King's Business - 1928-04

T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s

April 1928


and all the strength o f the will.”—Dean Stanley. “When I was young, I was sure of many things; there are only two things of which I am sure n ow ; one is, that I am a miserable sinner; and the other, that Jesus, Christ is an all-sufficient Saviour. He is well taught who gets these two les- sons.”—John Newton.

MISSIONARIES! Read This, and Save Money O UR MISSIONARY BUREAU has been supplying Food, Clothing, Household Articles and Mission Equip­ ment to Missnonaries for more than half a century. New Missionaries may equip with our guaranteed merchandise at substantial savings. All personal effects forwarded in one shipment. Special Discounts to Foreign Mission Stations, Schools and Hospitals. Field Secretaries, Purchasing Agents and Mis­ sion Boards are invited to request our lowest wholesale prices. Safe delivery of every order guaranteed. If you haven’t a catalogue write today for a FREE copy. MONTGOMERY W A R D & CO . Missionary Bureau CHICAGO, ILLINOIS

5000 WORKERS WANTED to sell Bibles, Testaments, good books and hand­ some velvet Scripture mottoes. Good commission. Send for Free Catalog and Price List GEORGE W. NOBLE, PUBLISHER Dept. No. 7C, Monon Bldg., Chicago, 111.

P arish P a p e r s Any church, school or class can publish a parish paper by using our co-operative plan. A parish paper fills empty pews, keeps community informed, speeds up church wort, Free Samples and Particulars. Our plan provides a paper for your church without cost to you. The National Religious Press Grand Rapids, Mich.

■ M ay 6 , 1928 How to Choose a L ife Work Eccl.'9:10; 1 Thess. 4:9-12 (Consecration Meeting) Who works for glory, Misses oft the goal; Who works for money, Coins his very soul. Work for the work’s sake, Then, and it may be That these things shall Be added unto thee.

A Valuable Album For Sale! Contains autographs of the most eminent men and women in the religious, political, military and musical worlds. These writings range in upwards of 60 languages. List of those who have subscribed may be had from: MISS LILLIAN EDWARDS Pantyroes, Rectory Road, Caerphilly, S. Wales

—Kenyon Cox.

WINSTON-INTERNATIONAL LOOSE-LEAF BIBLE A PRACTICAL BIBLE FOR NOTES Contains over 2S0 loose-leaf pages for personal notes that may be inserted in any number of pages between any pages in the Bible. Looks like a regular Divinity Circuitbound Bible. Sendfo r Illustrated Catalog o f Bibles THE JOHNC.WINSTONCO ,9 Publishers American Bible Headquarters 299 WINSTON BUILDING PHILADELPHIA

T houghts on T he T opic The first step in choosing a life work, as brought out in the first Scripture refer-; ence for our consideration tonight, is to be found faithful in the present duties which befall us. In the language of Sol­ omon, who sought wisdom of God rather than riches, what better advice could we give to one starting out on a life career! “Whatsoever”—the task may not be pleasant, but go at it with all thy might, knowing that in the performing o f it, you are learning your first lesson in selecting your life work (1 Sam. 10:7). “With all thy might”—diligence (Deut. 6:5; Jer, 48:10). “The soul’s play-day is Satan’s work-day; the idler the man, the busier the tempter.” “ I am only one, but I am one, I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do I ought to do. What I ought to do, by the grace o f God I will do.” In the New Testament passage o f our lesson, we find that our whole attitude toward life and others is of vast impor­ tance. Love, which is the bond o f per­ fectness, is to govern all our actions^ In addition to the diligent performing o f the present duties, a most important step in the selection o f a life-work is to know first o f all what God would have us do. For the life of every Christian, God has mapped out a plan. It is for us, by care­ ful study of His Word and prayer, to ascertain His will for us. No matter how pleasant the vocation you may choose, un­ less you are in God’s will your life will be a failure. Choice makes greater responsi­ bility, as we see in verse 11. Let us measure up to our responsibility and be found in the center o f God’s will. — o — C hoice N uggets “ ‘What is that in thine hand ?’ Is it a hoe or a needle or a broom? Is it a pen or a sword? Is it a ledger or a school book? Is it a typewriter or a telegraph instrument? Is it an anvil or a printer’s rule? Is it a carpenter’s plane or a plas­ terer’s trowel? Is it a throttle or a helm? Is a scalpel or a yardstick? Is it a musical instrument or the gift of song? Whatever it is, give it to God in loving service.

BEA U T IFY FU RNITU RE PROTECT FLOORS and Floor Coverings by attaching Glass Onward Sliding Furniture Shoe to your furniture. If your dealer w i l l not supply you, write us. ONWARD MFG. CO. Menasha, Wis., Kitchener, Ont.

T O M O R R O W By WILLIAM A. COREY, B.Sc. Member Southern California Premiilennial Prophétie Association An unusual book dealing with the Millennial Kingdom. Biblical, •timely, inspiring. Send for your copy today. 92 pages, paper covers— 35 cents, 5 for $1.00 postpaid. Address WILLIAM A. COREY 484 South Gage Street, Los Angeles, Calif. !CHURCH FURNITURE

To Insure a Successful Mission in your church write Rev. Neil McIntyre, Scot­ land’s Blind Evangelist. His bright song ser­ vices, piano and organ accompaniment and his powerful preaching never fail to draw. Address 470 East 141 Street, New York City 6430 Van Buren Ave., Detroit, Michigan, e/o Menoeh SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is being done in Africa, China, India, by Native Evangelists and Bible Women who are being supported for from 80c to $2.00 a week, $40 to $100 for a year. Write Rev. H. A. Barton, Secy., Box B, 473 Green Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., for free literature. ‘THE SANITARY” SSSSk CUPS Convenient, Noiseless and Sanitary laws now demand them). We make the finest quality of beautiful polished trays and supply thousands of satisfied congregations. Send for list of these churches and FREE CATALOG with quotation.. SA N ITA RY COMMUNION OUTFIT CO., 500-57th St., Rochester, N. Y. SENT FOR TRIA L 685 THIS CLASS PIN 30c la ormore,Silver plate, Singlepine »00 ea. choice a coioisen^ amel,3letters, date. SterlingSilver, 1*2ormore50cea. Single pins 60c.ea.FreeCat.showsPins,Rings,Emblems25c to $Sea. METALARTS CO., Inc., 803 Portland Ave., Rochester, N X Why God Don’t Kill the Devil, lOcj The Menace of A1 Smith, 10c; A1 Smith and the White House, 10c; Priest and Woman, 25c; Three Things That Never Marry, a tract, 40c per 100. Agents wanted. Quick sales, big profits. Write for cata­ logues, terms and territory. Address THE RAIL SPLITTER, Milan, Illinois. The individual com­ munion service per­ mits an impressive ceremony. We in­ troduced individual cu' ps (many state

Everythingfo r Church and Sunday School ] use. FromFactoryto You. Finecatalogfree, DeMoulin Bros. 6C Co. ^ 1151 South4thSt., Greenville, Illinois

’ “.‘SH iiuiumiimw •NBp *l«y G o s p e l ? ° sch OOI, r u i i d i U i i e n t à î j j t p 1o th e B ib le A E x p o s it io n o f th e ï n i f â & lm n a l L e s s o p s , For U s e in a ll d e n o m i n a t i o n s WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES AND t PRICES THE CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE PUBLISHING C° ESTABLISHED 1886 2.60 WEST 44™ ST; NEWYORK N.Y.

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