04. The Syllabus: E. Sport and Climate Communication
Fields Of Change: A Sustainability Handbook
The reality is that if we made all of sport carbon neutral and sustainable overnight, we would not solve climate change or biodiversity loss. However, if we shifted attitudes, behaviours and beliefs in every sporting fan, we might just have a chance. The greatest potential of sport is to change the hearts and minds around the world. So, who in sport can communicate about sustainability? • Events/Tournaments Events and competitions can set the tone and introduce measures to mitigate their impact on the environment. This can set the tone, show sport can lead by example, and demonstrate that sustainability is key. • Athletes Those participating in sport are often role models for people, especially young fans. They can have a real impact on attitudes by speaking to audiences about why it is important to take action on sustainability. • Sportswear Brands Manufacturers of equipment can lead by example and develop new ways of making more sustainable clothing and equipment, using elite sport to showcase progress in the sector and raise standards. • Sport For Good Organisations Sport organisations with a social cause can communicate the links between sport and sustainability, and enable community members to take actions in their private lives and in their communities.
Nothing is more important than protecting the planet - and no social phenomenon is more powerful than sport. Because of this, sport has a unique power to communicate about climate and drive changes in attitudes and behaviours. Sporting institutions and athletes have an incredible power to influence fans. Research has found sporting figures to be able to impact the opinions of the public, and they are particularly trusted by younger people 46 . The 10 most followed football players have a combined 2.5 billion followers on social media according to Football Benchmark 47 . Influencers in general have been shown to be a driving force behind changing attitudes and opinions - the latest study on behaviour change and social media from Unilever found that influencers have the single biggest impact on people’s sustainable lifestyle choices today. 75% of respondents said that pragmatic and optimistic sustainability content made them more likely to adopt sustainable behaviours, and 83% agreed that TikTok and Instagram are helpful places to seek out advice on sustainability 48 .
75% of respondents said that pragmatic and optimistic sustainability content made them more likely to adopt sustainable behaviours, and 83% agreed that TikTok and Instagram are helpful places to seek out advice on sustainability
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