King's Business - 1928-04

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"In those days was H ezekiah sick unto death. And Isaiah the prophet the son o f Amos came unto him, and said unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Set thine' house in order; for thou shalt die ; and not live,” aftlirïsaiah 38:1.

Over 2600 Years Ago Isaiah Said:— Set Thine House in Order

...and that is still good advice for today! Not onlyacan you “ put^your.jnous^; in order,.” , but also you .can secure a definite, promptly paid in­ come'for life at the same time- -by investing your • surplus funds in Annuity Agreements of the Bible Institute Jpf L B AngellgM t; »Bicking and choosing investments at random is both!“ bothersome and risky, but the Annuity Agreements'of the Bible Institute of L is Angeles ‘ offer a jsound, outstanding investment opportunity and provide the easiest, surest and best way for those who have $100 or more, to invest their funds to the best possible,advantage. Our Annuity Agreements yield a splendidfeinterest rate.' «They provide an assured, unvarying income jEj-free-from worry jayer passed dividends or cap­ ital stock assessments. They make no demand on your time or attention. And they provide money: for Gospel work at home and abroad.

Let us send you detailed infor­ mation ab o u t the Annuity Agreements of the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles, so that you will be better able to judge the desirability of this form of investment. No obligation in­ curred, of course.

A copy o f our Booklet“ A A ” will aladlu\ be forwarded upon request. . . Address


Bible Institute of Los Angeles Annuity Dept. 536 South Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif.


Life Annuity Rates Age Yield 30-34 ........................4 % 35-39 .......................4 yz % 40-44 .......................5 [% 45-49 .......................5 y2% 50-54 .......................6 \% 55-59 ....................... 6y2 % 60-64 .......................7 % 65-69 ....................... 7 y2% 70-74 .......................8 : % 75-79 ........................8 y2% 80-84 .......................9 % 85-89 ....................... 9V2%

Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536-558 So. Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif. Gentlemen : Please send me, without obligation, your Booklet AA concerning Annuity Income Agreements.*’ Name................................. Addr

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