Adviser - Winter 2018

Why do you think the fact that Scrutton Bland is Chartered is important for clients? Being Chartered means that an Adviser is proficient in giving independent financial advice across the board, and not just in one specific area, for example only advising on pensions or Inheritance Tax. It also means that they are committed to giving you advice rather than selling you a product. Using a Chartered firm means you know that you will be looked after by professionals who are committed to the highest standards of service.

Does being Chartered mean that people have to pay more for financial advice? No, we are upfront about our fees and always explain them to people beforehand. Our financial planning advisers don’t work on commission, so they have no reason to add on extras that you don’t need. Our Client Care Charter lays out what you can expect from Scrutton Bland and is easily accessible on our website Increasingly people are using online facilities to carry out their financial transactions, from shopping to banking and filing their tax returns to opening investment products. We recognise that many people want to have straightforward investments such as ISAs, with many preferring to do this online, and this doesn’t always require face-to-face advice. In fact, we recently launched a service called sbinvest which offers our clients the facility of opening a general invest or ISA, you can find out more by visiting our website.

For more information on financial planning or to speak with a Chartered Adviser you can contact Grant Buchanan on 0330 058 6559 or grant.buchanan@

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