Conner Marketing July 2018

... Cover article continued

8. Use of Stories Telling stories is a very persuasive technique to get people to believe in you and have confidence in what you say. You need to know your story about how you got into real estate and be ready to share how you heard about private lending. During my first conversation with a potential lender, I will passionately talk about how I’d never even heard about private money until nine or so years ago, and how I was so excited about it that I became a private lender myself. You also want to share a story about one of your private lenders and how you’ve made an impact on their life, which is why I regularly tell the story about Carol Joy’s and my first private lender. To this day they can’t thank us enough because we were able to dramatically transform their retirement years. You can have all the facts and figures, but people do business with people, and stories are what make you real. 9. Keep Your Commitments Let’s say you make an appointment with a potential lender to meet at noon for lunch to discuss your private lending program and you show up 10 minutes late. When you tell this person about your program, do you think they will think about how you were late and ask themselves, “I wonder if they will be late on their payments to me, too?” This might sound extreme, but as T. Harv Eker, author of “Millionaire Mind Intensive” wrote, “How you do anything is how you do everything.” Keep your commitments, however small they may seem. 10. Keep it Simple When President Ronald Reagan had someone come to himwith a proposal and saw it was more than one sheet of paper, he would push the pages across the desk back to them and say, “When you understand this clear enough that you can explain it on one page, bring it back to me.” As I have traveled the nation speaking, I’ve found it’s better to keep the message simple. Now, I’m not implying that the people who listen to me or that the people that you will speak to are dumb, but you do not want to risk not being understood. How can I believe someone if I don’t understand what they are saying? Keep it simple, don’t overload people with information they don’t need, and be sure the person you’re speaking to understands what you are explaining. 11. Use Specific Numbers This one might sound surprising, but I do this all the time because I have the research to back it up. Specific numbers are much more believable than rounded numbers. If I need to tell someone how low interest rates are in 12-month certificates of deposits across the nation, I’m not going to say, “They’re around a quarter of a percent.” I’m going to open up a recent issue of USA Today, flip to the money section, and show them the report that states the interests rates are just 0.49 percent. And then, when I tell them I can get them 8 percent returns, it sounds much more impressive and much more believable. These are the 11 strategies I’ve developed to get people to believe in me. I know there are other ways, and maybe you have some tried and true methods of your own, but I promise you, when you incorporate these 11 strategies, your business will be even more successful.

risks. “What is the worst that can happen?” people wonder. When it comes to private money, I tell people that since I’m securing their loan with a mortgage, the worst that can happen is I lose my mind, move to the Caribbean, and they get the house. Which, incidentally, will give themmore equity and more money than I would have paid them in interest. 6. Don’t Chase. Don’t Beg. Don’t Come Across as Desperate. Don’t try to talk people into doing anything. We are simply making information about private money available. I make the information known, and at the same time, I act as if it’s okay if they don’t want to join the program. Because it is okay! You don’t want to present yourself as desperate. You are giving them an outstanding opportunity by making this information available to them. If they want in, great. If not, that’s fine. You’re not trying to twist anyone’s arm. 7. Your Reputation When I am speaking on stage across the nation, people in the audience are Googling “Jay Conner.” While you can’t believe everything on the internet, if there are comments about you, you’ll want the positives to outweigh the negatives. This goes back to your character, your reputation in your community, and what kind of person you are.

John 14:1 Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also inMe. Mark 9:23 And Jesus said to him, “‘If You can?’ All things are possible to himwho believes.” Romans 10:10 … for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. Have You Heard the Good News ... As It Relates to “Belief”?

–Jay Conner

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