Biola Broadcaster - 1965-10

Dr. Lehman Strauss


O NE OF the most blessed truths about the Rapture is the grand reunion which will take place. In I Thessalonians 4:17 we read, “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” Before the resurrected dead and living saints meet the Lord in the air they are joined together in one band. It is one thing to know that Christ may come at any moment and quite another to make a practical applica­ tion of this great truth. The Lord’s coming for His Church will be selec­ tive, secret, and startling. The precise time purposely has been kept from us by God. Because Paul loved Christ’s appearing and lived in the light of this blessed truth, he could say, “I am now ready to be offered and the time of departure is at hand.” Are yon able to say this? You may have good inten­ tions about getting ready and yet be far away from the attitude of expect­ ancy which serves as an incentive to holiness. Those whose hearts are set upon Christ’s return are separated and sacrificial. They are usually soul win­ ners. As a matter of fact, I have nev­ er known a carnal, selfish, worldly, Christian whose heart was set upon the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the clear teaching of I Corinthians 4:5. Paul was not in­ fluenced by what others thought about him. Whether they approved or dis­ approved he said I know nothing by or against myself. His conscience was clear. “He that judgeth is the Lord,” Paul reminded the Corinthian Christians. The Lord Jesus Christ shall judge the quick and the dead at His appearing (II Tim. 4:1). There will be a re­ vealing expose when Christ comes to judge. He will bring to light hidden

things of darkness. Christ says, “I am He which searcheth the reigns of the hearts.” Are you prepared for that day? Colossians 3:4, and 5 re­ minds us that at Christ’s coming every unclean thought, word and deed, every lustful passion, every evil de­ sire, and coveteousness (which is the idolatry of greed), will be made mani­ fest. All such things must be de­ stroyed. This is what Paul meant in a later chapter, I Thessalonians 5:23, “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” The sanc­ tification spoken of here is one that extends to the whole man. Complete holiness, or entire sanctification is made possible only by God. As believers we are to walk so cir­ cumspectly that we will abstain from every appearance of evil. The purpose is that we might be found free of blame when the Lord comes to take us to Himself (II Tim. 4:1 and 2). What an appeal to faithfulness. The young minister, Timothy, is to preach the Word at every opportunity, with­ out regard to the prejudices and no­ tions of some who might oppose him. He is to stand by at all times. Two reasons are given for this exhortation. First of all, most people do not want this kind of preaching. On the other hand, the Lord Jesus Christ is coming again. In view of His judgment seat the servant should labor faithfully for no one will escape without giving ac­ count of his stewardship to the Lord. I John 2:28 declares, “And now, lit­ tle children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have con­ fidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.” If you are not a Christian having never received the Lord Jesus Christ, will you do so now, today? God wants to make you fit for heaven and an eternity with Him, as you yield your life to the Saviour. 19

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