R esearch has shown that techniques like mindfulness can help to relieve anxiety, reduce stress, and improve sleep patterns. The first few days in treatment are usually
the most difficult, but the weeks and sometimes months that follow can be quite challenging for some. Not only are clients experiencing physical withdrawals, but they are also learning to manage their emotions
and their behaviors. These feelings can be effectively managed through regular mindfulness practice. Mindfulness is a state of metacognitive awareness
characterized by nonjudgmental monitoring of one’s sensations and thoughts, usually accomplished through meditation. Research shows that regular meditative practice can help to reduce cravings and boost
mental and emotional health. This can be accomplished through meditation or other reflective exercises. Mindfulness therapy is a natural, drug-free approach to healing. It can help relieve anxiety and improve sleep patterns. Proper sleeping habits aid in the healing process of the body. Stress is a main trigger for relapse, and meditation helps reduce stress and promote relaxation.
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