King's Business - 1928-04

T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s

April 1928




The Concordant Version A- E. Kfloch is a well-meaning but de­ luded personage. His concordant ver­ sion is, in all kindness,be it said, a piece of great literary impertinence. The American Revised Version of the Old Testament is good enough for any one. As a piece o f scholarship the Concordant Version is stillborn, because every nerve i£ strained therein-not to give a faithful rendering but to establish the Uriiversal- istic heresy with which the Versionist starts out as a lamp unto his feet and a light on his path. Messrs. Knoch and Gelesnoff started as partners in their scheme of teaching. Mr. Gelesnoff the writer knew personally : a second edition of E. W . Bullinger, with some o f his vagaries, and with hardly any (that the writer could observe) o f his redeeming qualities. The vast amount o f labor and zeal bestowed upon this “version” de­ served a better purpose; a better result. There have been and there may yet be in these days »..(though the writer is for­ tunate enough not to know o f them) many heretical biblical scholars, but their scholarship was at least respectable. But a “ scholarship” that can apply the sen­ tence “ Good were it for him if that man had not been born” as “ Good were it for Judas if. the Lord had not been born,” rules itself out of court as beyond serious discussion. The verse is a confessedly difficult one in its phrasing. But only a distorted intellect can perceive the pos­ sibility o f the eternal Son o f God who left the glory He had with the Father, to become man, saying, i n t h e s h a d o w of t h e c ro ss , “What a nice thing it would be for poor Judas if I had never been born.” This is heretical intellectual im­ patience standing in a most scholarly way on its beclouded «»scholarly head. .. A writer for whom Mr. Knoch vouches confesses that, unless this rendering is accepted, Judas went indeed to perdition. And with this admission once made, poor Judas must be saved, even if the blessed Lord Himself has to be reduced in His instruction to the meaninglessness o f the conversation at an afternoon tea. With even one soul in perdition, the whole Con­ cordant Version becomes that much waste paper. Therefore, this verse (and others to match) must be made to stand on its head at all costs. This candpr at least is most commendable; and makes it all the more regrettable that so much honest zeal and praiseworthy perseverance^ in a task beset with formidable difficulties is devoted not to the real glory of God and the edification of His people, hut rather to the service of darkness and confusion.— This is a story o f the Cornish people of fifty years ago, and gives a good picture of Cornwall and the Fisher folk. It is one of the Honor Series published by Picker­ ing & Inglis, London, has 130 pages and is priced at 75 cents. In this day of so much questionable lit­ erature, when we find it difficult to get clean stories which will appeal to the young folks, this book should find a wel­ come. In the story o f a young woman and her three lovers, there is only whole­ someness with enough wit, romance and excitement to make it of interest. The plan o f salvation is plainly told as one after another o f the characters is led to the Christ as Saviour. .—O. G. B. Ivan Panin. —o— Tre Pol ancfPen B y S. E. B u r r o w


I Book Table iSßjr* —— LL. D. Published by Fleming H. Revell Com­ pany-P rice $ 1 . 00 . Dr. Calfee gives to us in this litle book twenty-seven short talks, not sermons, but talks to young people that are interesting, wholesome and helpful. . He uses attrac­ tive illustrations and the language that the young people know, but is always thoroughly Christian and guides the young people along the line of that which is true. These talks would indicate that he knows and loves young people. — o— A Protestant Catechism for Young Americans The Fellowship Forum, Washington, D. G, now offers a 25-cent booklet by the above title, and all those desiring to have in brief and simple form the teachings of Roman Catholicism, contrasted with the plain statements, of the Bible, will do well to procure it. The question-and-answer method has been employed throughout, which should make it interesting to the young. A similar work somewhat more abbreviated is: published by Biola Book Room for 10c. This is, entitled: “ Roman Catholic Doctrine Examined.”—B. —o—- Christianity of Religion? B y A. C . G a e b e l e in , D.D This is one of the best little books writ­ ten on this subject in recent days. It is absolutely true to the Word o f God; shows a knowledge o f Comparative Re­ ligions from a scientific point o f view, and presents an' unanswerable ' argument in favor of Christianity as a supernatural and final religion. The people who are using Dr. Moore’s book on “The Origin and Growth o f Religion” should read this one at the same time. We heartily recommend the book and wish it could be put in the hands o f all young people w;ho are studying Compara­ tive Religions in colleges and seminaries today. Published by Publication Office Our Hope —New York. Price $1.50. —J. M. M. — o — The Smaller Sunday School Makes Good B y W. E d w a r d R a f f e t y , P h .D ., D.D For years we have been looking for a reliable textbook on Sunday-school work and methods that would take into con­ sideration the Smaller and simpler Sun­ day schools that, in the very nature of things, are limited both as to building accommodations and teachers and oppor­ tunity for teacher training. Dr. Raffety has supplied this need. He has given to us a book that is well worthy of a careful consideration by all who are doing Sun­ day-school work. Any one seriously en­ deavoring to master this book can not help but be an intelligent Sunday-school worker. W e are glad to recommend it as filling up this need o f years’ standing. Published by American Sunday School Union. —J. M. M. Î .1 Chapel Talks B y J o h n E. C a l f e e ,

FOR APRIL will contain a timely and important article on “THE SCOFIELD BIBLE AND ITS CRITICS” by a competent author. It meets the question o f a future victorious Jew­ ish state and gives an outline o f dis- pensational truth. $2.00 a year 20c a copy

Moody Bible Institute Monthly 134 Institute Place Chicago, Illinois

Please enter my subscription for one year beginning with April issue. I en­ close $2.00.


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