العدد 18 – مايو/آيار 2023

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وتخصيـب مشـاعره السـلبية تجـاه النخـب التقليديـة. إنهـم جامعيـون متخصصـون يضعـون خبرتهـم العلميـة يف قاعـدة مشـروع يعبـد طريـق السياسـي إلـى صعـود مـدارج الهـرم بنـاء ىلع خطـاب شـعبوي فائـق النجاعـة، ووفـق رؤيـة تحـول اللعبـة السياســية إلــى (فرجــة) جاذبــة للجمهــور. أنظمــة سياســية- شــعبوية- إنترنيــت- هندســة معلوماتيــة - كلمــات مفتاحيــة: يميـن متشـدد - رأي عـام - أزمـة الديمقراطيـة Abstract The book "The Architects of Chaos" (Les ingénieurs du chaos), by the Italian- Swiss researcher and writer Giuliano da Empoli, deals with the rise of populist currents and their leaders by highlighting the underside of the planning process of the leadership managment, and influencing public opinion. The book suggests an attempt to understand the secrets of the suc-cess of the new populist wave, which some consider as a resumption, of previous political phases of fascist and Nazi right-wing currents that pushed Europe and the world into devastating world war. The author leads us, in a manner that combines research reporting with descriptive narrative flair, to identify new political actors. They are not professional ideological theorists, but rather engineers, graduates of scientific and technical disciplines related to the world of physics and mathematics, who are skilled in using the Internet for political propaganda and exploiting social media platforms to guide public opinion, probe its trends, and inflame negative feelings towards tradi-tional elites. They are specialized university students who bring their scientific expertise to push the leader to the ascent of power pyramid, using a populist discourse, and according to a vision that transforms the political game into an attractive show for the public. Key Words: political systems- populism- internet- Informatics engineering- extreme right- public opinion- democracy crisis.

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