King's Business - 1928-04

T h e K i n g ’s B u s i n e s s Motto: “ I, the Lord, do \eep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will \eep it night and day." Isaiah 27:3 PUBL ISH ED M O N T H L Y BY AND R E PR E S EN T ING THE B IB LE I N S T I T U T E OF LOS ANGELES J ohn M urdoch M ac I nnis , Editor-in-Chief K eith L. B rooks , Managing Editor' C harles E. H urlburt , Associate Editor Volume X IX April, 1928 Number 4

Table of Contents



D r . J ohn M. M ac I nnis , Dean ! D r . R alph A tkinson , Associate Dean R ev . J ohn H. H unter , Secretary of Faculty R ev . W illiam H. P ike , Secretary Evening School R ev . A lan S. P earce , Secretary Cor. School ■ R ev . A lbert E , K elly , Student Secretary D r . G. C ampbell M organ : D r . J ohn M c N eill D r . C harles E. H urlburt R ev . A lva J. M c C lain C hristian M. B ooks R ev . K eith L. B rooks P rof . A lfred A. B utler : Miss F lorence C haffee ; R ev . J ohn A. H ubbard P rof . H. W . K ellogg Miss R uth W alter P rof . H. G. T ovey P rof . J. B. T rowbridge M iss C harlotte L. W oodbridge

ED ITOR IALS The Immortal Christ’.... .................. .........................205 Were the Resurrection Witnesses Fakers .205 The Vision Theory .............................................. ...205 Has God Really Said Anything?......................,.....206 Knowledge Shall Be Increased..............................207 “ I ’ll Smash That Man I” ......:....,............................. 208 Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!.... ............... ..............209 Editorial Flashlight's ............................................... 210 * * Hi * ART ICLES ' Knowing Christ in the Emotional Life ’ —Editor-in-Chief ....... ...................... ............. ......212 Knowing Christ in Soul-Winning — Dr. Ralph Atkinson.....,,................ ....................213 A Cross-Examination o f Resurrection Witnesses -—the late Dr. A. C. Dixon.................... .............. 217 Russellism and the Resurrection Body Rev. W . E. Clark............................’.................... 219 The Basic Fallacy o f Evolution Dudley J. Whitney._____...................................... 220 Toplady and His Great Classic — Prof. J. B, Trowbridge.,..........^..................... 222 What the Resurrection Proved, Procured, Pro­ claimed— F. J. Atkinson........................;........... ..225 Gleanings on Christian Education — Prof. J. Hudson Ballard,-.-—..........—........ ......229 * ^ * Hi DEPARTMENTS Stories of Our Enduring Hymns.........................223 Heart to Heart With Our Young Readers......... 224 Passages That Perplex.............. .....226 The B. B. B. B; Page......................:....................... 228 Finest o f the Wheat...... ............................. i............ 230 Striking Stories of God’s Working.......................232 Junior King’s Business...................... .......................235 International Lesson Commentary......................... 237 Prophetic Studies-—By David L. Cooper..............246 Biola Table Chat....... :................ .....249 Christian Endeavor Notes—Alan S. Pearce........251 Book Table ............................ .....256 Illustrated Daily Text............................. 258

J. M. I rvine , President H oward F rost , ■ Isti Vice-President L eon : V. S haw , ■ 2nd Vice-President J. M. R ust , Treasure!- A lexander M ac K eigan Secretary M rs . L ym an S tewart Asst. Secretary

C. E.; F uller H. B. E vans N athan N ewby W illiam H azlett

D r . J ohn M. M ac I nnis , Dean D r . R alph A tkinson , Associate Dean W m . A. F isher , Executive Secretary Terms: $1.25 per year. Single copies 25 cents. Foreign Coun­ tries (including Canada) $1.50 per year. Clubs o f 5 or more 25 cents reduction on each sub­ scription sent to one or to sep­ arate addresses as preferred. Remittance : Should be made by Bank Draft, Express or P. O. Money Order, payable to the “ Bible Institute of Los Angeles.” Receipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly, each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. Manuscripts: T h e K i n g ' s B usiness cannot accept re­ sponsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration. Change o f Address: Please send both old and new ad­ dresses at least one month pre­ vious to date' o f desired change.

H. W . B oyd , M. D. M rs . A lma K. Moss P rof . R aymond C onner B G. P inkerton , M.D: F. J ean H olt , M .D. Ross A. H arris , M.D. J oseph J acobs , M.D. M argaret M orris , M.D.

Advertising : For information with reference to advertising in T he K ing ' s B usiness , adf dress the Religious Press Assn., 325 North 13th St., Philadel­ phia, Pa., or North American Bldg., Chicago, 111. Entered as Second Class jMatf ter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles; California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at spe­ cial rate o f postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918.

POLICY AS DEFINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES (a) To stand for the infallible W ord of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all' believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To make the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known, (e) To m agnify God our Father and the person, work and com ing of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transform ing power of the H oly Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great

foundations o f Christian faith. 53 6-558 S. Hope Street


Los Angeles, California

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