South Miami Recovery

S outh M iami recovery

A ddiction is a family disease. It doesn’t just affect the person using drugs or alcohol. It impacts everyone who loves them. Family therapy often unites broken families and facilitates the healing process. For many of our clients, it is the most important part of treatment. Having an addict in the family affects the family on a group level as well as on an individual level. Addiction can cause an enormous amount of stress and disruption within the household, and can often extend to family members who live outside the home. This can result in family members developing their own unhealthy coping strategies. Family therapy can also help identify codependency and enabling behaviors. When a loved one is in the grips of addiction, loved ones may struggle to know how to react. For many, this means facilitating a family member’s substance abuse by shielding them from the consequences of their actions.


7520 SW 57th Ave. , Suite K Miami, Florida 33143

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