Do you have to have experience in investing to use sbinvest ? No, as I say, it is a perfect way to start saving or open your first ISA. There are many people out there who recognise that their money could be working harder for them, but are not confident about putting together their own portfolio. Our sbinvest facility will design a portfolio for you based on a series of questions, including your appetite for and resilience to risk. The process is designed to ensure that the investment solution offered is suitable for each individual. The system will show you some example performance and highlight the potential upsides and downsides; this process takes around ten minutes and you can save your application and come back to it later so there is no high pressure rush to sign up. If you are happy to go ahead you will be asked for your personal details and a few more questions. You will then be issued with a report and illustrations which you can download or print – it’s that easy. There is a common misconception that an investment ISA will only invest in stocks and shares or equities, but that is not the case for the investment portfolios within sbinvest . Each of the 10 risk-graded options has a blend of different asset classes including exposure to commercial property funds, fixed interest securities (which means lending to the government or to corporate organisations) and equities across the globe including the UK, Europe, America and Emerging Markets. The more risk you take, the higher percentage exposure you will have to overseas equities. The portfolios are also designed to be rebalanced on a quarterly basis, so it’s not a case of signing up to a fixed selection of asset classes, which you are stuck with for years to come. What kind of portfolios will investors be investing in?
What kind of charges are involved with online investing? Scrutton Bland currently manage around £400 million of funds for our financial planning clients which means that we have substantial buying power and can negotiate attractive terms for our sbinvest clients. Each sbinvest portfolio has a different mix of funds which can affect the total price, but most portfolios will have a total annual cost of less than 1%, with no initial set up fee being applied. How can you ensure that a client is managing their investment responsibly and in their best interests if it is online? All of our advisers are careful to remind clients that it is vital for them to review their investment portfolio regularly and the sbinvest system will prompt clients to do this annually. Each of the portfolios offered through sbinvest are automatically rebalanced on a quarterly basis. This is important to ensure that a portfolio is balanced and adjusted if required because if you do not manage the balance of a portfolio it can very quickly become over exposed to one asset class, therefore potentially increasing the overall risk of that portfolio. The beauty of sbinvest is that it provides you with the flexibility to access your account and check on your investment at any time, and from any location – as long as you have internet access!
If you would like to find out more about getting started with your investments online, or any aspect of investment planning you can visit www.scruttonbland. or speak to one of the Financial Planning team on 0330 058 6559 or email sbinvest is a service for anyone seeking effective and low cost investment management of their disposable income and/or capital. It does not offer a holistic assessment of your financial situation or take into account any existing investments that you may hold. Scrutton Bland Financial Services Limited offers independent, chartered financial planning advice and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
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