by Dr. Ralph L. Keiper
W hat would you say if you were asked to prove that God is really just? Romans 9:17 gives us a good basic understanding of this question, but let us take it in the proper con text. Paul has asked why it is that God finds fault. As some men have foolishly said, “If we can’t determine the course of our own actions why does the Lord find fault with us?” Taking the whole counsel of God into consid eration we see His sovereignty as well as our free will. The two are not in conflict whatsoever. As an example, the death of the Lord Jesus was deter mined from all eternity. It ultimately was brought about through Judas as the human agent carrying out the steps that led to Christ’s ultimate cru cifixion. God did not create Judas for these acts. He didn’t force him to per form such dastardly deeds. God holds every man responsible for his own individual acts. Man is a free agent as is indicated from cover to cover in Scripture. Man turns a deaf ear to the perfect counsels of God and says in essence, “Don’t interfere with me, I’ll run my life. I am the captain of my faith.” What a picture of rebel lion. The Holy Spirit will not always strive with the human race. Out of continual rebe llion and arrogance mens’ hearts are hardened. When Adam and Eve sinned, the first thing they did was to hide from God. It wasn’t man who sought God. The Lord said to Adam, “Where art thou?” He sought him in tenderness, mercy, and grace. When Adam realized his wicked state, realizing he was naked and bereaved of all blessing, God provided him with a covering, as well as with a promise of the Redeem er. Always, in the midst of judgment, God remembers mercy. Men are not willing to read and to heed the truth (Rom. 1:18). What are you doing with the truth ? Are you holding it down? If you know the
Lord Jesus Christ as personal Sav iour, are you walking in His way? As we see the tragedy and shame hard ness of heart brings upon people, let us pray for tenderness of spirit with TRAVELING W ITH GOD M y plans were made, I thought my path all bright and clear, M y heart with songs o'erflowed, the world seemed full of cheer. M y Lord I wished to serve, to take H im for my guide, To keep so close that I could feel Him by my side, A n d so I traveled on. But, suddenly, in skies so clear and full of light, The clouds fell thick and fast, the days seemed changed to night; Instead of paths so clear and full of things so sweet. Rough things and thorns and stones seemed all about my feet? I scarce could travel on. I bowed my head and wondered why this change should come. A n d murmured, "Lord, Is this because of aught I've done? H as not the past been full enough of pain and care? W h y should my path again be changed to dark from fa ir?" But still I traveled on. I listened, quiet and still, there came a voice, "T h is path is mine, not thine, I made the choice; Dear child, this service will be the best for thee and me, If thou wilt simply trust and leave the end to m e." A n d so we travel on. a willingness to be led by the Lord. May we hear Him say, “This is the way, walk ye in it.” There can be no other pathway of peace and blessing. 5
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