This unmissable, hilarious and heart-warming comedy show centres on the lives of English builders Lee (Miles Chapman) and Dean (Mark O’Sullivan). Best buddies since childhood, they’re inseparable – until Lee meets the love of his life, and Dean realises Lee might just be the love of his! We follow the pair, their builder mates and family, through antics on the building site… and at charity galas, poetry nights, bark-rubbing competitions, a shockingly eventful stag (bachelor) weekend, two births, an almost foursome, and a funeral!
“Toe-curlingly funny” - Daily Mail “One of the funniest shows on TV” – The Guardian
RUNTIME: Season 1: 5 x 30’ Season 2: 6 x 30’ WRITERS: Mark O’Sullivan, Miles Chapman, Sam Underwood DIRECTOR: Mark O’Sullivan PRODUCER : Bingo Productions STARRING: Mark O’Sullivan, Miles Chapman, Anna Morris, Camile Ucan. Featuring Sam Underwood, Jason Barnett, Tom Bennett. COMMISSIONER: Channel 4 (UK)
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