King's Business - 1928-04


T h e K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

April 1928

depend upon the habits we form—lazy or industrious, bad or good. “We sow our actions and we reap our habits; We sow our habits and we reap our characters: We sow our characters and we reap our destiny.” By the use o f slang we grieve the Holy Spirit. who seeks an avenue through which to carry the pure Gospel o f Christ to a dying world, cannot use unclean lips (see James 3:8-13). Tale-bearing is classed in the catalogue of cheap tallf. Turn to Lev. 19:16, 17, where we learn that whether the report be true or false, we are forbidden to spread it. Tale-bear­ ing emits a three-fold poison; for it in- j ures the teller, the hearer, and the person concerning whom the tale is told. The reputations of God’s children should be held precious in our’ sight, and we should never be party to tale bearing. “ Speak evil o f no man.” Cheap talk cor­ rupts others (1 Cor. 15:33). Study prayerfully the following passages: Eph. 2 :3 ; 4:22, 31; Phil. 1:27; 1 Pet. 1:15; 2 Pet. 3 :11. C hoice N uggets “A fellow who applied for a job hap­ pened to use a slang phrase. He did not get the job. The employer disliked slang and those that used it. Was he right?” E-Anon. “When a fellow supports his statement by the use o f oaths he is telling you that ordinarily he is insincere and his word is not good enough without the oath. Look out for that fellow.”—W. R. George. “ Slang seems ‘cute’ to some people. So is a tiger cub cute. But it grows and becomes dangerous. So does slang. It becomes habit, a big habit, that grates on the ears o f the best people.”—Ward Wardlaw. “Discretion of speech is more than elo­ quence; and to speak agreeably to him with whom we deal is more than to speak in good words or in good order.” —Bacon. “ The Bible especially warns against sins o f the tongue, and the warning is needed just as. much today as in the time o f the apostles.” “ Think all you speak; but speak not all you think; Thoughts are your ow n ; your words are so no more. Where Wisdom steers, wind cannot make you sink; Lips never err, when she does keep the door.”—Delaune. A pril 22 , 1928 Why and How Should Christians Support the Eighteenth Amendment? Exodus 21:28, 29; Prov. 23:29-32 Called to the temple of pure delight, He that abstains, and he alone, does right. If a wish wander that way, call it home ; He cannot long be safe whose wishes roam. ■—Cowper. —o— T houghts on T he T opic Most o f us know what the eighteenth amendment to our constitution is, but per­ haps it would be well to write this amend­ ment on the blackboard o f your meeting-

room or read it aloud slowly to the so­ ciety. W e are therefore printing the ex­ act text o f this amendment. “Amendment 18: Prohibition—-States given current power to enfo'rce. “ Section 1 . After one year from the rati­ fication o f this article the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liq­ uors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage pur­ poses is hereby prohibited. s “ Section 2. The Congress and the several States shall have concurrent power to en­ force this article by appropriate legisla­ tion. “ Section 3. This article shall be inop­ erative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution, by the Legislature o f the ieveral States, as provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date o f the submission thereof to the States by the Congress.” “Woe, sorrow, contentions, babblings, wounds without cause, redness o f eyes,” are the drunkard’s heritage. When a sailor knows that there is a treacherous whirlpool in the ocearf, which has en­ gulfed a thousand noble vessels, he is careful to give it a wide berth. But not so with the man who sdeks to satisfy his evil passions. “ ‘ “ Intemperance,” says J. Sherman Wal­ lace, “destroys the powers o f self-control and thereby becomes the cause o f most of the crimes o f every kind. Here are some facts about conditions .1 before we had prohibition: According; to the Census Bureau, one divorce in every five has in­ temperance as its cause. Judge Gemmil, o f the Chicago Court o f Domestic Rela­ tions, found that 46 per cent of the cases o f family troubles brought to his court were caused by drink. No other cause fur­ nished over 14 per cent! In England, the authorities put' the percentage much higher, some o f them making it 90 per cent. In the Chicago juvenile court, 75 per cent o f the cases were traced to their origin in the neglect caused by drunken parents. Social evil is especially depen­ dent upon the use o f intoxicants, since alcohol always inhibits, injures, or de­ stroys the higher centers of self-control. The report o f the inspector under the Inebriate Acts of Great Britain, in 1909, declared that ‘40 per cent of the immoral­ ity was found to be due solely to drink.’ Doctor Sanger, o f Blackwell’s Island, found that ‘out of two thousand fallen women, 82.5 per cent were addicted to drink, 46.5 per cent had drinking mothers, 61.5 per cent had drinking fathers.’ ” Relative references: Prov. 20:1; 1 Sam. 25:36, 37.;;,; Isa. 5:11, 22; Isa. 28:7, 8 ; Rom. 13. —o— C hoice N uggets “ Other vices make their own way; this makes way for all vices. He that is a drunkard is qualified for all vice.”— —Francis Quarles. “All the crimes on earth do not de­ stroy so many of the human race, nor alienate so much property, as drunken­ ness.”—Bacon. “ Intemperance is a hydra with a hun­ dred heads. She never stalks abroad Un­ accompanied with impurity, anger, and the most infamous profligacies.”—Chry­ sostom. “ I never drink. I cannot do it on equal terms with others. It costs them only one day; but me three,—the first in

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