PRAYER Prayer opens heavy doors all hinged with unbelief; Prayer sheds a scented balm to assuage an aching grief. Prayer knows no coward fear, Notes every falling tear, C ounts every blessing here, Know s life is brief. Prayer storm s the hostile camps of sin and doubt and care, W restling the whole night through, alive to do and dare: Prayer meets Thee face to face, Sensing Th y throne of grace, M a ke s trial a hollowed place, If Thou art there. SO SW IFT THE W AY ! In this fast-m o ving w orld of turm oil and tension, W ith problems and troubles, too many to mention, O ur days are so crowded and our hours so few, There's so little time and so much to do. W e are pressured and pushed until we are "d iz z y ," Th ere's never a minute we're not "crazily busy." A n d sometimes we wonder as we rush through the day— Does God really want us to hurry this way? W h y are we impatient and continual ly vexed, A n d often bewildered, disturbed and perplexed? Perhaps we're too busy with our own selfish seeking To hear the dear Lord when H e 's tenderly speaking. W e are working so tensely in our self-centered way, W e 'v e no time for listening to what God has to say, A n d hard as we work, at the end of the day W e know in our hearts our real lack on the way. But God in H is mercy looks down on us all, A n d though what we've done is so pitifully small, He makes us feel welcome to kneel
down and pray For trying to do better as we start a new day, A n d life would be better if we learned to rely On our Father in heaven without ask ing "w h y ." A n d if we'd remember as we rush through the day, "T h e Lord is our Shepherd and H e'll lead the w ay." So don't rush ahead in reckless en deavor, Remember "H e leadeth" and "tim e is forever"! IF GOD FORGOT THE WORLD FOR JUST ONE DAY If God forgot the world for just one day Then little children would not laugh and play; Birds would not in the leafy wood lands sing, A n d roses would not beautify the spring. N o gentle showers throughout the summer long, N o autumn fields to cheer the heart with song, N o rising sun, no moon to give its light, N o placid lake reflect the stars of night. N o friend to help us on the toilsome road, N o one to help us bear the heavy load. N o light to shine upon the pilgrim way, N o one to care, or wipe the tear away. N o listening ear to hear the lost one call, N o eye to see the righteous battler fall. N o balm of Gilead to dull the throb bing pain N o one to comfort and the heart sustain. M illions would die in unforgiven sin, W ith none to bring the lost and stray ing in; Yes, this great universe would melt away, If God forgot the world for just one day.
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