Avoid a Bad Sales Reputation With These Tips Sell With Your Heart
Everyone has a website these days. Every business you frequent, every artist you hear on the radio, and even your nephew’s podcast has a website! Websites are the first step in letting customers know you’re legitimate. But since everyone has a website, the question becomes, “How do you make yours stand out from the rest?” It’s not as hard as you might think. Here are three questions every great website must answer. ‘Who are you?’ Never assume that people know who you are based on your website name or branding alone. As soon as your webpage loads, it should be abundantly clear who you are and what you offer. This doesn’t mean your company bio should be at the top of your home page. A single sentence should be enough to get this message across. BETTER THAN THE REST 3 Questions for a Superior Website Lemonade Insurance Company’s website opens boldly: “Forget Everything You Know About Insurance.” Visitors don’t know everything about the company just yet, but they know they’re not about to buy beverages. ‘Who is this for?’ Your demographic is obvious to you, but it might not be to anyone else. If you’re a beauty supplier that only serves salons, you don’t want the everyday consumer spending a lot of time on your website only to be disappointed when they can’t order your goods. Example: Lemonade.com
Let’s face it: Salespeople get a bad rap. Scammers, con artists, and inexperienced or unempathetic sellers make it hard to convince customers you have their best interests in mind. Here are three qualities every salesperson must have to convincingly sell with heart.
A Win-Win
The most important trait of an ethical salesperson is having a product or service that is honest and true. You can’t ethically peddle something that doesn’t have value for your potential customers. Sure, it’s exciting to make a sale. It gives you a sense of accomplishment, and the payout isn’t too bad, either. But if what you’re selling doesn’t also benefit your customer , then you’re no better than a swindler. Your product has to be a win for the customer, and you have to believe in it wholeheartedly to succeed. The sale is done. The dotted line is signed. The customer is happy, and you are excited. Time to forget about them and move on to the next sale, right? Wrong. You have to follow up with customers after a successful sale. If anything has gone wrong, checking in will allow you to be proactive in fixing it. Being proactive builds trust and bolsters your chance of a referral. It also lets you learn from happy and dissatisfied customers. You can discover what worked, what didn’t, and what they wish they had known before buying. Picking up the phone — or dropping in — to leave a post- sale impression could be more valuable than you realize. The ‘How Ya Doin’?’ Call
Example: SklarTechnology.com
On Sklar Technology Partners’ website, we’re very clear about who our services are for: “Serving Richmond’s Elite Businesses Since 1982.”
‘How can I buy?’ Don’t be coy here. If you end up with a customer who likes your pitch and is ready to buy, sign up, or subscribe, don’t make them search around on your website any longer. Your checkout buttons should be attractive and easy to find without being intrusive or distracting.
Just Listen
Example: SimplyChocolate.dk
A good salesperson knows what their customers want. They actually listen to what customers are saying and don’t second-guess customers’ needs. Many people associate salespeople with smooth-talking and wittiness. But in reality, a good salesperson just needs to be a good listener. When a customer says, “I just want something that works,” they are not looking for the latest and greatest model. They just want something that works .
Every item listed on Simply Chocolate’s website features an “Add to Box” button in a color that matches the chocolate bar’s wrapper. The “box” (shopping cart) is listed clearly at the top corner of the screen at all times. Customers can check out the moment they’re ready.
Selling with your heart is easier than it appears, and these methods are a solid foundation for creating strong, lasting customer relationships.
A website alone won’t close a deal, but it can determine whether or not a customer wants to do business with you at all.
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