King's Business - 1928-04


April 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Feeling Led I have heard these words so many times I know them by. heart. When there is anything especially hard to do in God’s service, how few “ feel led” to undertake it. When one tries to hold street meetings it is hard to get workers enough together to make the meetings a success, so many don’t “ feel led’ftfnto that kind of work, and when one sifts things down: to find out regarding their leadings, we find it was noti God who prompted ■ their refusal,, but their own spirit, for they confess it is “‘such a cross to speak on the street, es­ pecially in a place where one is well known.” So they don’t .have liberty. God was perfectly willing they should testify fpr Him, but they were “led” by feelings, not prompted by Him. . God is needing thousands of people to distribute tracts from house to house and in the streets, anywhere, everywhere. This does not require talent or much money, for there are plenty of publishers who will furnish them at a small price, or even free to conscientious workers. When one goes through the country he finds Christian Science reading in the depots, and plenty o f Russell literature being distributed from house to house, but hardly ever sees a full Gospel, tract distributor. There are hundreds, of people who do not go to church in all our cities. How much good d worker, armed with salvation tracts, could do if he would. Again, it requires some courage to pass. oUt the little silent messenger, and were we to ask most workers who cannot preach or give much toward the Gospel, why they don’t attempt this work, they are 'likely to reply, “ I don’t ‘feel led.’ ” As souls are being saved in this way, their leadings may not come from God, for He is willing we should do good unto all men. —Florence L. Burpee. M Andrew Murray’s Advice The sainted Andrew Murray adopted the following rules for his life, and also gave them to others in trouble: I n T imes of T rouble S ay : First: He brought me here; it is by His will I am in this strait place. In that I will rest. Next: He will keep me here in His love, and give me grace in this trial to behave as His child. Then: He will make the trial a bless­ ing, teaching me the lessons He intends me to learn, working in me the grace He means to bestow. Last: In His gpod time He can bring me out again—how and when He knows. S ay : I A m H ere — (1) By God’s appointment. (2) In His keeping. (3) Under His training. (4) For His time.

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