W HO IS REMEMBERED Two boys grew up in the Taylor fam ily. The older one was determined to be known by all the world. He chose poli tics, and living in England was eventual ly selected for Parliament. His younger brother, however, dedicated his life to the Lord Jesus Christ. He didn’t know what ultimately might be involved. Turn ing his face toward the vast land of China he felt God's call to proclaim the Gospel to those in desperate spiritual need. Hudson Taylor became a true fire brand for Christ and has been known on every continent. His name is synony mous with modern missionary exploits and endeavors. Whose life will be more greatly rewarded in eternity? The evi dence seems plain, coupled with the fact that most encyclopedias or personality directories list the politician with the simple definition, “The brother of Hud son Taylor." It is eminently true that God honors those who honor Him. “Every Christian is a missionary, and every heart without Christ is a mission field.” PRAYER FOR THE UNSAVED Aimlessly walking down the boulevard, some roudy young people were on the prowl. One of them noticed a Christian worker who stood on a street comer preaching the Gospel. That was all they needed. The leader held his gang back bragging that he was going to show u]> the stupid Christian. Approaching him beligerently he de clared sarcastically, “Hey man, will you pray for me?” Without flinching or hesi- tgting the zealous Christian worker bou'ed his head and started to lead out with a loud voice. He had one hand on the delinquent’s head as he declared so all could hear,' “Oh Lord, make this young man’s heart just as soft as his head."
THE WORRIER There was a certain woman who con stantly commiserated about her physical condition. There wasn’t anything really wrong, she just enjoyed poor health. One day, a neighbor, noticing she was exceptionally well, made the mistake of asking how she felt. The complainer re plied, “Oh, / just don’t know. Actually / feel very good, but l always feel bad when I feel well because I know l am going to feel worse after / feel better." DEFIN ITION OF C H R IST IA N IT Y An influential businessman was con stantly beseiged for funds. Despite the worthy cause he took special pride in declining each of them. To one he gave this nasty reply, “A s-fa r as I can see this Christian business is just one con tinuous give, give, give." The man, rep resenting the organization which had invited him to invest in their work, re plied, “Dear sir: 1 want to thank you for the best definition of the Christian life I have ever heard.” Giving is certainly one of the hallmarks of the believer’s life. We are never so much like the Lord as when we give. TRAGEDY TO TRIUM PH A lone survivor of a ship wreck was thrown onto an uninhabited island. A fter a few days he was able to build a crude little hut in which he placed what few things he Was able to save from the wreck. Daily he prayed to God for de liverance, anxiously scaning the horizon trying to signal any passing ship. Then, all seemed completely lost for as he re turned from a hunt looking for food he was horrified to discover that his hut was in flames. All he had went up in smoke. He concluded God really had for saken him. Bowed in grief and deep in 27
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