Adviser - Winter 2018

Why stay in Cambridge? Have you been tempted to move to another location? Cambridge is our home. Since Elite was published in 1984 our founder and CEO has had close links with the city. We’ve moved through a number of studio spaces in and around Cambridge before settling in our most recent home on Cambridge’s Science Park. We think Cambridge is a great place to recruit talented graduates, and a terrific place for developers who are further into their careers to really thrive. What are your ambitions for the business in the coming years? Everything we do is about making great games. We went independent a few years ago to make great games, we grew our team to create great games and we moved into a new studio space to create great games. As our Chief Creative Officer says, ‘if you look after the games, then the games will look after you’. We have lots of ambitions, but they’re all facilitated by making great games that players love.

It is clear that your people are critical to your business, and you have used Flex Benefits to help create a more enjoyable and useful environment for them. Can you explain a bit more about the rationale for using Flex, and which benefits have worked best for your workforce? People at Frontier are motivated by the exciting and challenging games they work on. We recognise the amazing people on our team and reward them with a range of excellent benefits, allowing everyone to share in Frontier’s success. Everyone at Frontier is different and the advantage of a flexible benefits plan allows people greater control in choosing benefits that best suits their individual needs. Our team especially appreciated our new Private Medical Insurance which is paid for by Frontier, is Medical History Disregarded and is extended to partners and dependants. Our people like having speedy access to specialist treatment that includes pre-existing conditions.

The Scrutton Bland Employee Benefits team work with businesses and organisations to create bespoke employee benefits and reward packages tailored to fit a range of circumstances and goals. For more information on the range of benefits available or to review your current package contact James Bolton , email james.

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