King's Business - 1928-04

T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s


April 1928

Notes of General Interest ESTHER ENDER, ’27, has been filling a secretarial position with REV. OS­ WALD SMITH, o f the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Toronto, who has for the past months been giving himself in a greqt ministry in Los Angeles. —o— Announcement has been made of the marriage of C. DONALD YOUNGKEN and VERA IRENE WILSON , T7. They will be at home to their friends after March 20th, in Los Angeles. Congratu­ lations and best wishes! —o— LOIS E. PROSSOR, 23, writes enter­ tainingly o f her work at Taianfu, Shan­ tung, China. Evidently the situation in the Orient has not taken the sunshine out of her heart. She reports that MAX INE McNEAL, ’23, has been ill but is now fully recovered. GOLDIE WILSON , ’25, is at work at the same station. These three B. I. friends have during the past months passed through serious afflictions with typhoid and pneumonia complica­ tions, but have all been brought through safely. —0:— MR. AND MRS. ROBERT GEARY (nee CARRIE V. JENSEN ’26), o f First View, Colorado, announce the birth on January 30th, of Ruth Irene. She has been already enrolled as a prospective student of the Bible Institute. —o— FRED A. JOHNSON, ’22, tells of his joy in seeing the native Indian Christians at Oraibi, Arizona, learning how to read the Bible in their own language. The Epistle to the Romans_ has been trans­ lated into the language of his people, and in connection with his preaching, Mr. Johnson conducts a Bible Class in the study of this Bible book. : ---O-f^ In the providence o f God, MRS. DORA LEE CAIN PERKINS was called home to glory, Thursday, January 19th, at Cornelia, Georgia, Mrs. Perkins will be remembered as one of the Bible women some years ago. Since making her home in Georgia she was often able to speak a good word for the Bible Insti­ tute. W e pray God’s comfort for her loved ones in this bereavement. —o— MISS NATALIE .GORDON o f ’25 re­ cently became Mr. Pearce’s secretary in the Correspondence *School Department and is proving herself most efficient in the work and thoroughly enjoys it, feeling that she is where the Lord would have her until He opens up more definite work for her in the foreign field. The Other mem: ber o f the Correspondence School staff is MISS L a VERNA D lSSOSWAY , at present a student in the Day School. —o— S. H. LARUM, ’27, since his gradua­ tion, has been engaged jin evangelistic Work in various parts of Washington. His ministry has been confined largely to the Scandinavian people. He is at present pastor of the Scandinavian Church of Aberdeen, Washington. Since the New


Blessings of Anniversary Conference The blessings o f the Twenty-first An­ niversary Conference on Christian Life and Service, February fifth to twelfth, still manifest' their presence. Both students and visiting friends came into a fresh and vital experience of Christ and found new interest in the program of making Him known to others. It was “A Great Week,” and one o f the most helpful con­ ferences eve£ held at the Institute. —o-— Missionaries Brushing Up We are pleased to have in our student body this year, quite a number o f mis­ sionaries on furlough from the far cor­ ners o f the earth. We bid them thrice welcome. Our classroom doors are al­ ways Open to these servants o f the King from tile distant fields. China, India, Mexico, the Philippine Islands, and South America are represented. —o— Mr. Hillis Says Farewell After over ten years o f faithful service as one o f the Field Representatives o f the Bible Institute, MR. W . A. HILLIS sev­ ered his connections with the Institute February 1st. Mr. Hillis and his friendly smile and hearty handshake will be missed about the school. For years Mr. Hillis has carried on an extensive correspond­ ence with members of the Alumni Asso­ ciation, former students, and hundreds of other friends. These will miss his kindly Word. : Arrangements are; being perfected whereby the quarterly news letter sent out from Mr. Hillis’s office will be con­ tinued under the direction of the Exten­ sion Department. Alumni and friends are asked to continue to send in news notes concerning themselves and their work, addressing either Mr. C. B. Whitwell, President o f the Alumni Association, or Rev. Albert E. Kelly, o f the Extension Department. W e wish Mr. Hillis and his family Godspeed. —o— w Tigers!—Run For Your Life! j How is this for a tiger story from M r s . CHAUNCEY B. SHELDON (nee HATT IE COPE ’22), French Equatorial Africa? “A week ago a tiger came within a few yards of our house. He went into our ¿oat pen and took all o f our nicest goats (we keep goats for milk). The natives claimed this was a man turned into an animal. They really do believe that men sometimes turn to animals. Well, he went in the native huts and in two weeks he killed and ate 14 people. Sometimes he. would remain in the house all night to eat his prey. When you would go near him he would roar almost like thunder. I’ll' tell you we spent some pretty anxious moments, for the beast chose to camp on a little hill not far from our house, and r we have no doors or windows except screen ones. “Finally about 20 of our bravest Chris­ tians decided to go and pursue the beast.

But before they went they prayed about it. At about noon they returned saying they had speared it. Imagine our surprise and delight when they came bringing in this ferocious creature. They haven’t for­ gotten to thank God for it either, for they say had He not given strength, all would have been killed.” C. C. Students In Day School The secretary o f the , Correspondence School was happy to welcome at the be­ ginning of the second semester two young men as day students, who were formerly members' o f the Correspondence School. HAROLD A. D e GROFF, while engaged in the service o f the Navy, completed the Correspondence Course in book studies, finding it most beneficial and a source of great comfort in the midst of persecution. FRANK J. MARTENS, from Sask., Can­ ada, completed half o f the studies in the personal work course and testifies to the fact that the blessings received from these studies were a great factor in determining the school which he should enter for full time study. W e pray God’s richest bless­ ing to rest upon both o f these young men engaged in the work of the Day School and look forward to seeing them out in the field of active, service upon completion o f their course. Due to the tremendous increase in en­ rollments during the past several months, it has* been necessary to enlarge the office o f the Correspondence School, which now occupies rooms 237-241 o f the Men’s Hotel. As you think of us occupying these rooms, breathe a prayer for God’s bless­ ing. —o— Missionary Union Affairs The Missionary Union had the pleasure of hearing recently, Dr. R. H. Glover, the Associate Director of the China Inland Mission, and also the author o f “The Progress o f the World-wide Mission,” this book being used in the mission classes. His topic for the evening was “A Missionary Call.” In connection with the first meeting of the new semester the S. M. U. held a banquet in the Fishermen’s Club Room. MR. AND MRS. CHESTER RUT­ LEDGE, ’21 and ’20 respectively, of China, were the invited guests. Both Mr. Rutledge, and Mr. Farmer o f'th e North Africa Mission, addressed the Union.

O u r Evangelists, Rev. Britton Ross and P rof. Leo Polman, have a few open dates in their s c h e d u l e. Churches wanting old time meetings should communicate at once with the Institute.

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