Folks have been converted, tribes have sought the Lord.
TEN FUTURE M ISSIO NAR IES Ten future missionaries heard G od's call divine; One was married wrongly; that left only nine. N ine future missionaries— they could hardly wait— M other needed one though; that left only eight. Eight future missionaries bound for God and Heaven; O ne got to m aking money; that left only seven. Seven future missionaries — if only each one sticks— One lost out completely; that left only six. Six future missionaries, for the Lord alive; One preached in the homeland; that left only five. Five future missionaries waiting an open door, One grew tired of waiting; that left only four. Four future missionaries bound for eternity, One no longer willing; that left only three. Three future missionaries — for the need how few— One the Board rejected; that left only two. Two future missionaries, a daughter and a son, O ne developed ulcers, that left only one. O ne future missionary- — thank the Lord for him! H e refused to ever let the vision dim. Body, soul, and spirit,, he to God did yield; Now for years h e 's labored pn the foreign field—
God in H eav'n rejoices, "B lessed child of M ine, You have done M y will — but what about the n in e ?" — Everek R. Storms THE PRAY ING HAND S The "P rayin g H a n d s" are much, much more than just a work of art, They are the 'so u l's creation' of a deeply thankful heart— They are a priceless masterpiece that love alone could paint, A n d they reveal the selflessness of an unheralded saint. These hands so scarred and toilworn, tell the story of a man W h o sacrificed his talent in accor dance with G od's plan. For in G o d's plan are many things man cannot understand, But we must trust G o d's judgment and be guided by H is hand. Sometimes He asks us to give up our dreams of happiness, Sometimes we must forego our hopes of fortune and success. N ot all of us can triumph or rise to heights of fame, A n d many times what should be ours, goes to another's name. But he who makes a sacrifice, so an other may succeed, 1$ indeed a true disciple of our blessed Saviour's creed. For when we 'give ourselves away' in sacrifice and love, W e are 'laying up rich treasures' in G o d's kingdom up above. A n d hidden in gnarled, toilworn hands is the truest art of living, Achieved alone by those who've learned the "V icto ry of G ivin g." For any sacrifice on earth, made in the dear Lord's name, M eans the giver has a place in Heav en's hall of fame. A n d who can say with certainty W here the greatest talent lies,
O r who will be the greatest In our heavenly Father's eyes!
Faithfully proclaim ing G od's own holy Word,
— Helen Steiner Rice
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