20A — September 16 - 29, 2016 — Appraisal — M id A tlantic
Real Estate Journal
Delaware Chapter of the Appraisal Institute www.ai-delaware.org
The Delaware Chapter Of the Appraisal Institute consists of about 75 designated members, candidates and practicing affiliates. They perform a variety of services ranging from single family home appraisal to valuing large commercial shopping centers and industrial properties. Our membership can assist people on valuing the purchase or disposition of real estate as well as providing expert witness testimony for litigation.
President - Jay L. White, MAI Vice President - William J. Lefort Treasurer - Alexander D. Knight, MAI, AI-GRS Secretary - R. Braxton Dees Board of Directors - Harold L. Carmean, Frank O'Neill, SRA, Jodi M. Pries, MAI Past President - William R. McCain, MAI
2016 Directory for the Delaware Chapter of the Appraisal Institute
Geoffrey M Anderson Christopher Coulter Barrett Anne K. Bernhardt David J. Borek, MAI Thomas A. Bowers, SRA
Integra Realty Resources Bowers Associates — Appraisals-Counseling Bowers Associates Inc. HVS
Wilmington, DE Hockessin, DE Millsboro, DE Rehoboth Beach, DE Hockessin, DE Wilmington, DE Georgetown, DE Salisbury, MD Hockessin, DE Wilmington, DE Dover, DE New Castle, DE Seaford, DE Wilmington, DE Salisbury, MD Hockessin, DE Hockessin, DE Wilmington, DE Milford, DE Salisbury, MD Dover, DE Wilmington, DE Bethany Beach, DE Newark, DE Wilmington, DE Salisbury, MD Wilmington, DE Wilmington, DE Middletown, DE New Castle, DE Wilmington, DE Wilmington, DE Wilmington, DE Wilmington, DE Lancaster, PA Wilmington, DE Bethany Beach, DE Wilmington, DE Salisbury, MD Dover, DE Wilmington, DE Nassau, DE Newark, DE Wilmington, DE Wilmington, DE Salisbury, MD
gma016@gmail.com ccbarrett2@yahoo.com abernhardt248@gmail.com DJBMAI@comcast.net tabowers12@verizon.net jbyrd@hvs.com h.carmean@verizon.net braxton@wrmccain.com elvio_arg@yahoo.com tldorman007@gmail.com jfrazer@snip.net tharrison@htgconsultants.com srhuston1@comcast.net aknight@mtb.com will.lefort@verizon.net darryllorenz@gmail.com patrickdlorenz@gmail.com kmasoninc@aol.com jamie@mastenrealty.com bill@wrmccain.com pjm@mcginnisrealty.com rhmvalue@aol.com jmelsonmai@aol.com jmerrick@cornerstoneappraisal.us jimmullinsra1@gmail.com frank.oneill@stewart.com gparkermai@verizon.net dpassero@htgconsultants.com jodi@ag-visory.com preynolds@fsvs.biz Tom@ReynoldsAppraisal.com jrostocki@msn.com lruhl@irr.com fselby76iu@verizon.net wseward@wilmingtontrust.com gnichols@irr.com dnickel@irr.com
(302) 998-4030 (302) 239-7377 (802) 236-2841 —
(302) 239-7377 (901) 481-3058 (302) 856-2460 (410) 742-3201x124
Jerod S. Byrd, MAI Harold L. Carmean R B. Dees Elvio M. Diaz
Carmean Appraisal Group W.R. McCain & Associates Bowers Associates Inc. Valuation Consulting Partners, LLC Frazer & Associates HTG Consultants, LLC Huston Appraisal Company M&T Bank Lefort Appraisal & Consulting, Inc. Lorenz Associates Lorenz Associates Wilmington Trust Company Masten Realty, L.L.C. W.R. McCain & Associates, Inc. Dover Consulting Services, Inc. Appraisal Assoc., Inc. Joseph N. Melson, Jr. Cornerstone Appraisal Group, Inc. First State Valuation Service Reynolds Appraisal Company — Integra Realty Resources M & T Bank Wilmington Trust Company Valuation Consulting Partners LLC M&T Bank FFC Appraisal Group WSFS Bank Stephen H. Timmons, L.L.C. — The Trice Group, LLC Don Wallace, SRA Apex Realty Advisory Mullin Appraisal Service Integra Realty Resources Integra Realty Resources Stewart Valuation Services Advisory & Appraisal Co. HTG Consultants, LLC AgVisory LLC
(302) 239-7377 (302) 841-3446 (302) 697-7731 (302) 322-4100 (302) 629-8333 (302) 651-8737 (410) 546-8173 (302) 235-0850 (302) 235-0850 —
Travis Dorman John Frazer, III Todd B. Harrison Stephen R. Huston, SRA Alexander D. Knight,MAI, AI-GRS William J. Lefort Darryl P. Lorenz, SRA Patrick D. Lorenz Karen A. Mason James J. Masten William R. McCain, MAI Philip J. McGinnis Robert H. McKennon, MAI Joseph N. Melson, Jr, MAI, SRA Jeffrey H. Merrick, MAI James T. Mullin, SRA Frank O'Neill, Jr, SRA Gary V. Parker, MAI David S. Passero, MAI Jodi M. Pries, MAI Philip Reynolds Thomas C. Reynolds, III, SRPA James S. Rostocki William R. Seward, MAI Andrew W. Smith, MAI Margery Harrill Stuart, MAI, SRA Michael R. Tazartus Earl L. Timmons, Jr, MAI, AI-GRS Stephen H. Timmons Mickenzee Todd Leland B. Trice, SRA Donald L. Wallace, SRA Jay L. White, MAI Georgia L. Nichols, MAI Douglas L. Nickel, MAI Lauren R. Ruhl, MAI Frank R. Selby, MAI
(302) 422-1850 (410) 742-3201 (302) 736-1365 (302) 652-0710 (302) 541-5400 (302) 368-9032 (302) 475-7375 (410) 921-0430x300
(302) 998-4030 (302) 433-8940 (302) 584-0707 (302) 322-4100 (302) 270-5165 (302) 757-5407 (302) 575-0955 —
(410) 202-0592 (302) 651-1264 (302) 651-1955 (302) 528-1203 (302) 651-1322 (717) 945-1985x11985 (302) 571-7051 (302) 228-5123 — (410) 543-1030x2031
drew@yourvcp.com mstuart@mtb.com mtazartus@fult.com
etimmons@wsfsbank.com steve@stevetimmons.com mtodd705@gmail.com ltrice@tricegrp.com donwallacesra@aol.com jwhite@apexrealtyadvisory.com
(302) 540-2938 (302) 479-5300
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