Qod’s People Israel
This Address: “The Sovereignty
Bible Conference Speaker Evangelical Foundation, JÉ Philadelphia, Pa.
T here have been many theological battles fought over one of the most blessed truths of the Bible, name ly, the sovereignty of God. While some men may shun this truth, the Apostle Paul emphasizes it over and over again. In Romans 9:16 we read, “So then it is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy.” (Verse 14 also should be studied in this connection.) Since some men feel they must contribute something to their salvation, they have not accepted these words in all the depth and truth the Holy Spirit has meant for them. If it were possible for us to save ourselves, or even to have the smallest fraction or part in our salvation, we would be the first to take all of the credit for it. Man is arrogant, proud, and selfish, doing everything in his power to steal the glory away from God. The Lord wants us to know that He alone is
God. In Ephesians 2:1-10 we see that salvation is all of the Lord and none of us. First of all, apart from Christ, we are dead in trespasses and sin. Second, we are all children of wrath. I submit that only a sovereign God could break through these barriers. This is exactly what the Lord has done in sovereign grace. The children of Israel should have learned this vital lesson. As an example, all barriers had to be broken concerning Pharoah’s willingness to let them leave the land. If Israel had taken any part in their miraculous deliverance, they would have been proud and boastful, no matter how little they may have done. This is shown, too, in Romans 9:17. ' In discussing the works of God we frequently hear scientists and philos ophers speak of “secondary causes.” They try to tell us that it wasn’t really God who formed all things. Men are 3
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