us when we fail to do those things which please Him. Our stewardship is based upon our love for the Lord, not upon a fear of being killed if we do not give. Q . Eugene, Oregon — “Does I Corin thians H :3 i mean that women should not participate vocally in church serv ices, or does it apply only to disorder ly conduct of women in church gather ings ?” A. Interpretation of this verse has gone to many extremes. In those days, as is true in some countries today, women had a separate place in wor ship. They sat in a group separate from the men so that they would not cause any distraction. This was why they were to ask of their own hus bands at home. This doesn’t mean that women shouldn’t participate vocally in church services. They need to praise the Lord, too. It does apply to dis orderly conduct which would disrupt the service. The assembly should be quiet and orderly in the time of praise and worship. Q . Santa Maria, Calif. — “Will the rap ture be before or after the mark of the beast? Will Christians go through the tribulation? Will anyone have a chance to go to heaven after Christ has taken His saints home?" A. The mark of the beast is referred to in the 13th chapter of Revelation. The Church will be taken up or rap tured before this time. We do not be lieve that Christians will go through the tribulation. Scripture is clear on this aspect. When the Lord comes again, those who are living on the earth, wiil have the opportunity, as we have had, of receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour. Q . Mutcoy, Calif. — “When Jesus was talking about the rich man and Laza rus in Luke 16:19 to 31, was this a parable or not?” A. There is no reason to believe that Jesus might not have had a specific
case. It is well to see that in no para ble is an individual named. Therefore, we may conclude that this was not a parable but a very real occurrence. He wanted the people of all ages to under stand very definitely and very clearly. Q . Fresno, Calif. — “A group came to my home and declared that Christ was really lower than God. Could you please explain the truth to me as compared to Matt. 28:18 and I Cor. 15:28?” A. In the Gospel portion our Saviour rightly declares, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” The epistle states correctly that as Saviour the Son also shall “be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.” If Christ is lower than God, then all of the wit ness of the New Testament has to be discounted, as well as the prophetic words of the Old Testament. As an example in Isa. 9 :5-6 we find that the child born and the Son given is none other than the mighty God, the ever lasting Father. (The same is true with Isa. 7:14.) The passage Paul writes to the Corinthian Christians must be considered again in its con text. While it is not apropos in all instances, consider the case of a hus band and wife who are, in God’s sight, equal. The Lord says, however, for the economy of the home, that one should willingly subordinate her self to the other. This is what Christ did in the plan of redemption. He de clared that because God loved the world, He would take on human flesh. This was the great condescension in that He Who is equal with God, did this for our salvation. He willingly subjected Himself to the Father (Phil. 2:5-11). Be extremely careful concerning these false cults which come to the door with the ruse of being helpful, but in actuality they bring in damnable heresies (II John 10, 11). We would commend to you to an excellent 15-cent publication by Dr. Keith L. Brooks, “Spirit of Truth and Spirit of Error.” 25
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