King's Business - 1928-04

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T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s

April 1928

doubtedly prompt many who heard him to procure these addresses. The prin­ cipal addresses are based upon the New Testament passages containing the word “must.” In addition to these sermons, he gives a message on Pentecost, one on the faithfulness of God, one on fellowship with Christ in service and one on the be­ liever’s knowledge o f the Saviour. The volume comes from the Colportage Asso­ ciation, and is sold for 75 cents in cloth, or 25 cents in paper. —B. —o— Rainbows of the Soul B y A. D o u g l a s A d a m s , M.A. These rainbows are messages o f hope, most attractively and helpfully given. They are simply and beautifully written and would be the kind o f a present to give those who are passing through a dis­ couraging or depressing circumstance. W e can see how one who has been shut in for some time could take up the book and read it with great delight. Published by Marshall Brothers, Ltd., London and Edinburgh. Price $2.00 in cloth. jjij-J . M. M. —o— Pen-Pictures in the Upper Room B y B e r n a r d C . C l a u s e n Pen-Pictures in the Upper Room are bright meditations by the popular pastor of the First Baptist Church of Syracuse. They are strikingly characteristic and in­ dicate his method of preaching to the large congregations who attend upon his ministry in that church. They are hardly expositions, but rather helpful, practical suggestions taken from the story of the Upper Room and all bearing upon the celebration of The Lord’s Supper. Pub­ lished by Fleming H. Revell Company. Price $1.50. —J. M. M. —o— To Comfort Thee and Other Verse B y M r s . F r a n k A. B r e c k This volume is published by the Metro­ politan Printing Company, Portland; has 128 pages, $1.25. It is made up of verses covering nearly every phase o f our every­ day lives. The poems, some long, some short, are written in a sympathetic, un­ derstandable way and will prove a com­ fort and pleasure to many. Mrs. Breck will be recalled as the au­ thor of the words of many o f our best loved newer songs, among them being, “Face to Face,” “ Nailed to the Cross,” “ Go to the Deeps of God’s Promise” and “When Love Shines In.” These verses and several others of songs are published herein. —O. G. B. Jews and Christians This is not a book, but a new periodical which has made’ its appearance as the organ o f the Hebrew-Christian Publica­ tion Society, Inc. B. A. M. Schapiro is the editor. Its good list o f contributing editors foretells some interesting articles which we feel will appeal especially to prophetic students and others interested in w o r k a m o n g the chosen people. The magazine is quarterly and the price is fifty cents per copy. The address is Room 405, Bible House, Astor Place, New York City. —B.

Opened Windows of Heaven B y M r s . R a l p h C . N o r t o n

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We can commend this book to Chris­ tians everywhere and know it will prove a spiritual help to all. It narrates story after story o f God’s dealings and miracu­ lous answers to prayer. Man’s extremity is proven God’s opportunity. Mrs. Norton begins her story with the days previous to her marriage to Mr. Norton and tells of their experiences in Christian living and work through the 25 years to the present time. She gives de­ tails o f their peril during the days o f the World War and of perplexities which have followed and how the solution to all their problems came in direct answer to prayer. The windows ■of heaven are shown still to be open, as we read in Mai. 3:10. Many a discouraged worker will find encouragement, joy and peace through this book; If the reviewer might drop one word o f caution, it would be that- the reader should not gather the impression that the author never fails to have her prayers lit­ erally answered, or that what appeared to her to be divine leadings, would be appli­ cable in every life. W e must each seek to be led o f the Spirit in our prayers.^ then, like Mrs. Norton, we may surely testify that prayer “ availeth much.” Evangelical Publishers, 123 pages, $1.00. —O. G. B. — o— Self Lost in Service Alexander Duff of India B y A l e x a n d e r D u f f W a t s o n This little life o f the great Indian mis­ sionary, by his grandson, is not an at­ tempt at an original interpretation of Dr. Duff, but rather a crisp and vivid life sketch condensing the material o f the more elaborate biographies calculated to make a wide general appeal. W e do not know of any book that can give as wide and interesting a touch with the great missionary in so small a com­ pass as this one. W e commend it es­ pecially to young folks as. an introduction to a great soul. Published by Marshall Brothers, Ltd. —J. M. M. We are happy to see a book from the pen of our good friend Rev. Norman B. Harrison. This comes to us from the Bible Institute Colportage Association of Chicago and is priced at 75 cents in cloth. It begins in an earnest plea for a life of prayer, and proceeds .to give the reasons why believers should give themselves to prayer. God’s provisions for answering prayer, His response to hearts that are attuned to His own, His peace which flows into the praying heart, and practical hints for the prayer life, are themes dis­ cussed by Mr. Harrison in a most refresh­ ing way. W e hope this book may be greatly used of God. —B. —o— Five “ Musts” of the Christian Life B y D r . F. B. M e y e r Dr. Meyer, t h e f a m o u s London preacher, has caused to be put into print some of his strong Gospel addresses given in his recent remarkable tour o f the United States. The veteran preacher was heard by eager multitudes, and the an­ nouncement of his new book will un­ His In a Life of Prayer B y N o r m a n B. H a r r is o n

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T Y P E m JT^VERY proper name at JUl ea ch place it occurs is marked for correct pronun­ ciation. Also other words dif­ ficult to pronounce. The most complete self-pronouncing system in use. Printed on fine white and the famous Oxford India papers, from $2.50 up. Ask for a FULL Self-pro­ nouncing O xfo rd B ible or write the publishers. Also the New Testament, w i t h P s a l m s in e xtra la rg e ty p e ( s e l f - p r o ­ no uncing ) for older folks. OXFORDUNIVERSITYPRESS American Branch 34West 33rd Street New York

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