King's Business - 1928-04

T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s

April 1928


Christian goes immediately to be with the Lord in con­ scious bliss (Phil. 1:21-23; 2 Cor. 5 :6 -8 ). The body, however, enters into a state of sleep and in time returns to dust. A t our Lord’s coming, Paul tells us Jesus will bring back with Him, the spirits which have gone on before, at which time they shall be united to resurrection bodies: (1 Thess. 4:14-15). In connection with this resur­ rection, the living Christians will be translated and meet the Lord and the resurrected saints in the air (1 Thess. 4:16-17; 1 Cór. 15:51-52). The disembodied state of the saved dead is not a completed condition (2 Cor. 5 :1 -4 ). Not until Jesus comes are rewards to be apportioned (2 Cor. 5:10) and the resurrection hope realized (Rom. 8 :23). It is then that the heavenly mansions are opened (Jn. 14:3-4) and that the soul enters into complete satis­ faction (Psa. 16:11). As Chrysostom says: “ A hoüse is torn down with the idea o f putting up a better one, The tenant temporarily moves to other quarters. Later, he is brought back to his new house. So God overturns this house o f flesh, lodges the spirit o f His child above, and when at last He makes a new and glorious house, He puts the spirit back into an incorruptible mansion.” — o--- Deity Manifested to Men To O. Z. Our friend thinks he finds traces o f Modernism in our statement concerning Jesus Christ as the manifestation of God. On page 500, August issue, we said: “ I f we cor­ rectly understand 1 Tim. 6:16, we shall not be able to stand more than the reflection o f deity, which will be given us in the Eternal Son.” Our thought was that “ in the form o f the divine Son only, has God ever declared Him­ self to the eyes of man” (Jn. 1 :18). O. Z. contends that if Christ is God, He cannot be a reflection of deity, and we are suspected of denying our Lord’s absolute deity. This was farthest from the writer’s mind. W e wonder what O. Z. would say of the following from the pen o f the great Charles H. Spurgeon: “ There are some persons whose eyes are so weak that the light seems to be injurious to them, especially the red rays of the sun; and a glass has been invented which re­ jects the rays that are injurious, and allows only those to pass which are softened and modified to the weakness of the eye. It seems as if the Lord Jesus were some such a glass as this. The grace o f God the Trinity, shining through the man Christ Jesus, becomes a mellow, soft light so that mortal eye can bear it.” Tune In For Devotional Hour The K .T .B.I. morning Devotional Hour is proving more and more popular. Rev. Albert E. Kelly, who is the speaker for this radio hour, is constantly receiving letters asking spiritual help and expressing gratitude for the uplift received. W e trust all our readers who are equipped to do so, will tune in at 8 :45 each morning except Sunday and profit by Mr. Kelly’s helpful expositions. There have been several requests for some original beatitudes given by Mr. Kelly in one o f the devotional hours. They are as follows: 1. Blessed are the rich, for they are able to buy as they desire. 2. Blessed are the healthy o f body, for they shall have no aches and pains and weaknesses.

3. Blessed are they in high positions, for the world will do them honor. 4. Blessed are they that follow pleasure, for thereby shall the heart be satisfied. 5. Blessed are they who live leisurely, for they escape the burden of pressing duties. 6. Blessed are they who flount the restraints o f law, for so shall they be free. 7. Blessed are the notoriety seekers, for they have many worshipers.

This Old Clay House When I’m thru with this old clay house o f mine, When no more guide lights thru the windows shine, Just box it up and lay it away With the other clay houses of yesterday, And with it, my friends, do try if you can, To bury the wrong since first I began To live in this house, bury deep, and forget. I want to be square and out of your debt, When I meet the Grand Architect Supreme Face to face, I want to be clean; O f course, I know it’s too late to mend A bad builded house when we come to the end, But to you who are building, just look over mine And make your alterations while there is time; Just study this house—no tears should be shed, It’s ,like any clay house when the tenant has fled. I have lived in this house many days all alone, Just waiting, and oh, how I longed to go home! Don’t misunderstand me—this old world divine, With love, birds and flowers and glorious sunshine, Is a wonderful place, and a wonderful plan, And a wonderful, wonderful gift to man. Yet, somehow we feel when this cycle’s complete, There are dear ones across we are anxious to meet, So we open the books and check up the past, And no more forced balances, this is the last, Each item' is checked, each page must be clean, It’s the passport we carry our Builder Supreme. So when I am thru with this old house o f clay, Just box it up tight and lay it away, For the Builder has promised when this house is spent, To have one all finished, with timber I sent While’ I lived here in this one. O f course it will be Exactly as I here have builded, you see It’s the kind of material we each send across, And if we build poorly, of course ’tis our loss. You ask what material is best to select? ’Twas told you long since, by the Great Architect, “ A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.” So the finest material to send up above Is clear, straight-grained timber o f Brotherly Love. —L. J. Monck.

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