dressed, in the little white hospital gown, she replied confidently, “Alright, doctor. But if I’m going to sleep, I have to first say my prayers.” The surgeon smiled, squeezing her hand assuring, "That’s a good idea. And you can pray for me too.’’ So, getting up off of the hospital cart, she knelt down as best she could with doctors, nurses, and her father lis tening. “Oh Lord Jesus, you know where I am in this great big place and that mommy is sick at home. Bless Daddy, my Sunday school teacher, this nice doctor, the lovely nurses, and everyone else. Help them to know how much you love each one of us. Amen.” Hearing this was too much for the father. He asked to be excused for a few moments. Finding an empty room he knelt down and after years of rebellion to what he knew was right he surrendered his life to the Lord. The next morning when the doctor re turned to the hospital, following the successful operation, he told one of the nurses who had not been ashamed to be known as a Christian, “I hadn’t prayed for 30 years but last night when I got home I had to beg the Lord, whom I ’ve forsaken for so long, that He would show me mercy and grace.” MEETING CELEBRITIES When Mark Twain was in Berlin he received an invitation to call on the Kaiser. His little daughter exclaimed, “Why Daddy, if it keeps on this way there won’t be anybody left for you to get acquainted with, except for the Lord!” It is tragic that most people are more interested in human personalities rather than in getting to know the Sav iour, who controls the very destiny of the universe. STANDA RD OF TESTING An individual’s estimation of th e Scriptures indicates his true nature. A Mohammedan trader in India asked his European merchant friend if he would get him the type of a Bible people from the continent might use. Knowing that the Indian didn’t believe the Bible, the merchant was puzzled. He told him, “Sure, I can get you a copy of the Bible, but why would you want it? You’ve told me you don’t believe it." The Mohammedan agreed, “Yes, that’s true, however, I use it to test people. You see, when an unknown European mer chant comes wanting to do business, I make it a point to have a Bible placed
in his way. Then I just watch to see what he does with it. I f he handles it reverently, perhaps even opening its pages to look up some portion, I know he can be trusted. If, on the other hand, he pushes it aside, appearing to have no time for it, I politely bid him ‘good bye.’ He’s not the kind with whom I want to do business." What place or prominence does the Bible have in your home and life? V IN D IC A T IN G THE BIBLE Voltaire, the French infidel, told a friend, “It took twelve ignorant fisher men to establish Christianity. I ’ll show the world how one Frenchman can easily destroy it.” A t various times he had openly ridiculed the fine man of God, Sir Isaac Newton. The Britisher had made a prediction based on Daniel 12:1, and Nahum 2:U stating, “Man will some day be able to travel at the tremendous speed of more than 50 miles an hour.” Voltaire scoffed challengingly, “See what a fool Christianity has made of an other wise brilliant man. Doesn’t he know that if a man traveled at 50 miles an hour his heart would stop beating and he would suffocate?” (What do you suppose Voltaire would say to our space man who recently traveled at more than 17,000 miles an hour? God is not mocked. The irony of Voltaire’s futile efforts revealed that some years after he died his home
This is Ihe completed Biela Rose of Sharon Prayer Chapel mentioned on the opposite page. Now ready lor student use, it will be a valued place where young people can come for medi tation apart from the busy stream of Campus activities.
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