King's Business - 1928-04

T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s

April 1928


“ I’ll Smash That Manl” I F it’s the last thing I ever do, “ I ’ll smash that man!" Thus spoke a man who is the head of a Christian insti­ tution, a few days ago. He was referring to a man whom God had greatly used, but against whom he had become prejudiced. The brother who uttered these words announces him­ self a defender of the Faith. And he has sworn that he will “ smash that man!” . Declarations of this kind help us to understand the position of an earnest Hindu student who, after ^having had a long talk about Christian teachings, said^ “ I love Jesus, but I can’t help hating these Christians.” What a tragedy it is that so many people are kept out of the kingdom because they get their eyes and ears filled with a brand of Christianity that really is no Chris­ tianity at all! (Mt. 23:13.), ■ ■ “ I want to believe on Christ,” said one a short time ago, “ but I have never seen Him in the lives o f the Chris­ tians I know.” A Hindu said: “ Show me a real Christian and I will be o n e ^ ^ | ^ | i ; : W A : ) ; „ Men are still saying: “ Sir, we would see Jesus. Where will they look for Him? How can a Christian be recognized ? “ By this shall all men know,” said our Lord, “ i f ye have love” (Jno. 13:35). What is this love? Paul tells us! Its first characteristics are “ longsuffering” and “ kindness” (1 Cor. 13:4). As one renders it: “ Love has no griev­ ances and is always trying to do good turns.” You will discover that kindness is the only active and positive thing that love is said to do to others in 1 Cor. 13. So dear to the heart of Jesus is an act o f kindness that He promises a reward for each one (Mk. 9 :41 ). He sums up the teachings of Scripture in two words: Be kind — for.this is the meaning of His words: “ All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them” (Mt. 7 :12). Yet a so-called champion o f the Faith says: “ I’ ll SMASH that man!” No wonder a converted Jewess re­ marked recently that she had been “ studying church his­ tory to see when it was that Christians became so differ­ ent from Jesus.” Says “ An Unknown Layman”— “ One thing is certain: Men who are not kind are not very holy.” The greatest proof that Christ is dwelling in a heart is a kind spirit. A soldier who had been in close touch with a very kindly recreation superintendent, remarked: “ I thought Jesus Himself had got into khaki.” One writer says: “A religion which does not make a man kind is not our Lord’s religion.” These are words that ring true to the New Testament. No one can deny it. How will some o f us be classified if indeed the possession of a kindly spirit is the badge of a true follower o f Jesus Christ? Professor Drummond called attention to the fact that the one who dimmed all the virtues and covered his home with shame, was not the prodigal son, but the elder brother. He was unkind. He it was who was not worthy to he called a son. Are there true followers of Jesus in the world? Yes, thank God, there are many! They are the real defenders o f the Faith. An old missionary in India was to have been called home by the Home Board. The secretary on the field cabled: “ Please don’t recall him. His life makes up fo r all our talking.” W e need more of that type of Fundamentalism today.

B y A lbert S impson R eitz Gethsemane’s Garden with all o f its loss. May lead to the anguish and pain o f the cross; But after the cross with its sorrow and gloom, The “ garden near by” has a glory^filled tomb. Today I may weep in the Garden o f Sorrow : The Garden of Glory will greet me tomorrow! In lonely Gethsemane tear-drops will fall, And yonder the cross overshadows it all; But after the cross with its darkness o f night The “garden near by” is aglow with His light. Today I may weep in the Garden o f Sorrow: The Garden o f Glory will greet me tomorrow! Although with the dawn o f Gethsemane’s morn There follows the cross and the cruel crown o f thorn — And God, for the moment, forsakes His own child, My Christ is triumphant—and God reconciled! So now when I weep in the Garden o f Sorrow, I know that His glory will greet me tomorrow! O Garden o f Glory, 0 Garden of Light \ _ No sickness, no sadness, no sorrow, no night! The grave hath no vicfry, and death hath no sting: My Saviour is risen, Redeemer and King! Look up, O my soul, from the Garden of Sorrow : The Garden o f Glory will greet me tomorrow! Television, the transmission of distant scenes both by wire and radio, and their electrical re-creation, came this year. W e have seen a climax in the orderly establishment of radiotelephony between England and every section of our country. Arc-welding has come in as a substitute for riveting in steel structures, so that great structures may be put up rapidly and in comparative silence. The combination of phonograph and motion picture has been supplanted by talking movies. The sound is produced from a record on the film. The commercial production of automatic cameras has come. These make a series of photos in return for a quarter inserted in a slot. Another camera will photo­ graph any intruder in a building which it guards, without revealing its presence. Aluminum alloys, virtually as light as aluminum and almost as strong as steel, were perfected, making all-metal aeroplanes practical. Other advances point to future building of lighter, stronger, more efficient machinery of all types. A method has been found for transmitting bulk power over distances o f 500 miles or more; and 1927 has wit­ nessed the design of large Diesel-electric units for operat­ ing locomotives and ships. Breeding experiments have yielded new strains of fruit and cereals of possible value in resisting disease, increasing yields and improving qualities.

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