
18B — September 16 - 29, 2016 — New Jersey — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


N ew J ersey

W Dinner of NAI Dileo-Bram acts as leasing agent Upgrades reach completion at 90 Woodbridge Center OODBR I DGE , NJ — 90 Wood- bridge Center Dr.,

George Vallone shares insights on The CRE Top Ten Issues. . . continued from page 17B

total compound concentrations in soil and groundwater, such as benzene, naphthalene, and MTBE. Many site owners and tank operators have become frustrated, as frequently con- centrations of all regulated compounds have all but disap- peared, but low levels of ten- tatively identified compounds remain. The Guidance is ex- pected to address what can be done at sites where tentatively identified compounds exceed standards, but the discharge is considered not to be of sub- stantial concern. It is hoped that when the Guidance is issued, cases can be closed out more efficiently than looking into consultation and other compliance options, which can be costly even though the problem with an historic tank release is judged to be rela- tively minor. We at RT hope that forward and ongoing progress in up- dating Guidance and regula- tions continue, and we thank DEP for keeping Consultation ongoing, which is critical to resolving issues of particu- larly historic environmental importance at our thousands of Legacy Sites which continue to be addressed throughout the State of New Jersey. Gary Brown is President of RT Environmental Ser- vices, Inc. For assistance with New Jersey’s Brown- field and Site Remediation sites, you can contact Chris Ward at 856-467-2276 ext. 113, email: cward@rtenv. com or Gary Brown at 610- 265-1510 ext. 234, email: gbrown@rtenv.com. n sharing companies (e.g., Div- vy). These have become alter- natives to traditional lodging and transportation offerings – often operating outside of traditional regulations. They offer alternatives for employ- ment as well. Crowdfunding has become an addition to tra- ditional sources of capital for new enterprises and invest- ment, including real estate. 10. The Rise of “Experi- ential” Retail : Traditional retail is reacting to change by adapting, withmajor retailers shuttering stores and down- sizing their footprints, mov- ing more to online options. As retailers retrench and rethink their retail models, large online retailers thrive. Amazon has replaced Wal- Mart as the biggest retailer in terms of dollars. This creates not only challenges but also opportunities. n

which the LSRP is expected to document, and then the LSRP makes the decision as to implementation of findings from the consultation, decides whether a waiver is necessary and the LSRP then makes the final decision on the protec- tiveness of the remedy. Our LSRPs have found con- sultation with NJDEP very helpful, particularly at the many Legacy Sites that we have taken through the LSRP Program and sites where work continues due to the complex- ity and the extent of cleanup. CONCLUSION Prior to the start of the LSRP Program, the updates and changes in regulations which occurred were infre- quent and they had the po- tential to become outdated too quickly. It is clear that the LSRP Program has allowed senior NJDEP officials to work with the LSRPs by completing consultation, which is very helpful. NJDEP Officials also have time to keep up with the latest Guidance needed mov- ing forward, to allow the most appropriate cleanups to occur, which are protective in the manner that NJDEP expects. One of the most important upcoming Guidance Docu- ments, according to RT’s Tren- ton contacts, is the Tentatively Identified Compounds Guid- ance, which will affect hun- dreds of sites which have been waiting for a solution related to low level releases from un- derground storage tanks. Un- like other states, NJDEP regu- lates tentatively identified compounds, not just measured 9. The Sharing/Virtual Economy : As the effects of the recession only slowly fade, we are seeing the emer- gence of a “shadow economy” or “sharing economy.” New enterprises spring from eco- nomic uncertainties, such as Airbnb, Uber and bicycle crisis and the subsequent recession. 8. Energy : Whenever a key commodity encounters instability, it can threaten global economic security. En- ergy markets are currently unstable. This year’s crash in oil prices has threatened the global economy--capital markets have responded– Saudi Arabian debt has been downgraded by Moody’s and, in some markets (such as Houston and North Dakota) lenders are restricting com- mercial real estate debt.

sites may be unclear as to what regulations and cleanup standards were in effect at the time. Although LSRPs have wide latitude to determine what is a current protective remedy, DEP inspects proper- ties and projects, and it is not always clear or agreed upon what a protective remedy is, particularly at older sites. One of the recommendations RT made to NJDEP based on experience with other licensed professionals states, includ- ing Ohio, Massachusetts and Connecticut, was to allow ongoing consultation with DEP officials when questions arise. We have found that the consultation program NJDEP implements is not only very helpful, but also al- lows technical and regulatory continuity of what is called the “historical knowledge” of how the regulatory programs were implemented prior to the LSRP Program. The Con- sultation program also helps, as there are sometimes sites which have area of concern is- sues which are not covered by Guidance, regulation or law. In some instances, decisions pass to other parts of NJDEP Programs when questions arise which would otherwise not be clear to the LSRP. The consultation is for Li- censed Site Remediation Pro- fessionals to obtain top level professional information on the regulatory program, but not for decisions to be made by the NJDEP person com- pleting the consultation. The consultation relates to tech- nical and regulatory issues Owner occupied and man- aged by Atlantic Realty Development Corpora- tion , 90 WCD is located at the intersection of the Garden State Parkway, New Jersey Turnpike, US Routes 1&9, I-287/Route 440 via the Outerbridge Crossing. New Jersey Transit Bus service has a designated stop at 90 Woodbridge Center. There remains up to 20,000 s/f for lease. Robert Dinner of NAI Dileo-Bram acts as leasing agent for the property. n ing, video conference center, new elevator cabs, restrooms and air conditioning system controls and enhanced land- scaping. A loading dock and freight elevator also service 90 Woodbridge Center.

development sites. NJDEP Announces Revised Vapor Intrusion Technical Guidance NJDEP has announced the availability of revised Vapor Intrusion Technical Guidance: The Vapor Intrusion Tech- nical (VIT) Guidance has been revised from Version 3.1 (March 2013) to Version 4.0 (August 2016). Revisions to the document include a more streamlined presenta- tion that focuses on the most relevant VI issues. Portions of the main text and several appendices have been moved to the NJDEP VI website at www.nj.gov/dep/srp/guid- ance/vaporintrusion/. New sections have been added on Access, Field Analysis, and ProactiveMitigation. Two new checklists were added to as- sist Investigators during the design of a mitigation system and monitoring/maintenance inspections. The most signifi- cant change in the VIT Guid- ance involves a new science- based approach to handling VI investigations at petroleum contaminated sites. This new paradigm shift in screening petroleum vapor intrusion (PVI) sites using vertical screening distance is based on the USEPA PVI empirical database and the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) PVI Guidance. This Guidance builds on what we have learned in the last decade about soil vapor concerns at solvent release and gasoline petroleum re- lease sites. To complement the existing full service Amboy Bank branch with an outside ATM, the refurbishment project included renovations to the 2-story atrium lobby provid- ing Wi-Fi in common areas, newly installed revolving entrance doors, new furniture in the seating areas, new at- tended reception desk, wall art, murals and signage, elec- tronic tenant directory and TV monitor. Also just com- pleted is a new full service Woodbridge, NJ, the class A 250,000 s/f eleven story office tower has completed a $5 mil- lion dollar upgrades project over the last six months.

90 Woodbridge Center

Where to Find Guidance Documents Technical Guidance Docu- ments can be accessed on the Site Remediation webpage in the Guidance Library (www. nj.gov/dep/srp/guidance/). Use of Guidance on Existing Projects Note: Technical guidance may be used immediately upon issuance. However, the De- partment recognizes the chal- lenge of using newly issued or revised technical guidance when a remediation affected by the guidance may have already been conducted or is currently in progress. To provide for the reasonable implementation of new or revised technical guidance, the Department will allow a 6-month "phase-in" period between the date the technical guidance is issued and the time it should be used. LEGACY SITES AND CONSULTATION One of the most impor- tant aspects of New Jersey’s Site Remediation Program is dealing with Legacy Sites. Legacy Sites are those which were already in the DEP’s cleanup program before the Site Remediation Program started, about five years ago. Legacy Sites pose special challenges because DEP had a large backlog of technical reports submitted to NJDEP which were not reviewed. That means that at some sites LSRPs cannot always easily figure out exactly what NJDEP did and did not ap- prove to address existing areas of concern, and ap- provals from NJDEP at older Café to accommodate 75 with an additional outside seat- ing area, a 10,000 s/f tenant community event room for meetings, events, and train-

NJDEP – More forward steps to help move brownfields. . . By Gary Brown, RT Environmental Services continued from page 3B

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