Biola Broadcaster - 1965-10

SPEAK GENTLY Speak gently! He who gave H is life, To bend m an's stubborn will, W h e n elements were in fierce strife Said to them, "Peace, be still!" Speak gently! It is better far To rule by love than fear; Speak gently! Let not harsh words mar The good we m ight do here. Speak gently to the aged one; Grieve not the care-worn heart; The sands of life are nearly run: Let such in peace depart. Speak gently, kindly, to the poor, Let no harsh tone be heard, They have enough they must endure W ithout an unkind word! Speak gently! 'T is a little thing, Dropped in the heart's deep well; The good, the joy which it may bring Eternity shall tell. A MOTHER'S PRAYER Be Thou within our household, Lord, W e welcome Thee to come, A n d dwell within each waiting heart M a k in g it T h y home. Be Thou the tender M aster here W ith love, Th y gentle rod, A n d strong shall be our dwelling place Firm on the rock of God. W hat though the storms may come and go, The years a sweeping tide, W ithin the home that T h o u hast made T h y presence shall abide. — Ruth Gibbs Zwall Don't stay so young so that you don't grow up. * , * * Sin is a luxury no nation can afford. The trouble with being a parent is that by the time you become experienced you're already unemployed. * * * He who is heaven-bound must first be heaven-born.

Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, Biola radio Bibleteacher stands betöre statue of Stanley in Leopoldville during his recent missionary tour of Africa. In the background is the Congo River.

The fellow who faces the music will eventually get to lead the band.

GOD DOES KNOW H e does know. In H is all-wise Father­ hood H e knows it, and allows it For your good. I think the language of G o d's heart would read: " I see my child, I note his every need. I long to prosper him in all his ways, To give him quiet nights, and peace­ ful days. But if I do, he'll lose him self from M e: M y outstretched hand he will not wait to see. So I will put a hindering wall before his feet, A n d there he shall wait, and there we two shall meet. Then, when at last upon my breast he leans, H e shall have never ceased to wonder what it m eans."


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