Fields of Change handbook (English)

06. Final Words

Fields Of Change: A Sustainability Handbook


Our Call To Action For Sport For Good Sector This sense of a passionate, enthusiastic, and truly global

Takeaways: Running A Learning Community In The Sport For Good Sector The experience of Year 1 of Move for the Planet has demonstrated the power of Sport For Good across the world, and the amazing potential for embedding sustainability within these organisations. It has been a privilege to provide a platform to facilitate conversations and dialogue around different themes of sustainability within Sport For Good organisations. In-depth knowledge exists in communities - it is learned by and embodied within the people who are doing the work on the ground, who have the lived experience. There is an incredible appetite for sustainability within these organisations and communities; they just need the tools, internal buy-in, access to resources, and funding to unlock and drive change.

community, discussing and helping each other on a shared sustainability journey, was the highlight of Year 1. Across the world, Sport For Good organisations are pulling in the same direction, embodying the spirit of moving together for our shared planet. We ask that you engage on the topic of environmental sustainability - for your own sustainability, and for the adaptation and resilience of your communities. You have the power to be a genuine leader and to support your communities to face the consequences of climate change. So pass on what you have learned from this handbook, and pass it to other Sport For Good organisations, and help us to embed sustainability in communities across the world. After all, when it comes to tackling climate change and biodiversity loss, we’re all on the same team for this one!

Whilst many challenges and opportunities are shared between organisations such as management processes, impact measurement, or how to frame climate and the environment in messaging to communities, all organisations sit within unique socio-cultural and environmental conditions, so experience sustainable development in different ways. We hope that the guidance and skills provided by the Move for the Planet Community sessions and this hand- book can be adapted and improved by the experts on the ground in their respective localities. In running a global learning community, time zones can be difficult to navigate. Having people from different countries and speaking different languages with live translation can provide logistical challenges when it comes to communication.

However, if you can overcome this with smooth translation, it pays dividends through increasing the plurality of knowledge and experiences in the room that can be shared. The richest part of this is conversation and discussion, providing an opportunity for knowledge-sharing between people who are on the same journey. The most important ingredient, the glue binding this project together, is the community that we built over time. Getting to understand the personalities of different characters, what they brought to the sessions and discussions, and understanding people’s values and lives, formed a closeness and true sense of community on our calls together.



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