العدد 18 – مايو/آيار 2023

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(45) Rebecca Davis, "Untangling the narrative web surrounding South Africa’s stance on the Russia-Ukraine conflict", on Daily Maverick Website, Published at Jan 8 Mars 2022, Last Visit at 28 Dec. 2022, at 3:30 pm, at link: https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2022-03-08-untangling-the-narrative- web-surrounding-south-africas-stance-on-the-russia-ukraine-conflict/ (46) Andrew S. Weiss, Eugene Rumer, "Nuclear Enrichment: Russia’s Ill- Fated Influence Campaign in South Africa", on Website, Published at 16 Dec. 2019, Last Visit at 28 Dec. 2022, at 3:35 pm, at link: https://carnegieendowment.org/2019/12/16/nuclear-enrichment-russia-s-ill-fated- influence-campaign-in-south-africa-pub-80597 (47) Center for Security Analysis and Prevention "CSAP", "How Russia is becoming a dominant player in Mali", CSAP Website, Published at 4 June 2022, Last Visit at 28 Dec. 2022, at 3:40 pm, at link: https://cbap.cz/ archiv/5194 روســيا تمأل الفراغ الفرنســي في مالي بتعزيز حضورها العسكري: " ) محمد عبده حســنين، 48 ( ، جريدة الشرق " الرئيســان الروســي والمالي يعربان عن ارتياحهما لمستوى العالقات بين بلديهما 28 )، (تاريخ الدخول: 2022 أغسطس/آب 11 األوسط، على الموقع اإللكتروني، (تاريخ النشر: https://tinyurl.com/53m6u9xr )، على الرابط: 2022 ديسمبر/كانون األول (49) Thierno Amadou Diallo, Beyond the Resource Curse: Mineral Resources and Development in Guinea-Conakry, Unpublished Master Thesis (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology), Pp. 46-57. (50) Marième Soumaré, "Guinea-Russia: Moscow’s ties with Doumbouya", on The Africa Report Website, Published at 22 February 2022, Last Visit at 28 Dec. 2022, at 3:50 pm, at link: https://www.theafricareport.com/178750/guinea-russia-moscows-ties-with- doumbouya/ (51) Cliff D. Taylor, et. al., "Geology and Nonfuel Mineral Deposits of Africa and the Middle East" (Reston, Virginia: John W. Powell National Center, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior, Open-File Report 2005–1294-E, 2005), P. 140.

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