Bible Institute o f Los Angeles Five-thirty-six to Five-fifty-eight South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California

T he VXI ahagihg E ditor desires a personal word with you! (J [ Next to acquiring dependable friends, the best acquisition is that o f reading matter o f the helpful and dependable kind. We have sought to make The King's Business a faithful mirror, reflecting to the minds o f its readers the best thoughts o f reliable spiritual leaders. We have sought to make it a lighthouse on the sea o f time to guide men through the reefs o f religious error and confusion in these trying days. We hon­ estly seek to be used o f God in this hour, and feel we are called to a distinctive testimony..that o f setting forth clearly and positively the vital truths found in the infallible Word. We desire to be luminous, not vo­ luminous. We seek to be fair as well as firm. We long to see men huilt up in our most holy Faith. |J If you feel the need o f such a printed friend...if you believe it meets a crying need o f our time...if you know others who need such spiritual helps, may we not count on you to pray for us, to speak the good word, to invest to some extent in placing this magazine where it will be most helpful...public libraries, reading rooms, offices, homes o f shut-ins and missionaries? Faithfully yours,


April 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Feeling Led I have heard these words so many times I know them by. heart. When there is anything especially hard to do in God’s service, how few “ feel led” to undertake it. When one tries to hold street meetings it is hard to get workers enough together to make the meetings a success, so many don’t “ feel led’ftfnto that kind of work, and when one sifts things down: to find out regarding their leadings, we find it was noti God who prompted ■ their refusal,, but their own spirit, for they confess it is “‘such a cross to speak on the street, es­ pecially in a place where one is well known.” So they don’t .have liberty. God was perfectly willing they should testify fpr Him, but they were “led” by feelings, not prompted by Him. . God is needing thousands of people to distribute tracts from house to house and in the streets, anywhere, everywhere. This does not require talent or much money, for there are plenty of publishers who will furnish them at a small price, or even free to conscientious workers. When one goes through the country he finds Christian Science reading in the depots, and plenty o f Russell literature being distributed from house to house, but hardly ever sees a full Gospel, tract distributor. There are hundreds, of people who do not go to church in all our cities. How much good d worker, armed with salvation tracts, could do if he would. Again, it requires some courage to pass. oUt the little silent messenger, and were we to ask most workers who cannot preach or give much toward the Gospel, why they don’t attempt this work, they are 'likely to reply, “ I don’t ‘feel led.’ ” As souls are being saved in this way, their leadings may not come from God, for He is willing we should do good unto all men. —Florence L. Burpee. M Andrew Murray’s Advice The sainted Andrew Murray adopted the following rules for his life, and also gave them to others in trouble: I n T imes of T rouble S ay : First: He brought me here; it is by His will I am in this strait place. In that I will rest. Next: He will keep me here in His love, and give me grace in this trial to behave as His child. Then: He will make the trial a bless­ ing, teaching me the lessons He intends me to learn, working in me the grace He means to bestow. Last: In His gpod time He can bring me out again—how and when He knows. S ay : I A m H ere — (1) By God’s appointment. (2) In His keeping. (3) Under His training. (4) For His time.

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T h e K i n g ’s B u s i n e s s Motto: “ I, the Lord, do \eep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will \eep it night and day." Isaiah 27:3 PUBL ISH ED M O N T H L Y BY AND R E PR E S EN T ING THE B IB LE I N S T I T U T E OF LOS ANGELES J ohn M urdoch M ac I nnis , Editor-in-Chief K eith L. B rooks , Managing Editor' C harles E. H urlburt , Associate Editor Volume X IX April, 1928 Number 4

Table of Contents



D r . J ohn M. M ac I nnis , Dean ! D r . R alph A tkinson , Associate Dean R ev . J ohn H. H unter , Secretary of Faculty R ev . W illiam H. P ike , Secretary Evening School R ev . A lan S. P earce , Secretary Cor. School ■ R ev . A lbert E , K elly , Student Secretary D r . G. C ampbell M organ : D r . J ohn M c N eill D r . C harles E. H urlburt R ev . A lva J. M c C lain C hristian M. B ooks R ev . K eith L. B rooks P rof . A lfred A. B utler : Miss F lorence C haffee ; R ev . J ohn A. H ubbard P rof . H. W . K ellogg Miss R uth W alter P rof . H. G. T ovey P rof . J. B. T rowbridge M iss C harlotte L. W oodbridge

ED ITOR IALS The Immortal Christ’.... .................. .........................205 Were the Resurrection Witnesses Fakers .205 The Vision Theory .............................................. ...205 Has God Really Said Anything?......................,.....206 Knowledge Shall Be Increased..............................207 “ I ’ll Smash That Man I” ......:....,............................. 208 Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!.... ............... ..............209 Editorial Flashlight's ............................................... 210 * * Hi * ART ICLES ' Knowing Christ in the Emotional Life ’ —Editor-in-Chief ....... ...................... ............. ......212 Knowing Christ in Soul-Winning — Dr. Ralph Atkinson.....,,................ ....................213 A Cross-Examination o f Resurrection Witnesses -—the late Dr. A. C. Dixon.................... .............. 217 Russellism and the Resurrection Body Rev. W . E. Clark............................’.................... 219 The Basic Fallacy o f Evolution Dudley J. Whitney._____...................................... 220 Toplady and His Great Classic — Prof. J. B, Trowbridge.,..........^..................... 222 What the Resurrection Proved, Procured, Pro­ claimed— F. J. Atkinson........................;........... ..225 Gleanings on Christian Education — Prof. J. Hudson Ballard,-.-—..........—........ ......229 * ^ * Hi DEPARTMENTS Stories of Our Enduring Hymns.........................223 Heart to Heart With Our Young Readers......... 224 Passages That Perplex.............. .....226 The B. B. B. B; Page......................:....................... 228 Finest o f the Wheat...... ............................. i............ 230 Striking Stories of God’s Working.......................232 Junior King’s Business...................... .......................235 International Lesson Commentary......................... 237 Prophetic Studies-—By David L. Cooper..............246 Biola Table Chat....... :................ .....249 Christian Endeavor Notes—Alan S. Pearce........251 Book Table ............................ .....256 Illustrated Daily Text............................. 258

J. M. I rvine , President H oward F rost , ■ Isti Vice-President L eon : V. S haw , ■ 2nd Vice-President J. M. R ust , Treasure!- A lexander M ac K eigan Secretary M rs . L ym an S tewart Asst. Secretary

C. E.; F uller H. B. E vans N athan N ewby W illiam H azlett

D r . J ohn M. M ac I nnis , Dean D r . R alph A tkinson , Associate Dean W m . A. F isher , Executive Secretary Terms: $1.25 per year. Single copies 25 cents. Foreign Coun­ tries (including Canada) $1.50 per year. Clubs o f 5 or more 25 cents reduction on each sub­ scription sent to one or to sep­ arate addresses as preferred. Remittance : Should be made by Bank Draft, Express or P. O. Money Order, payable to the “ Bible Institute of Los Angeles.” Receipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly, each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. Manuscripts: T h e K i n g ' s B usiness cannot accept re­ sponsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration. Change o f Address: Please send both old and new ad­ dresses at least one month pre­ vious to date' o f desired change.

H. W . B oyd , M. D. M rs . A lma K. Moss P rof . R aymond C onner B G. P inkerton , M.D: F. J ean H olt , M .D. Ross A. H arris , M.D. J oseph J acobs , M.D. M argaret M orris , M.D.

Advertising : For information with reference to advertising in T he K ing ' s B usiness , adf dress the Religious Press Assn., 325 North 13th St., Philadel­ phia, Pa., or North American Bldg., Chicago, 111. Entered as Second Class jMatf ter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles; California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at spe­ cial rate o f postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918.

POLICY AS DEFINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES (a) To stand for the infallible W ord of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all' believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To make the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known, (e) To m agnify God our Father and the person, work and com ing of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transform ing power of the H oly Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great

foundations o f Christian faith. 53 6-558 S. Hope Street


Los Angeles, California

T h e


April 1928

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

The Immortal Christ

join together in one common song of everlasting hallelujahs because, through Him, they, too, have “ put on immortal- ity’G—they have BODIES “ like unto His glorious body!”

resurrection of Jesus Christ was, absolutely essential,;,to His.,»being be­ lieved on as a Saviour. How could men believe He had made satisfaction for their sins so long as they saw death— the known wages of sin—in full power over Him? (Rom.

Were the Resurrection Witnesses Fakers? T O say that the resurrection o f Christ is a falsehood is to assert that those who claimed to be witnesses did not really believe what they wrote. Plainly speaking, they were imposters. They spent their lives endeavoring to per­ suade others that it occurred. Let us see if we can discover what possible interest the disciples could have had in insisting that Jesus had arisen, unless they really believed it. They were so few in num­ ber and so faint-hearted that they had been unable to pre­ vent His being crucified. What possible chance would they have thought they had of convincing the nation that He had arisen from the dead? If He had not done so, they could not have thought of a more hopeless scheme. What but the knowledge-that Jesus had overcome death and that, therefore, they would have divine power to assist them in convincing the world, could have induced this little band of disciples to venture such an undertak­ ing? Unless they thoroughly believed in it, they are left without a motive! Furthermore, we only need to study their conduct. We find their utter gloom and despair suddenly changed to intense joy. They boldly rush forth among the very crucifiers of Jesus, announcing His resurrection. The evidence must have appeared absolutely conclusive to them or Christianity would have perished at Calvary. A. still more important point is the persecution they gladly endured, even to the most extreme forms o f mar­ tyrdom, for the preaching of the resurrection. Do many suffer thus for what they know to be false? The veracity of the witnesses seems fully established. They certainly honestly believed what they asserted, and remember that they were not easily convinced. No think­ ing student can say that the New Testament accounts are intentionally false. T The Vision Theory HOSE who have been unable to make out that the apostles were deceivers as to the resurrection, have

4 :25.) How could they have believed Him to be “ God man­ ifest in the flesh”— hanging upon a cross? (Rom. 1:4.) Christ’s death must have been an overwhelming disaster to His apostles and followers. The Light of the world had gone out. They were in the blackest of despondency, with every hope dashed. What caused the sudden shout o f joy which rent the air? How explain the tears of grati­ tude which suddenly filled the eyes o f hundreds of His; followers ? What sent them forth all of a sudden flaming evangels which no power o f earth or hell could extinguish? The Lord o f glory had burst the bands of death. No grave could hold Him. He was “ risen as He said.” Nothing short of that can account for the new epoch and the effect it has had upon all the subsequent history of the entire world. From that very day every Lord’s Day has been a new Easter for the true Christian. The com­ mon salutation of the primitive Christians on each first day of the week was: “ The Lord is risen. He is risen indeed.” , “ The power of His resurrection” in the lives o f His true followers through the centuries, has abun­ dantly proved that Christianity has no dead Christ. In these days of new definitions may we warn our readers against the subtle efforts to evaporate the resur­ rection into an “ objective vision” or an “ immortality of the SOUL .” The open TOMB— the missing BODY— pro­ claim a R ISEN BODY .. It was the body o f Christ which had become immortal. His spirit had never rested in the ground. Not for a moment had it ceased to exist, for He Himself informs us of His mission in the spirit world dur­ ing the three days. His spirit and His soul needed no resurrection. But on the first day of the week His spirit was seen united with a glorious resurrection body. Nothing short of that will be the immortality to be bestowed upon all true believers when Christ shall return in glory (1 Cor. 15 :54). “ The very diamond which shines in the Saviour’s crown shall burn in unquenchable beauty at last on the forehead of every true child of God.” His

resurrection is not only an illustration, but a pledge that all the bodies in the graves of the world shall come forth at the sound of His voice. W h a t j o y to know we have a liv­ ing C h r i s t ! And what will be the glory o f that day w h e n all the saints shall

sought to .fall back u p o n a “ v i s i o n theory.” They would suggest thai these men were visionary, excitable, over-en­ thusiastic individuals —perhaps even too stupid to make ample investigation. T h e wish to have Jesus come forth, t h e y say, was father to the thought, so that


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

April 1928

when a rumor started that He was alive, imagination did the rest. Let us admit that it is possible for some very honest people to mistake a phantom of their own brains for a reality in the outer world. Such subjective visions are usually due to a diseased state of mind or body. In some way the individual is abnormal, if he is given to thinking

Practically all that is recorded is inconsistent with the vision theory, yet, strange to say, many cling to it. The body of Christ was gone. That was clearly admitted even by the Romans who had placed strong guard at the tomb. .Visions cannot remove a body, and even if visions had deceived the disciples, a ghost story cannot account for Christianity. The great fact to be explained is Christianity. afe Has God Really Said Anything? T HE following para­ graph is quoted

t h a t he sees ghosts, visions, etc., when in reality there is nothing to see. The New Testament writers always clearly distinguish between vi­ sions and direct revela­ tions. Visions are re­ ferred to as occurring at night or during a season o f prayer or worship. The knowl­ edge of the resurrec­ tion, however, is said to have come to them during their daily occu­ pations. These plain, hardy men were not the type of individuals or­ dinarily given to emo­ tionalism and visions. W e must explain, also, h o w subjective visions due to enthusi­ asm could start so soon after the crucifixion as the third day. How could they h a v e out­ grown their utter con­ fusion in so short a time ? Explain, a l s o , why these appearances of Jesus only extended over a period o f a few d a y s . Would not vi­ sionary people h a v e continued having vi­ sions o f Him over a longer period ?. W e must also face the fact that the dis­ ciples were not looking for a resurrection, al­ though it had been fore­ told. W e witness their

from The Congrega- tionalist, taken from an article -written by Dr. Charles E. Jefferson. “ The time has come for all members o f the Christian Church to re­ nounce openly and em­ phatically the old doc­ trine of verbal inspira­ tion. The idea o f Bib­ lical inerrancy is; out­ grown. That teaching is false, demonstrably false. Christians owe it to Christ openly to dis­ card it. “ The popular im­ pression t h a t t h e Church still clings to that antiquated i d e a handicaps it in all its w o r k . It prejudices many sensible but ill- informed people against it. It d a m a g e s the Church in the eyes of the boys and girls in our colleges. Ministers are especially obligated to cut themselves loose from it, and to let the world know that they have done so.” In our day there are m a n y ministers and Christian workers who seem to want to believe in the Bible as “ a di­


vine book,” while not accepting the inspiration of the Bible in the sense claimed in hundreds of passages by the Bible itself. Something like 2,000 times we meet the assertion ‘‘ Thus saith the Lord,” meaning nothing less than “ These are the words God has spoken.” Nearly 3,600 times the expression “And God said” occurs. Precise ivords are ascribed to Him. In many passages whole arguments are built upon a word (Heb. 1 :8 ). In Gal. 3 :16 Paul employs a single letter of a Word as the basis of an argument. If the claims of the Bible are true, its inspiration extends to the words of the original text, not simply general ideas here and there. If these claims are not to be accepted, then how can the Bible be considered anything

utter surprise when it occurred. It is frankly stated that when Christ first appeared He was unrecognized. We are repeatedly told that at first some of them doubted, showing that they would, have used every means of find­ ing out*whether or not it was true. It is not likely that they would have gone to those who were in a position to know whether or not anything unusual had occurred, to declare His resurrection, if they had no proof whatever of the truth of their assertions. Then, do subjective visions occur to many people, in different places and circumstances, at about the same time ? And how will we account for visionary conversations, for Christ’s appearances were not simply glimpses o f His form, but always involved the giving of detailed instruc­ tions.

April 1928


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less than a fake? If it is simply a record of the gropings and blunderings of men, it'certainly is not entitled to consideration as the Word of God. Since Jesus Christ pronounced the Old Testament the very Word o f God, inspired not only as to words, but jots and tittles; if His statements are false, He cannot be considered a reliable teacher on any subject. He would

in many' good books, but is supernatural throughout. If the claims of Scripture break down at this vital point— if the testimony of our Lord also is to be consid­ ered unreliable— we may as well confess that we have no sure anchor for our souls. Why not appoint a committee of theologians to compile from the writings of men such a collection o f statements on moral questions as may

have to be charged at the outset, either with gross ignorance or de­ liberate deception. M o d e r n thinkers who object to such in­ spiration as the Bible claims for itself, tell us that this would degrade the writers to the level o f m e r e 'machines. They tell us the writers were not stenographers taking dictation. Nor does the Bible claim that they were. Inspi­ ration, in the Bible sense, we hold to be di­ vine influence over the writers’ freely acting faculties, so controlling them that the language they used should con­ vey the divine meaning and not pervert it. If a man often fails to ex­ press his own thoughts so as to be correctly un­ derstood, how could he express God thoughts unless God exercised oversight o v e r h i s words? I f God gave the writers s i m p l y ideas, permitting them to express them in their own words, what guar­ antee have we that they did express His ideas? Every word is one of the feet on which a sentence walks. It should, o f course, be borne in mind that verbal inspiration ter­ minates on the record,

appear, to our present knowledge, to be at least free from false-' hood? Still the world was never so full of Bibles, nor in all history have there been so many mil­ lions of people who will not accept any substi­ tute for it. In relation to all books it occupies a peculiar and solitary position. It remains in­ dependent of all other b o o k s . A venerable Christian said: “ When I get into the Bible, I feel blowing around my temples and stirring in my hair, the free, orig­ inal, ancient breath of the upper world, as ir­ resistible as the moun­ tain tempest. It is a Book unlike all others.” IT IS— AND W ILL REMA IN SO. Knowledge Shall Be Increased T HE words of Dan. 12: “ Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be in­ creased,” are surely de­ scriptive of the time of the end, and the prog­ ress made in the last few years cannot but remind us that we are approaching the lifnit of the age. The unremitting and

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not the human instrument who made it ; that is, the writers were not inspired in every act of their lives. God caused the writers to record the facts as they were. He did not necessarily cause the act recorded nor make the writer forever infallible. Furthermore, this inspira­ tion is not claimed for the hundreds of translations, into which, it must be admitted, errors, mostly of minor im­ portance, have crept. It is not mere “ illumination” which the Bible claims for its writers, Many men have “ bright ideas/’ but they would not dare claim, as do the writers of Scripture, that the Spirit o f God so possessed them, at the time of writing, that they made known the knowledge of God in words which precisely c o n v e y e d 1 His meaning. Inspiration is not human genius, such as is found

intense research into the wonders of creation has led to discoveries which have astounded the world. Even more wonderful avenues of research are open before us, and if our Lord tarry another year, we shall be even more amazed at the progress of knowledge and means of travel. Should the anti-Christ appear in the world, he would certainly find everything prepared for him, so that he could instantly communicate with every part of the world. World-wide achievements could be enacted within a few hours’ time. Here are just a few of the marvels witnessed during the year 1927: The world’s largest aeroplane engine (1300 horse­ power) has been perfected by the Packard Company.

T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s

April 1928


“ I’ll Smash That Manl” I F it’s the last thing I ever do, “ I ’ll smash that man!" Thus spoke a man who is the head of a Christian insti­ tution, a few days ago. He was referring to a man whom God had greatly used, but against whom he had become prejudiced. The brother who uttered these words announces him­ self a defender of the Faith. And he has sworn that he will “ smash that man!” . Declarations of this kind help us to understand the position of an earnest Hindu student who, after ^having had a long talk about Christian teachings, said^ “ I love Jesus, but I can’t help hating these Christians.” What a tragedy it is that so many people are kept out of the kingdom because they get their eyes and ears filled with a brand of Christianity that really is no Chris­ tianity at all! (Mt. 23:13.), ■ ■ “ I want to believe on Christ,” said one a short time ago, “ but I have never seen Him in the lives o f the Chris­ tians I know.” A Hindu said: “ Show me a real Christian and I will be o n e ^ ^ | ^ | i ; : W A : ) ; „ Men are still saying: “ Sir, we would see Jesus. Where will they look for Him? How can a Christian be recognized ? “ By this shall all men know,” said our Lord, “ i f ye have love” (Jno. 13:35). What is this love? Paul tells us! Its first characteristics are “ longsuffering” and “ kindness” (1 Cor. 13:4). As one renders it: “ Love has no griev­ ances and is always trying to do good turns.” You will discover that kindness is the only active and positive thing that love is said to do to others in 1 Cor. 13. So dear to the heart of Jesus is an act o f kindness that He promises a reward for each one (Mk. 9 :41 ). He sums up the teachings of Scripture in two words: Be kind — for.this is the meaning of His words: “ All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them” (Mt. 7 :12). Yet a so-called champion o f the Faith says: “ I’ ll SMASH that man!” No wonder a converted Jewess re­ marked recently that she had been “ studying church his­ tory to see when it was that Christians became so differ­ ent from Jesus.” Says “ An Unknown Layman”— “ One thing is certain: Men who are not kind are not very holy.” The greatest proof that Christ is dwelling in a heart is a kind spirit. A soldier who had been in close touch with a very kindly recreation superintendent, remarked: “ I thought Jesus Himself had got into khaki.” One writer says: “A religion which does not make a man kind is not our Lord’s religion.” These are words that ring true to the New Testament. No one can deny it. How will some o f us be classified if indeed the possession of a kindly spirit is the badge of a true follower o f Jesus Christ? Professor Drummond called attention to the fact that the one who dimmed all the virtues and covered his home with shame, was not the prodigal son, but the elder brother. He was unkind. He it was who was not worthy to he called a son. Are there true followers of Jesus in the world? Yes, thank God, there are many! They are the real defenders o f the Faith. An old missionary in India was to have been called home by the Home Board. The secretary on the field cabled: “ Please don’t recall him. His life makes up fo r all our talking.” W e need more of that type of Fundamentalism today.

B y A lbert S impson R eitz Gethsemane’s Garden with all o f its loss. May lead to the anguish and pain o f the cross; But after the cross with its sorrow and gloom, The “ garden near by” has a glory^filled tomb. Today I may weep in the Garden o f Sorrow : The Garden of Glory will greet me tomorrow! In lonely Gethsemane tear-drops will fall, And yonder the cross overshadows it all; But after the cross with its darkness o f night The “garden near by” is aglow with His light. Today I may weep in the Garden o f Sorrow: The Garden o f Glory will greet me tomorrow! Although with the dawn o f Gethsemane’s morn There follows the cross and the cruel crown o f thorn — And God, for the moment, forsakes His own child, My Christ is triumphant—and God reconciled! So now when I weep in the Garden o f Sorrow, I know that His glory will greet me tomorrow! O Garden o f Glory, 0 Garden of Light \ _ No sickness, no sadness, no sorrow, no night! The grave hath no vicfry, and death hath no sting: My Saviour is risen, Redeemer and King! Look up, O my soul, from the Garden of Sorrow : The Garden o f Glory will greet me tomorrow! Television, the transmission of distant scenes both by wire and radio, and their electrical re-creation, came this year. W e have seen a climax in the orderly establishment of radiotelephony between England and every section of our country. Arc-welding has come in as a substitute for riveting in steel structures, so that great structures may be put up rapidly and in comparative silence. The combination of phonograph and motion picture has been supplanted by talking movies. The sound is produced from a record on the film. The commercial production of automatic cameras has come. These make a series of photos in return for a quarter inserted in a slot. Another camera will photo­ graph any intruder in a building which it guards, without revealing its presence. Aluminum alloys, virtually as light as aluminum and almost as strong as steel, were perfected, making all-metal aeroplanes practical. Other advances point to future building of lighter, stronger, more efficient machinery of all types. A method has been found for transmitting bulk power over distances o f 500 miles or more; and 1927 has wit­ nessed the design of large Diesel-electric units for operat­ ing locomotives and ships. Breeding experiments have yielded new strains of fruit and cereals of possible value in resisting disease, increasing yields and improving qualities.


T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s

April 1928

allowed this influential clergyman to send his vitriolic sen­ tences into the places where Wesley had preached. Wes­ ley replied briefly and kindly. Even in his old age he was triumphant over the vexing situation because he kept his ear open to God and went ahead. Harriet Beecher Stowe, lover o f the Scriptures, wrote “ Uncle Tom ’s Cabin,” which has had a greater sale than any ofher book outside of the Bible. She had tried to write a book that would reveal the evils o f slavery and unite the North and South. But religious papers poured abuse upon her unprepared head. Preachers caricatured her. She was called a foul, un-Christian outlaw. What praise she got came from most unexpected quarters, Yet who will say that God did not use her and answer her prayers? ass And More Trouble! W ILL IAM CAREY , after long years of prayer, went to India, only to be nearly defeated through the incompetence of his treasurer. Who knows what he suf­ fered there in a foreign land when he found himself de­ ceived by his fellow-missionary? Yet afterwards Carey would have said, “ 0 the depth o f the riches both o f the wisdom and knowledge o f God!” Robert Murray McCheyne, Scotland’s saintly preacher whose very presence was a benediction, while using a gym­ nastic appliance suffered an injury which cut short his life. Why should God permit such a providence to come to him ? “How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out!” Out o f the multitudinous cross-bearings of the saintly Samuel Rutherford came his classical “ Letters,” even as the precious Epistles o f Paul came out of his prison expe­ riences, and John Bunyan’s immortal “ Pilgrim’s Progress” was born in a prison dungeon. The great Dr. Talmage confessed that his greatest opportunities had been opened to him as a result o f the attempts of enemies to upset him. The beloved Theodore L. Cuyler wrote: “ When I recall the joys o f my forty- four years of public ministry, I often shudder at the fact of how near I came to losing it.” The missionary career o f Hudson Taylor was crowded with strange contradic­ tions. John Milton in his blindness wrote: “ O merciful One! When men are farthest, then Thou art most near; When men pass coldly by, my weakness shun, Thy chariot I hear. On bended knee ',:'v. ‘ I recognize Thy purpose clearly shown; My vision Thou hast dimmed that I might see Thyself— Thyself alone.” Is there one o f our readers perplexed, despondent, heart-broken— perhaps almost at the point of deserting the service of his Master? Let him say with David: “Mine eyes are ever toward the Lord,” and press on, leaving the results with God. It is the privilege o f such an one to say with Dean A lfo rd : “ My bark is wafted to the strand By breath divine: And on the helm there rests a hand Other than mine!”

Trouble! Trouble! Trouble! W E do not know how many times in recent months we have heard servants of the Lord say: “ Christian work was never so hard.” The workings of Satan seem peculiarly subtle. Valued men o f God have succumbed to nervous strain. Some have been made the object of cowardly attacks from brethren, having their work appar­ ently wrecked. In some cases vile charges have been trumped up to injure the good name o f a worker, and although unsustained, the public suspicion aroused, has left them powerless to proceed. Many have become ut­ terly discouraged and turned to other occupations, hoping tó find kinder treatment at the hands of unregenerate men. Undoubtedly it is true that there are seasons when Satan is especially active. The shorter his time becomes, the more subtle we may expect his methods to be, and the greater will be the corresponding need o f God’s servants, resolving as did Job: “ Though H e slay me, yet will I trust Him.” One only needs, however, to read his Bible to discover that God’s key men have never been borne through their labors on flowery, beds o f ease. Few present-day Christian workers could, compare their sufferings and persecutions with those which came to the apostles of Christ. _Scarcely can we think of any outstanding witness of Christ in the church age, who has not had to stand against hellish forces. Many o f them went down in apparent defeat, yet from the seed which they planted almost inconceivable harvests have sprung up and we have learned anew that all things do indeed “ work together fo r good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” How many today know the story o f the attack o f the great preacher Rowland Hill upon John Wesley? Even the most eminent servants o f the Lord, men sound as to their doctrinal beliefs, often unconsciously become the tools o f Satan to hinder the work o f the Lord. The young preacher Hill wrote of the aged Wesley, who for half a century in season and out o f season had been lifting up Christ crucified: “ The dictatorial John lyingly maintains argument enough for the gaping dupes whom he leads by the nose. He and his lay lubbers go forth to poison the minds o f men.” He referred to Wesley’s helpers as “ a ragged legion of preaching tinkers, scavengers, draymen and chimney sweepers.” ;; He asked why they did not “ keep the scatterbrained old gentleman locked up in a garret.” He wrote of “ the venomous quill of this grey­ headed enemy of righteousness.” For some reason God

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T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s


April 1928

“ If only the good were the clever, Or if only the clever were good, The world would be better than ever We thought that it possibly could. But alas, it is seldom or never That either behave as they should, For the good are so hard on the clever, And the clever so rude to the good.” —Public Opinion. * * * A newspaper editor suggests that many women are bosses in their homes—until children arrive to take over the manage­ ment. * * * Mr. Spurgeon once said: “I wish some­ one would invent Sunday mackintoshes.” * * * “ If bees could only know that it would kill them to sting people,” says one editor, “ the stinging business would stop in short order in self-defense.” ♦ * * Someone told Bishop Bashford, “You will bury yourself in China.” He re­ plied, “ But I believe in the resurrection.” ♦ * * , A child asked his mother: “What part o f heaven do people go to who are good but not agreeable?” That leads us to wonder if the Fundamentalists will have to be fenced off from the Essentialists. * * * A Papal Syllabus, issued in 1887, de­ clares that “the theory o f Darwin is con­ tradicted by history, by the traditions of all people, by science, by observed facts and by reason. It is, in fact, not worthy of refutation.” Give the Pope credit for saying something worth while. * * * One o f our exchanges says that: “ In missionary interest, some give themselves to foreign missions, some to home mis­ sions, and a good many to omissions.” * * * The British and Foreign Bible Society has erected a new and costly Bible House in the city o f Jerusalem in the business section near the Jaffa gate. * * * Judge Ben Lindsey, o f Denver, wrote to the somewhat notorious Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Roselle, high-school children, who, with the consent o f their parents, have commenced a “companionate marriage.” He said, “You are the Lindberghs in oceans of superstition that call for cour­ age to cross. Order your lives by your individual wishes, and not by the age-old greed, tyranny, and ignorance.” Wonder if the Judge tells those brought before him to order their lives by .their indi­ vidual wishes!

Bishop Rondthales, o f thé Moravian Church in the South, said a wise thing when he suggested that ministers cease making a jpke out o f a marriage occa­ sion. “ Too many take it now as on ly a social contract, when it should be held as God’s institution. Although it may mean the loss o f a few dollars for our wife’s housekeeping account, we should be careful to marry only those whom we ought to marry.” * * ♦ The editor of Moody Monthly declares that the churches are practically con­ trolled today by the Modernists and Dr. Albert C. Dieffenbach, editor of the Uni­ tarian paper, The Christian Register, la­ ments the fact that the Fundamentalists have won complete control o f the churches and that thè Modernists have retired. Evidently an umpire is needed. If the Fundamentalists are a group o f ignoramuses, as often has been charged, it is comforting to have the arch-foe of Fundamentalism concede that in this bat­ tle o f wits, the Modernists are retiring from the field. ♦ * * Professor George M. Price hits the nail on the head when he says : “ There never would have been any theory o f or­ ganic evolution, if a false evolutionary interpretation o f the fossils had not long preceded and prepared the world for the reception of the idea.” This evolutionary geology was founded on an ignorance of the geology of the rest o f the world out­ side o f England and the western part of Europe. Modern discoveries in other parts o f the world have completely an­ swered the childish theories of the earlier geologists. * * * Walter S. Athearn, o f Boston Uni­ versity, says that there are 48,700,000 chil­ dren and young people in this country, and that 7Ó per cent o f them are not en­ rolled in any school where they receive religious instruction. There are 1,600,000 Jewish children and young people. O f

these 95 per cent are not receiving re­ ligious instruction in any school. There are 43,000,000 children and young people belonging to Protestant families, o f which 66 per cent are not enrolled in any re­ ligious school. That means that there are in this country 36,000,000 Protestant young people who are receiving no syste­ matic religious instruction. * * * The famous oak tree under which John Wesley preached during the early days of his crusade, out o f which Methodism grew, has been blown down. Commenting on this fact, The Southern Methodist has this to say: “W e regret to know that this historic tree has fallen; but that is a trifling thing in comparison with the fact that the tree of noble Wesleyan doctrines —the teaching with which he set the Brit­ ish Isles aflame—has, according to re­ port, been laid low in England by the winds of rationalism.” * * * Interplanetary navigation, with the moon a mere three and a half hours’ com­ muting distance from the earth, has been heralded as not far distant by an imposing group o f French astronomers, physicists and aviation experts. It is only upon the development of a newly discovered force, “intra-atomic energy,” that mankind waits to cruise the entire solar system, the sci­ entists hold. Some o f us are fully ex­ pecting to take a cruise in the vast inter­ stellar spaces one o f these days. W e are looking for the “Uppertaker” (Tit. 2:13). * * * High-powered salesmanship, employing all kinds o f psychological tricks, is a mod­ ern product. With some business con­ cerns anything is considered legitimate that produces results. However, some of the wiser heads are beginning to discover that it is poor policy to sell people what they do not want. An article in Harper’s Magazine, tells o f powerful banking in­ stitutions in New York which now refuse loans to concerns making use o f high- powered methods o f salesmanship, re­ gardless of their financial rating. Time has proved that corporations eventually have to pay dearly for high-pressure methods. Careful bankers are not taking chances as heretofore on concerns which decree each year a certain volume o f sales far in advance o f the previous year and compel dealers to dispose of excess pro­ ducts by making public nuisances o f their agents. The psychology that is taught to many salesman today is sheer crooked­ ness, and no business can hope to build a solid foundation o f such material. * * * It pays to kick—sometimes! Our friend, Professor Roland C. Ross, who writes na­ ture study articles for this magazine, re­ cently protested to the editors o f Nature Magazine against their advertising of cigarettes and tobacco. He received a

T h e G o ld en K e y

Do you wish the world were happy? Then remember day by day Just to scatter seeds o f kindness A s you pass along the way, For the pleasures of the many May be ofttimes traced to one, As the hand that plants an acorn Shelters armies from the sun.

T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s


April 1928

reply saying that after considering his let­ ter, the Editorial Board had decided to accept no more such advertising. ♦ * ' * A reader at Salem, Oregon, writes us one of those appreciative letters that make us feel good. “ I am so glad,” she says, “that I ever found out about T he K ing ’ s B usiness . It is such a satisfying portion to my soul, a real feast in every issue. I mark many things as I read it.” ♦ ♦ * From Canhotinho, Brazil, comes this fine expression: “I want to congratulate you on your campaign for the purity of the Gospel as our Lord and the apostles taught it, and for .your efforts to show the danger o f spoiling the cause of Fun­ damentalism. T he K ing ’ s B usiness has certainly been a great inspiration to us in our work here.” * * * We know a live-wire preacher at Ha­ worth, Oklahoma, pastor of the M. E. Church, South. He writes to say: “ I look upon T he K ing ’ s B usiness as the greatest Christian publication of the age. Under its present management the great fundamental truths are being presented in-a constructive way which surely adds greatly to the influence o f the Bible In­ stitute among all Christian organizations.” * * * A Rhode Island reader says o f our January number : “ I want to commend you especially on your splendid, helpful thoughts in the January issue. The reading o f it has brought me into an experience. God’s voice spoke through you. I am sure this issue has brought many eternal help. I esteem T he K ing ’ s B usiness very help­ ful literature. It should mean much to one’s spiritual growth.” A California reader says: “ The magazine gets better and better, if that is possible. To my mind, it is in­ dispensable' to a believer who wants the deeper teachings.”

The Easter Victory One o f the traditions of the cathedral o f Winchester, in England, is the story o f how the news o f the battle of Waterloo was first received. It Came by sailing ship to the south coast of England, and by signal flags was wig-wagged to London. When the message reached Winchester, the signals on the top o f the cathedral be­ gan to spell the message, “W-e-l-l-i-n-g- t-o-n d-e-f-e-a-t-e-d,” and then fog de­ scended and hid the signals from view. The sad news o f the incomplete message went to London. When the message was read, “Wellington defeated,” the whole country was in despair. But after a while the fog lifted, and the signals on the Win­ chester cathedral were still at work spell­ ing out the complete sentence, “Welling­ ton defeated the enemy.” The thrilling news raced across the land, and lifted all hearts out o f gloom into joy. So the heavy gloom o f Calvary fled before the victory o f Easter. Out of all dark shadows o f the tomb, our hearts leap up at the news of victory. The resur­ rection puts the seal o f reality on the great central truth o f Jesus—that we are children o f God, with a personal, eternal value for Him which shall never be lost. The Outstretched Arms During the excavations o f Pompeii, a little child was discovered sitting on the ground holding out its arms. When the workmen saw it they said: “ There must be some one to whom it is appealing,” and digging on in the direction to which the little arms pointed, they came upon the mother with her arms stretched forth to the child. “ I have stretched out My hands” (Prov. 1:24).

T h e y S a y . . .

Harry Carr in Los Angeles Times: “ The truth is, the world today is suffering from intellectual indigestion.” * * * Christian Nation : “ There are manifold circum­ stances in which to sing the praises of tolerance is to prove one’s self a fool.’®?': * * * Dr. W . E. Orchard : “The religious spirit is not enough. We must have some definite form o f belief.” * * * Church Management : “A great thing has happened in the religious book publish­ ing business. A volume has come from the press which has no introduction written by S. Parkes Cadman.” * * * “If we adults are a sample of what : spanking will do in forming character, perhaps it is just as well that parents no longer do it.” ‘ * * * Thomas A. Edison: “W e do not know a millionth of one per cent about any­ thing.” ; ♦ * ♦ Watchman Examiner: “We may lament the fact that the age is materialistic. Let us not! The church should win its mightiest triumphs in such a time as this. This is a material age, but it has a soul that is not satisfied.” * * * Sir Philip Gibbs: “Why is there so much unrest in the world today? Science, as it is misunderstood by thQ people, has tended to destroy belief in a future life, and has : caused a .weakening of faith in. God. Man, from the be­ ginning of time, reconciled . himself to many temporal dis­ appointments and sufferings by faith in a future life, when he should get reward for good service, self-sacrifice, and obe­ dience to the code of virtue in his religion. There is no longer that reconciliation be­ tween suffering here and hap­ piness hereafter. Not believ­ ing in the hereafter, men and women o f all classes and races are desperate for immediate satisfaction o f their hopes and needs.” Springfield (III.) State Register:

The Resurrection B y W illiam O lney A s morning light, to wakeful sleepers, 'shows The night is gone, So Resurrection to believers proves — The cross has won! And as the growing light o f day reveals Material' things, So EASTER DAY to PENITENCE and FAITH Assurance brings. Redemption is complete ; Atonement made; For Christ is raised : Believers in Him now are justified, A nd G od be p r a is e d .

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