
T RIAD Addiction Recovery Services was founded in 1976 as Trinity Alcohol and Drug Program by the then-rector of Wilmington’s Trinity Episcopal Church and a recovering alcoholic parishioner. It was created as a ministry of the church as a center where those struggling with addiction could come for help at a time when few other resources were available in the community. In 2013 TRIAD filed for 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status and became an independent nonprofit organization. It recruited a volunteer Board of Directors which developed a strategic plan to guide the future of the organization. This included growing the counseling program, developing a network of referral partners in the recovery community, creating a program of educational seminars, and developing a plan for funding the organization. Over the years TRIAD has provided free counseling for substance abuse and mental health disorders to thousands of addicts and their families, served as a drop-in center for people who just wanted someone to talk to, managed a 24-hour emergency hotline, assisted families in conducting interventions, and hosted thousands of 12-step meetings in the on- site Community Room.


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