Biola Broadcaster - 1965-10

Always distinguish clearly in your mind that there are two resurrec­ tions. The first resurrection is that of life, while the second is that of damnation or judgment. The resur­ rection of life does not occur at one time. It is in separate stages and at different times. In I Corinthians 15:20-23, we find Christ is the first- fruits or the first part of the resur­ rection of life. The next stage of the resurrection of life is described in the words, “Afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.” This is the resurrection known as the Rapture. The apostle John wrote, “Blessed METHUSELAH M ethuselah ate what he found on his plate/ A n d never, as people do now, Did he note the amount of the calorie count; He ate it because it was chow. H e w asn't disturbed as at dinner he sat, Devouring a roast or a pie, To think it was lacking in granular fat O r a couple of vitam ins shy. H e cheerfully chewed each species of food, Unm indful of troubles or fears Lest his health m ight be hurt By some fancy dessert; A n d he lived over nine hundred years! (From Dr. W alter L. W ilso n 's Scrapbook) and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection; on such the sec­ ond death hath no power but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thou­ sand years.” Are you ready for the Rapture? The Lord Jesus could come at any moment. It could be today. If He comes and you are unsaved, you will have missed your opportunity and you will be alienated from God, van­ ished from the Lord forever, cast into the lake of fire. Will you receive our Lord Jesus Christ and trust Him at once? “For behold, now is the ac­ cepted time, behold, now is the day of salvation.”

LOVE SUFFERS ALL TH IN G S There was a very wealthy man who gave a special dinner to which he invited all of the outcast and homeless men he could find. Flaunting his beneficence, however, some of the men had filled his expensive hat with garbage. The philan­ thropist was so furious he immediately mounted a chair and stormed at the tramps, threatening to call police and have them all locked up for their in­ gratitude and insolence. Then, suddenly, there flashed through his mind as a be­ liever the verse, “Love suffereth all things and is kind. Is not easily pro­ voked; beareth all things.” Struck at once by the obvious sin of anger, he just as promptly apologized. Humbly he told the men how the Holy Spirit had im­ mediately convicted him for what he had said. To make it up to them he invited them all back for another dinner the following night. Moved by his compassion and sincerity, the men did return. Fol­ lowing a brief Gospel service more than 1,0 of them accepted Christ as personal Saviour. The Bible tells us that we are to show love not only to those whom we appreciate and with whom we desire to have fellowship, but also and more par­ ticularly upon those who are unlovely. The pattern has been set by our Saviour Himself who loved us even when we were enemies of the cross. May our consuming motto and purpose be, “the love of Christ constraineth ns.”

Some of the faithful workers with the Biola School of Missionary Medicine are pictured above from left to right: Mrs. Paul J. Body, Mrs. James D. McDonald, and Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Borland. Dr. Borland, D.D.S., is an instructor in Missionary Dentistry on the school's staff. The others are volunteer workers assist- ing Miss Leonie V. Soubirou, Dean.


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