
12C — November 11 - 24, 2016 — Pennsylvania — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal


Lehigh Valley Chapter www.crewlehighvalley.org Commercial Real Estate Women

2017 Project Preview: What Will We See Next Year?

2016 L ehigh V alley B oard of D irectors P resident P amela M orris L iberty P roperty T rust P resident E lect K ristin H olmes H olmes C unningham E ngineering P ast P resident A drienne K wiatek -H olub BB&T S ecretary M arie M c C onnell F itzpatrick L entz &,B ubba , PC C orresponding S ecretary S andy K uhns K&H C ustom W indow T reatments T reasurer J ennifer K eat T ubiello -H arr & A ssociates D irectors at L arge J ulie M acomb N orris M c L aughlin & M arcus , PA T ina R oseberry C ity of E aston C ommitee C hairs & C o -C hairs M embership B etsy S hamberger M oonstone environmental C onnie H asara M ohawk G roup P ublicity J ulie P rofilet -S aucier KCBA A rchitects B etsy S torey -B ono C oncannon M iller & C o ., PC C ommunity S ervice J ody K ing CBRE, I nc . C asey N oble L iberty P roperty T rust P rograms J ennifer K ennedy - DDP R oofing S ervices , I nc . P amela S ullivan N ational O ffice F urniture D e A na S usinskas ESSA B ank & T rust F oundation C hair A nnie O sika L afayette A mbassador B ank D elegates K ristin H omes H olmes C unningham E ngineering K elly B erfield C olliers I nternational For membership information contact: Betsy@moonstoneenviro.com

llentown, PA — A capacity crowd of CREW Lehigh Valley members and guests crammed into the 1867 Room of the Tompkins Center at Cedar Crest College, Allentown, PA for an October 6 lunchtime presentation to learn about three exciting projects now in development. Dr. Steven Mortazavi, the medical director of Valley Pain Specialists, led off the dis- cussion with a presentation about his new ValleyWellness Center . The 53,000 SF project broke ground that week and is expected to open in 2018. Designed by MKSD Architects, Allentown, the $14-million-dol- lar center will be several cuts above any facility currently available in the region. Dr. Mortazavi called it a “member- ship driven family spa” featur- ing indoor and outdoor pools, a cardio fitness area, and a rock climbing wall in addition to an extensive fitness center. Members will be able to relax poolside at a bistro. Kevin Serfass, the vice presi- dent of Serfass Construction, presented plans for Tower Six , the latest entry into Allen- town’s Neighborhood Improve- ment Zone(NIZ). He credited the NIZ with one billion dollars in investment resulting in a million SF of new mixed-use space in Allentown’s center city, but until the development of his project, small businesses were shut out of the NIZ ben- efits. Developed by Serfass Construction and designed by Spillman Farmer Architects, Bethlehem, Tower Six offers a lease-to-own model. Space in the new 12-story, 142,000 SF building will be designed and fit-out to the specification of the condominium owner. At the end of 20 years, the ownership transition is complete with an effective lease-to-own rate of $12.71 per-square-foot due to favorable NIZ tax benefits. The conversion of the Art Deco Bethlehem Armory into residential apartments was discussed by John Cal- lahan, Director of Business Development for the law firm Florio, Perrucci, Steinhardt and Fader. The design and construction team is currently exploring three options with floor plans ranging from 70 to 78 units in the repurposed A

Dr. Steven Mortazavi discussed the Valley Wellness Center.

John Callahan described plans for the BethlehemArmory.

structure supplemented with new construction. Peron De- velopment has an agreement Tower Six was presented by Kevin Serfass, the VP of Serfass Construction.

of sale with the City of Beth- lehem, which owns the site, and expects to close the sale

in December. The construction manager will be Boyle Con- struction, Allentown. n

SPONSORS GOLD Norris McLaughlin & Marcus • Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba Liberty Property Trust • BB&T • PennCap Properties • Duke Realty Servpro of Easton, Bethlehem & Whitehall • Concannon Miller • PATRON NorthStar Management • Boyle Construction • NAI Summit Newmark Grubb • Environmental Consultation Services CONTRIBUTORS Campbell Rappold & Yurasits • Buckno Lisicky & Co • Lafayette Bank Spillman Farmer Architects • People’s Security Bank & Trust • Colliers International FRIENDS JG Petrucci • HMK Insurance • DesignPoint • The Frederick Group Tubiello-Harr & Associates Barry Isett & Associates • Falcon Engineering LLC • Langan Engineering Feinberg Real Estate Advisors • MKSD • IMC Constuction

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