King's Business - 1928-04

April 1928

T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s


from.’ 'What do you seep’ ‘Why, men are blindfolded there; many o f them are going over a precipice.’ ‘Well, will you stay here and enjoy heaven, or will you go back to earth and spend a little longer time, and tell those men about this world?’ He was a worker who had been discouraged. He awoke from his sleep and said, ‘I have never wished myself dead since.’ ”

A p r il 28, 1928 Text: 1 Tim. 1:18-19

About forty-five years ago, during a frightful storm in the Georgian Bay o f Canada, a ship was wrecked. A number o f per­ sons perished. The mate, with six or seven s.trong men and one timid girl, leaped into the boat and escaped from the sinking Vessel. But the waves ran high, and the boat was turned over and over, Until one by one the strong men lost» their hold upon the sides o f their frail support and disappeared beneath the angry billows. The mate, however, had taken the precaution to lash the girl to‘ the prow o f the boat, and thus she drifted to the shore, wherp she was found by an ¡Indian. She lived for many years after her experience. She did not escape by her skill or wisdom, but because she was fast to that which could not sink; arid when stalwart .men went down with a shriek of despair, the helpless girl Was'saved; through'the thoughtfulness that lashed her1to the lifeboat. James H. Brookes, during one of the Niagara Bible Con­ ferences, related this incident and made the following remarks: A storm is gathering’ over the Church .and the world, such as never yet has beaten upon our sinful race. The apos­ tasy has already set in, multitudes .will be carried away by it out into; the tempest, darkness, and death. Let me say that there is no hope for you unless you are lashed to the Word of God, and to the verbal inspiration o f that Word.” The Arc de .Triomphe iii Paris-is a center o f radiating life. It is the most magnificent triumphal arch in all the world. From it a dozen o f the Stateliest and most lovely avenues o f the city -stretch forth into the far distances. All life floods it ; and all life flows out||rom it: So the world’s life has its central Arch of Triumph in Christ’ s cross and resurrection. Two mighty bul­ warks’ of. stone rise to their tremendous yet graceful height to form the single Arc de Triomphe —two yet one. Neither is com­ plete without the other. “ Christ died—and rose again,” but the resurrection power gives meaning and power to the cross. m A p r il 30, 1928 T ext: Prov. 5:22 When I was a little boy,” remarked the old gentleman, “somebody gave me a cucumber in a bottle. The neck o f the bottle was small and the cucumber so large that it wasn’t pos­ sible for it to pass through, and I wondered how it got there. But out in the garden one day I came upon a bottle slipped over a little green fellow that was still on the vines, and then I un­ derstood. The cucumber had grown in the bottle! I often see men with habits that I wonder any strong, sen­ sible'- man could form ; and then I think that likely they grew into them when they were young, and cannot slip out o f them now ; they are like the cucumber. Look out for such bottles.” A pril 29, 1928 Text : Rom. 4 :25

A p r il 24, 1928 T ext: Eph. 3:16-19

When the Rev. George Rhoad, o f the Africa Inland Mission, was about to leave for Africa for the first time, he paid a fare­ well visit to an old colored mammy who lived near Philadelphia. He expressed ,to her his feeling o f inadequacy for the task before him, when the old colored saint replied, ‘‘Sonny, you can’t hold much; but you can spill lots;’’

A p r il 25, 1928 Text: Isa. 12:3

We read once o f a spring down near the ocean, so near that it was below high tide mark and every day was submerged by the salt water of the ocean, but when the tide withdrew, the waters were just as sweet as if they had never been covered by the salt and brackish water o f the ocean twice a day. The1secret was,, it was fed by God’s great reservoirs up in the mountains, and as long as the communication was clear and the channel unclogged, the waters were kept sweet 1 MS’ A p r il 26, 1928 T ext: Isa. 65:24 At the corner o f two busy thoroughfares; where the traffic was noisiest the writer watched a man .who was working quietly at the foot o f a telephone pole: he seemed to know by instinct what was wanted by his mate, who was at work at the top o f the pole; first one thing, then another, or a bit o f wire would be sent up, and the two were working together in such harmony that I looked carefully, and saw that the man on the sidewalk had clamped on his head what looked like a small telephone appa­ ratus ; one ear could hear the sounds around him, but the other was deaf to them, and was listening all the time to the voice from above. Being in constant communication, they could work together in wonderful unity. Let us be ever listening with an ear that is tuned to catch the voice from above. There are no people in the' world with whom eloquence is so universal a gift as the Irish. When Leitch Ritchie was travel­ ing in Ireland he passed a man who was a painful spectacle of pallor, squalor, and raggedness. His heart smote him, and he turned back. If you are in want,’.’ said Ritchie, with some de­ gree of. peevishness, “why don’t you beg?” “ Sure, it’s begging I am, yer honor. You didn’t Say a word.” “ Ov course not, yer honor; but see how'the skin is speaking through the holes o f me trousers, and the bones crying out through me skin! Look at me sunken cheeks, and the famine that’s staring in me eyes. Man alive! isn’t it begging I am with a hundred tongues?” Do we have eyes to see those all about us who are in need, or do we pass them by? 'A p r il 27, 1928 T ext: Acts 3:2-4

M ay 1, 1928 Text: 1 Cor. 9:16

Said Dr. G. Campbell Morgan, “ I was once sitting in Dr. Dale’s study in England and I heard him say, ‘There is only one man that I know o f who has any license to preach about hell.” ’ “And who is he?” Dr. Morgan asked. “D. L. Moody.” And then he added, “ For every time Moody talks about hell, there are tears in his voice.”

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