King's Business - 1928-04

T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s


April 1928

Negatively— A witness is not one who speculates or theorizes, guesses or anticipates. Positively-—A witness is an experimentalist, an ob­ server, one who knows. The disciples knew Christ, and in turn became His witnessesJ—intelligent, fearless, joyous, constant. O ur L ord ’ s S eriousness The Lord Jesus as a soul winner was vehemently serious. Trifling could never be charged to His account. His soul was heavy with the responsibility. Whether ad­ dressing the multitude on the shores of Galilee, or quietly conversing with the unnamed woman o f Samaria, He was serious. He knew the meaning of Psalm 126:5, 6 : “ They that sow in tears shall reap in jo y ; He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” Soul winning was no funny business with Jesus Christ. How could it be with the cross ahead? Soul winning to Him meant rejection, judgment, angry taunts, a crown of thorns, pierced hands, and feet. “ There was none other good enough, To pay the price of sin, He only could unlock the gates o f heaven And let us in.” It is amazing to see how lightly this awful responsibility rests; upon our shoulders. With what alacrity we can turn from pleading with never-dying souls to a reception ten­ dered in our favor,, to enjoy the laughter and merrymak­ ing of worldly men and women who know absolutely nothing o f the passion for souls. His M atchless C ommand THE LORD JESUS AS A SOUL W INNER W AS MATCHLESS IN COMMAND . Whether that command entailed the control of Himself or the control of His auditor, it was preeminently true. He never lost Himself, and never sacrificed the good opinion o f the one with whom He conversed. Even if men disagreed with Him, they thought well of Him. If they went away angry they knew He was right. If they left Him sad, they loved Him nevertheless. There is no field o f Christian enterprise where self-control is more needed than when one is pleading for the lost to return to a forfeited position in Christ, Paul, in his address to the Ephesian elders, Acts 20:31, says, “ By the space o f three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.” Jesus dealt with some very disappointing people; people bent on embarrassing Him from the beginning of His conversation with them; indifferent, insulting, un­ reasonable, without the milk o f human kindness, who merited dislike and rebuke, but He knew, as we, too, must know, that even the man who scoffs may be won by patient dealing. As followers of the Master, we, too, find it hard at times to check the frown, and hold the door o f our lips lest we lose the one whom we would win. The right was always with Him. He knew it. He held back the word that would destroy. He gained the Victor’s crown. “ He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty, And he that ruleth his spirit, than he that taketh a city.” : — Prov. 16:32.

Don’t Depend Upon Preachers T ake T he B ook

CT'HE trouble today is that thousands of people who try to live a Christian life depend for their knowl­ edge of the Word o f God on the man who preaches in the pulpit. You have no business to depend upon any man for your knowledge o f the Word o f God. You and I must read the Word for ourselves. Read your Bible regularly; read it consecutively, not anywhere you hap­ pen to open. Where are you to begin? In Genesis. Are you troubled about the inspiration o f the Bible, and do you want to know a good book on the subject? I know a book that settles the question. The Bible. I come to this book on my knees, and I am ashamed o f how little I know o f it; but what I do know enables me to realize it is a precious book. — G. C ampbell M organ . addresses without number have been delivered to inform us and urge upon us the responsibility of winning men to Christ. One whose ministry is world-wide writes: “ It is a growing conviction with many ,that Personal Evangelism, or the winning o f men one by one to Christ, is the greatest work in the world.” W e have as a higher authority the matchless example and urge o f the Master Himself. S implicity of H is M ethod THE LORD JESUS AS A SOUL W INNER was SIMPLE IN METHOD . It was by lip testimony He sought to make men think well of God. The first chapter o f John gives one o f many instances of this. Christ finds Philip, and Philip, full of joy, seeks out Nathanael, and out of his very soul cries, “ We have found Him.” “ W hat!” says Nathanael sharply, “ Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” Particularly the One who must change the whole current of human history? Nonsense! I cannot believe it. Philip might have entered into a heated dis­ cussion, which, by the way, is ever injurious to the cause we represent, or he might have remained silent, which oftentimes is the better way o f meeting men anxious to argue the point at issue. Philip, however, has learned in his brief exchanges with Christ, the wise thing to do is the simple, and at once conclusive, thing. “ He neither admits nor denies the force of Nathanael’s objection. His answer is a challenge, the reasonableness o f which Nathanael himself could not deny.” His reply is sub­ limely simple, and unanswerably practical, “ Come and see.” Every converted man ought to thoroughly face the obligation of Romans 10:9, 10. If God has put a tongue in your head it is your duty to speak for your Lord. He does not require you to preach in the common use of the word, but urges you to do as He did so often, namely, bear witness. What is a witness ? According to our lexicographers a witness is one who sees or knows by personal presence.

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