Fields of Change handbook (English)

03. Introduction To Move for the Planet

Fields Of Change: A Sustainability Handbook


FFF and Move for the Planet At Football For Future, we believe in the power of sport as a catalyst for change. Through our involvement in Move for the Planet, we have been committed to fostering a global community dedicated to sustainability, knowledge sharing, and innovation. Together with our partners, we are shaping a more resilient and environmentally conscious future for generations to come. FFF coordinated the Move for the Planet Community, delivering: • Expert training: Five comprehensive training sessions, equipping organisations with the necessary knowledge and tools to embrace sustainable practices effectively. • On-going support: Seven community check-in sessions, fostering dialogue and collaboration among participants, and ensuring ongoing support and guidance throughout their sustainability journey. • Comprehensive handbook: This comprehensive handbook for global Sport For Good organisations, consolidating key learnings from the training sessions and providing additional resources to aid organisations in their sustainability journey.

Football For Future (FFF) is a not-for-profit made up of sustainability experts, climate scientists, and football-creatives who are building a more environmentally sustainable culture in the beautiful game. We do this by raising awareness of the relationship between football and climate, and supporting the industry to become more environmentally sustainable. From the professional game to grassroots, from the streets to the stands, broadcaster to burger vans - we represent stakeholders across the game. We are all key players with different responsibilities and positions of power.

Find out more at: Follow us on Instagram: @ftblforfuture

How are FFF making a difference? Player support We offer bespoke climate education, communication training, and campaign support for professional players and personalities from the football com- munity who want to drive sustainable change. Education workshops We deliver educational workshops that bring together the themes of football, climate and sustainability for all ages and abilities. Club sustainability support We provide sustainability support for football clubs - from non-league to Premier League - auditing, developing strategies and empowering them with the tools they need to tackle climate change.

Staff training We deliver bespoke climate training for industry professionals covering the fundamentals of the climate, its interrelationship with football, & exploring best practice to empower stakeholders to use their platforms to accelerate sustainable change in their sectors. Journalism We produce leading football, climate and sustainability journalism, researching stories and amplifying best practices through the language of football to make the issues tangible, relatable and relevant to new audiences.



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