The comedic drama series tells the story of a modern, imperfect woman and publisher named Evelyn Jones (Keddie) and her journey from lounge room blogger to becoming a force in women’s media. Set in the dynamic and ever-changing world of publishing, digital media and its origins, the series is inspired by Mia Freedman’s memoir, ‘Work, Strife, Balance’, and written and adapted for screen by Australian screenwriter Sarah Scheller. STRIFE
RUNTIME: 8 x 30’ WRITER: Sarah Scheller, Based on the book by Mia Freeman DIRECTOR: Bruna Papandrea, Jodi Matterson, Steve Hutensky, Sarah Scheller, Asher Keddie, Mia Freeman, Brian Walsh, Alison Hurbert-Burns STARRING: Asher Keddie, Matt Day, Jonathan LaPaglia, Tina Bursill, Emma Lung, Maria Angelico, Rhys Mitchell, Olivia Junkeer, BeBe Bettencourt, Bryony Skillington, Lucy Ansell, Darcy Tadich and Willow Speers COMMISSIONER: Binge, Foxtel Group (Australia) Stuart Bowen PRODUCERS:
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