The latest digital quarterly publication from Audio T - The UK's oldest, independent specialist Hi-Fi retailer - Est. 1966.
Linn have announced the launch ofexciting new upgrades forexisting Linn ow ners.The groundbreaking perform ance oftheirf irst-ever,entirely hom egrow n DAC – ‘O rganik’– isnow being roled outasa retrof it upgrade,available foralvariantsofKlim ax DS and Klim ax DSM –even the very f irstgeneration from 2007.
Linn’sprem ium tierproductscanalnow benefitfrom their reference perform ance technology; with al models of Klimax DS, Klimax DSM , Klimax 350 integrated loudspeakers, and Klim ax Exaktbox al being eligible forupgrade with Linn’s revolutionary O rganikDAC architecture. It’sintrinsicto Linn’sDNA thattheyItcontinueto ofer their greatest innovations as upgrades for their existing custom ersand theircherished Linnproducts –eventhoseoveradecadeold. TheOrganikDAC upgradeforKlim axDSand Klim ax DSM updates these olderproducts with m ore than just D/A circuitry;it also features Linn’s latest A/D technology and provides supportforDSD256 and 24-bit/384kHz stream ing capabilty. It brings the products right up to date with the curent Linn software platform featured in Linn’s flagship, next-generation Klim axDSM .
At Linn, nothing progreses beyond the prototype stage unles they can answer one sim ple question afirm atively:“isthisbeterthan what’savailable elsewhere?” Designing and building their own DAC, com pletelyfrom scratch,wasno exception.Itwas only worth doing if the result would be significantly beter than their previous designs utilsing m eticulously optim ised 3rd-party chips. Designed withoutcom prom ise,and engineered entirelyin-house,O rganikisthe m anifestation of overthirtyyearsofdigitaltechnologyinnovation and expertise. Linn pioneered high-performance digital stream ing in the hi-fiindustry;they’re raising the bar further, thanks to this paradigm shift in digital-to-analogue conversion technology.
With this novel Organik DAC architecture, im plem entation, and realisation, Linn has finaly com pleted the puz le;theyhave achieved com plete control over the entire m usic signal chain — an am bition fiftyyearsin the m aking.
W hen em ployed together,the PW M m odulator and AFIR conversion stage are im m une to m any oftheproblem sthatafectotherdiscretedesigns — where sm alerorsin switching tim esor resistorvaluescan generate distortion. However,in orderto realise the ful potentialof thisconversionm ethod,greatatentionm ustalso be paid to otherfactors such as powersupply, clocking and, perhaps m ost im portantly, the physicallayoutofthe circuitboard. O rganik usesan 8-layercircuitboard,faciltating optim aldeliveryofpowerand clocksto the DAC. Powerforthe conversion stage isgenerated bya discrete regulator,and delivered using m ultiple internalpowerplanes. Clock tracesare m atched to within fractionsofa m ilim etre,to ensure thatevery partofthe DAC receives its clock atprecisely the sam e tim e.Al these elem ents work in harm ony to create an analog signalwith incredibly low levelsofnoise and distortion — farlowerthan anything Linn has everachieved before. • Orders can now be placed forOrganik DAC upgradesto alvariantsofKlim axDS and Klim ax DSM. •O rganikDAC upgradesforalvariantsofKlim ax Exaktbox and Klimax 350 integrated loudspeakersare also available. • Klim ax DSM (Audio and AV m odels),Klim ax Exaktbox, and Klimax 350 integrated loudspeakersbought new wilfeature O rganikDAC asstandard.
Gilad Tiefenbrun,Linn’sM anaging Director,said:
“O urcuting-edge O rganik DAC technology ofers a m as ive leap forward in perform ance.Today,we are delighted to m ake O rganik available as an upgrade to alKlim axstream ersboughtsince 2007. AtLinn,we take enorm ous pride in rewarding our existing customers through our sustainable, upgradeable productofering.” TechnicalDetail There are m any diferent types of‘discrete’DAC. Although sim ply m aking som ething ‘discrete’does not neces arily result in high perform ance. The perform ance advantage ofO rganik com es from its unique com bination of: • Modulation method – Pulse Width Modulation (PW M )Delta-Sigm a •Conversion stage –Discrete Analog Finite Im pulse Response (AFIR) • Im plem entation – Ultra-stable power, precision clocking,and expertPCB design
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The runaway suc es ofthe lim ited-edition Petite30thAnniversarym odelhasled to the creation ofa new perm anentm odelin the range, the Neat Petite Clas ic. This new version waslaunched atthe High-End Show in M unich 2022 and had itsUK debutatthe North W estAudio Show atCranage Hal in June. The Petite Clas ic has precisely the sam e dim ensionsasthe originalPetite from 1991, butthis latestversion is notan exercise in nostalgia. The drive units (as used in the Petite Anniversary edition) are thoroughly m odern and am ongstthe bestavailable . The bas-mid unit has a vented, low-compresion cast-aluminium chasis with am ineral-filed polypropylene cone and a softrubbersuround.Thisdriverisidealy
suited to the Petite's cabinetvolum e,alowing superb bas extensionand outstanding transientresponsefrom acom pactenclosure. The "Air Motion Transformer" tweeter brings exceptionalclarityand a degree offines e notsound in standard dom e tweeters. In com m on with al Neat speakers, al cros over com ponents have been chosen with extrem e care and are alm atched forclose-tolerance. The Petite Clas ic m aintains the m usicalcoherence of the originalm odelwith astonishing lifelike im ages and striking vocalclarity.It wil be available in Septem ber 2022 in two finishes,textured blackand satin white.
Launched in Decem ber2020,the XR seriesfrom Cyrus Audio has continued the long established reputation ofbuilding greatsounding hi-fiproducts. The XR seriesispositioned towardsdiscerning audio enthusiasts, and includes two integrated am plifiers (i7/i9-XR), a pream p (Pre-XR) and two cd players (CDt/CDi-XR). Future additions to the range wil include a powersupply (PSU-XR),stream ing transport (Stream -XR)and poweram plifier(Power-XR). The XR serieswasbuiltfrom the ground up,building upon nearly four decades of experience crafting award-winning products, which are designed and as em bled entirely in the UK.From the start,Cyrus’s m is ion has been to infuse the latest in technology with superb engineering to create ‘em otional’m usical experiences. Whilst Cyrus pursues a continual improvement philosophy for al its products, m any of its deeper engineering advances can only be applied in a ‘ground-up’design.
A fundam entalstep change in design approach forthe XR series has been pos ible due to an acumulated understanding of DAC technologies and power supply designs, combined with Cyrus’s recently updated m anufacturing proces esand the availabilty of higher-grade com ponents. The XR series,whilstfaithfulto the Cyrus core acoustic philosophy, provides remarkable sound quality benefits and substantialy increased dynam ic range,alowing every layer and nuance of the m usic to shine through. Indeed,the clarity and detailofthe XR series wil keep the listenerwanting to go back and listen to tracksheard athousand tim esbefore. FortheXR series,Cyrus’sengineerswerefreeto select com ponents based on eficiency and optim alperform ance,withoutconsideration of cost.The ac ountantswere likely horified,but the uncom prom ising quality ofthe productsin the XR series speaks for itself. In designing
these products from the ground up,the engineers were able to create an exceptionaly low noise platform ,throughpowersupplydesign,DAC optim isation,com ponentchoice,circuittopology,aswelas som e m ore fundam entaldesign approaches. O ne ofthe driving principlesbehind the design ofthe XR serieshasbeen noise reduction.Trem endous eforts were m ade to protect and isolate the signalpath from potentialsources of noise.Another significant area of focus was power supply design. Using only the best com ponents, XR delivers outstandinglyhigh qualityand reliable powerto everybitofthe circuitryto ensure optim alperform ance. Lastbutcertainly notleastisthe crucialDAC thatreconstructsanalogue signalswith incredible ac uracy and precision. Naturaly,the XR seriesalso featuresanew aesthetic. Alproductsin the new XR seriesare wrapped in a new “Phantom Black” paintfinish,introduced especialyforthe XR series.Butifyou’re woried thatthey won’tcoordinate with yourexisting Cyrus products,don’tfret.The colouris sym pathetic to both the existing core and signature range.The XR seriesuserinterface isalso new,incorporating capacitive touch butons with satisfying audible feedback.The new UIalso features a high resolution LCD screen and reas uringlyweightysolid m etalrotaryencoder.
i9-XR Integrated Am plif ier •91 watsperchannel •4 xAnalogue inputs •1xPhono M M input •2 xO pticalinputs • 2 xCoaxialdigitalinputs
•1 xAsynchronousUSB input •1 xAnalogue pream plifierout •PSU-XR upgradeport
i7-XR Integrated Am plif ier •52 watsperchannel •4 xAnalogue inputs •1xPhono M M input •2 xO pticalinputs • 2 xCoaxialdigitalinputs
•1 xAsynchronousUSB input •1 xAnalogue pream plifierout
Pre-XR –HighEnd DAC/Pream plif ier •4 xAnalogue inputs •1xPhono M M input •2 xO pticalinputs • 2 xCoaxialdigitalinputs
•1 xAsynchronousUSB input •1 xAnalogue pream plifierout •PSU-XR upgradeportHeadphone amplifier
CDi-XR Integrated CD Player • 32bit2ndGenQXRDAC •Servo Evolution technology •Twin analogue outputs • O pticaland coaxialoutputs
•InternalPowerSupply •PSU-XR upgradeport
•Userupgradable firm ware •Configurable optionsm enu
CDt-XR –High-EndCD Transport •Servo Evolution technology •Twin analogue outputs • O pticaland coaxialoutputs
•InternalPowerSupply •PSU-XR upgradeport
•Userupgradable firm ware •Configurable optionsm enu
as istants by an advanced system that uses three m icrophoneson each earbud to enhance the clarity ofspeech forincredibly naturalcom m unication.For convenience,the leftand rightearbudscan also be used individualy when prefered. For a great experience with sm art devices,M O M ENTUM True W ireles 3 supports a wide range ofaudio codecs such asAAC and aptX™ Adaptive,deliversm inim al latency for audio that stays in sync with onscreen visuals,and supportsBluetooth 5.2. The latestgeneration ofSennheiser’sac laim ed true wireles earbuds take convenience and ease-of-use to thenextlevel.Theearbudsofer7hoursofbatery life,with 28 hours overal when using the case to charge on the go.Recharging the case isalso sim ple thanks to wireles charging support. The intuitive touch interface can be custom ized to suitpersonal preferences,so audio playback and ac es to voice as istantscan be controled the wayyou want.
Prim ary features - Sennheiser signature sound - Powered by Sennheiser TrueResponse transducer, 7m m dynam ic audio drivers that deliver a high end sound experience with im pactful bas . Thanksto high resolution aptX™ Adaptive you can hearevery detail. - Adaptive Noise Cancelation and Transparency M ode – Advanced ANC continualy m onitors the noise levelin your suroundingsto optim ize noise cancelation perform ance.The Transparency M ode feature alows you to hear surounding soundsatatouch forgreatersituationalawarenes . -High quality voice pick-up – Crystalclearvoice cal quality thanks to three advanced m icrophones on each earbud that ensure naturalcom m unication and easy voice as istantac es in anysituation. -W ireles charging – Recharge the case with convenientQ i wireles charging. - Splash resistance - Trouble-free use while traveling, com m uting or exercising, thanks to IPX4-rated splash resistance. - Ultimate Individual Fit – Sennheiser’s most compact ergonom icearbudsoferaperfectlysecure and com fortable fit in the ear– even forsports.A choice ofearbud adaptersand optionalsilcone finsto ensure a fitthat’stailored to you.
-Batery Life – Up to 7 hours’play back tim e with 28 hoursoveral when charging on the go viathe case. Secondary features -Independentearbud use – Eitherleftorrightearbud can be used individualywhen desired. -Custom izable Touch Controls – Touch interface controlofm usic, calsand voice as istantcan be custom ized to personalpreference fortruly intuitive operation -Built-In Equalizer– Tailorthe sound experience using the Sm art ControlApp which includesaudio presetsand an intuitive equalizer. -Sound Personalization–Anenhanced sound experiencetailored to your ears via a guided listening test to setup sound to your individualhearing. - Advanced wireles technology and codec support – aptX™ Adaptive codec supportdeliversthe highestresolution audio with up to 24bit/96kHzaudio and m inim alatencyforanoptim alistening experience thatstays synchronized to onscreen visuals.Bluetooth 5.2 com patible.
A perfect com prom ise betw een perform ance and size,the AIO 3 is a w ireles speaker designed to bring m usicto an average room of15m ²and m ore. Stream al your m usic from your phone, tablet or com puter thanks to Bluetooth connectivity,and W ifi. W ith the "Triangle AIO " application create a m ultiroom network of up to 12 devices to broadcast m usic throughoutthe hom e.Atthe back ofthe AIO 3 you’l find awide choice ofinputssuch asoptical,RCA 3.5m m and USB A which alow forconnectivityto a wide range ofaudio-video devices. Housed in a wooden box enclosure,AIO isequipped with two 25m m silk dom e tweeters and two 10cm m id-woofers.This2 x2-wayconfiguration deliverstrue, detailed stereo sound with plenty ofdepth.A ventat the back reinforces the low frequencies for added perform ance. Finished in gorgeousScandinavian fabricsfrom Gabriel and brushed alum inum pieces,the speakerAIO 3 wil
blend elegantlyin aliving room ,abedroom or even the kitchen. The new Powder Pink, Frost W hite, Green Forest and Red Ocher shades are the highlightsofthis2022lim ited edition.Thenew version ofthe AIO 3 wil becom e a favorite in yourhom e alowing you to enjoy yourm usic freelyand easilyin high resolution. Get the latest AIO app features including OTA-certified “Over The Air” automatic updates, Am azon M usic stream ing platform integration and anew EQ feature. W hiletheAIO 3isaconnected device,itisfirst and forem ostahigh-fidelityspeaker.Itdelivers a detailed and im m ersive stereo sound thanks to itshigh-densitywood structure and its2 x2 waysconstruction,inspired byhigh-end stereo speakers.
Divided into two partsto ac urately reproduce the left and rightchannels,the speakeris equipped with 2 x 25m m fabric dom e tweeters and 2 x 10 cm m id-bas drivers thatwil sound greatin sm al to m edium sized room s,up to 25m 2.
Thanksto theAIO technology,youcanchoosebetween two diferentstream ing protocols: The sim plicity ofBluetooth: the Bluetooth technology guarantees a sim ple & im m ediate connection and a universal com patibilty with al types of sources (sm artphones,tablets,com puters… ). The qualityofW i-Fi: Enjoyeach detailand the richnes ofyourm usicusing W i-Fitechnology.Playyourtracksin high resolution in 24bits/192kHzfora purerand m ore im m ersive sound.
Chord Com pany Shawline XLR cable
The provision ofXLR Balanced audio connections on dom estic audio equipm entseem sto beontherise,and to m eetthis dem and the Chord Com panyofersan XLR version ofitsShawline analogue interconnectrange. As em bled by hand, the Shawline XLRs use silver-plated copper conductors insulated with an FEP dielectric.Thesearescreened withacom posite m aterialdesigned to work overa wide bandwidth. Three identicalconductors are used for al three connections (hot,cold and earth),as wel as the com pany’sTuned ARAY conductorgeom etry. Connecting the Shawline XLR between m y Studer A810 pro tape machine and my preamp,Iplay a 15IPS copy-m aster tape of the Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra performing Prokofiev’s Cinderela. The opening ofCinderela Dream sAboutThe Bal hasaslightlyreflectivem ood,whichprogres esto a m oresprightlydancetune.Thesuperb depthofthe recording is briliantly conveyed and al of the com plexitiesofthepiecearehandled withefortles ease bythe Shawline XLR interconnect.
Happyblending Forsom e vocals,Iturn nextto the soprano Daisy Brown singing Agnus Dei by M ozart on a copy-m aster tape from Chasing The Dragon. Brown’s vocals have a clarity and joyfulnes that blendsbeautifulywiththepiano ac om panim ent in this rather captivating track. The piano is clearly positioned behind the soprano and the overal depth ofthis recording is very faithfuly conveyed bythe Shawline cable. Switching reels to a m odern copy-m aster tape from UltraAnalogue Recordings ofGrieg’s Celo Sonata,the im aging ofthe celo and piano is pin-sharp while the excelentdynam ic range of this recording is clearly transported by the XLR interconnect.Al this adds up to a wonderfuly realisticand totalybelievable perform ance in m y listening room . The Shawline is a first-rate cable whose perform ance wil be very m uch athom e in any high-end system .
ACOUSTIC ENERGY100SERIES Firstintroduced in 1995,the original100 Series placed Acoustic Energy f irm ly on the m ap for m any m usic and hi-f i enthusiasts.The 100 Series delivered the “AE Sound”to an entry-levelrange that shook up the loudspeaker m arket in the sam e way the originalAE1 did back in 1987.
In 2017,to celebrate our 30th anniversary and a return to British ownership, we revived the 100 Series nam e and launched a new 100 Series.Now, afteram azing suc es and a 5-yearrun,the design team decided itwas tim e to shake up the budget Hi-Fiarenaand raise the baronce again. The new 100 Series isn’t just an upgrade, it’s a com pletely new design from the ground up.The design briefwas to try and m aintain the com pact dim ensions and sleek appearance ofthe previous 100 Series while ofering a m ore m ature, refined sound with greaterbandwidth and powerhandling. So,what’schanged? Firstin line foran upgrade wasthe m ain drive unit; the 4” paper cone used for over a decade had perform ed adm irably but we’d extracted al the perform ance we could getfrom it.The decision was m ade to m ove up to a 5” drive unit - this tim e utilsing a 4 layervoice coilwith fluxringsto enable greaterdynam ics,headroom and clarity.Thiscreated a new problem of growing size while wanting to keep those com pactdim ensions. EnterHDF (High DensityFibreboard).O urengineers cam e to the conclusion they needed m ore internal volum e to achieve m axim um benefitfrom the new 5” driver. After much calculation and experim entation,the decision wasm ade to m ove to HDF - unheard of at this price-point and usualy lim ited to the very high-end. HDF provides the option ofusing thinnercabinetwalswith no los in acoustic perform ance,the m as and stifnes ofthe 15m m HDF being the sam e as the previous 18m m M DF.The resultofthism ove isasm al15% increase in cabinetsize butwith a 30% increase in internal volume gained over the previous 100 Series speakers.
AE109²in W alnut
The final piece of the puz le was retaining the fantastic integration and musicaly rewarding character the slim line100Seriescabinetsbenefited from .Forthis,anew 25m m soft-dom e tweeter and waveguide was developed to perfectlym atch the new bas driver… taking a leafoutofthe 500 Seriesbook and pushing them as close together as physicaly pos ible thanksto a cutawaytrim . M eetthe Fam ily… AE100 2 The AE100² is a compact stand-mount/bookshelf loudspeaker exhibiting qualities perfectly em bodying those ofAcousticEnergy. The AE100²hasbeen designed with a view to achieving high sound pres ure levels from a sm al enclosure.This is obtained principaly through the use ofa 130m m m id-bas drive unitbuilt around an ultra-high force,long throw m otor system . Bas perform ance is augm ented by a slot shaped duct alowing for a considerable cros -sectional area while negating the is uesofairturbulence. A 25m m softdom e tweeterfeaturing our Wide Dispersion Technology com pletesthe drivercom plim entand ishoused within a15m m HDF cabinet. Taking design cues from the award-winning 500 Seriesand finished in a choice of satin white, black or walnut vinyl veneer finishes. The AE100²issureto lookgood placed on speakerstands orbookshelves,while delivering a sound that belies its com pactsize.
Aestheticaly the new 100 Series retains sim ilar lines to the older generation but with a cleaner and m ore refined form factor.Cabinetfinisheshave also been im proved along with a dedicated flared trim on the bas port and higher-grade binding posts. The 100 Seriescom prisessix m odels,from stand-m ountsto a fulhom e cinem asetup and the soon to be launched AE105,a wal-m ount loudspeaker. Al speakers are available in satin black and walnut finishes with the AE100 2 and AE105 also available in satin white.
AE100²in W alnuton dedicated Hi-FiRacksStands
AE109 2 The AE109² is designed to ofer efortles ,room filing perform ance from aslim -line floor-standing loudspeakerin m uch the sam e way the world ac laim ed originalAE109 did 20 years ago.To do this,two 130m m paperdrivers utilsing an ultra-high force m otor system are used in partnership with a 25m m softdom e tweeter.The 2.5-way cros overfeaturesa unique topologyalowing integration and power handling previously un-achievable from this type ofspeaker.Particularatention hasbeen paid to the phase and time alignment for the most cohesive perform ance pos ible.
Like the AE100²stand-m ountspeaker,the driver and cros over are housed within a substantial15m m HDF cabinet that takes styling cues from the award winning 500 Series.The resultis an audio productwith clean and unclutered lines that can stil deliver the thriling and powerful presentation Acoustic Energy owners have com e to expect. Satin black and walnut vinylveneerfinishesare available.
AE120 2 As the flagship ofthe range,the AE120²isthe largestm odelin the 100seriesand atrue3-waydesign. This speaker ofers a big sound from a slim-line enclosure, tastefuly styled to blend into a wide range of domestic environm ents.Twinbas driveunits underpin the room filing performance with a dedicated m id-range driverhoused in itsown enclosure, carefuly designed to m itigate the harm fulefectsofrear wave reflections.Integrated within the perfectly matched Wide Dispersion Technology (WDT) waveguide, Acoustic Energy’s 25m m softdom e tweeterm anages the high frequencies with controled dispersion, high sensitivity and low distortion. The 3-way cros overisim pedance compensated to avoid the resonance isues which would otherwise slow bas delivery and colour mid-range performance. Particularatention has also been paid to the phase and time alignm entforoptim um integration and soundstage. The result is a loudspeakerofering sm ooth,wide dispersion high frequencieswith a clean m id-range and lightning fast bas response. The inert cabinet enclosure is constructed from 15m m HDF and like it’s sm aler AE109² brother, supplied mas loaded to help dampen cabinet vibrations. The internal bracing system hasbeen carefulytuned to reduce cabinet resonances and m id-range colouration, whilst the new AE120² benefits from a subtlety styled,discrete satin black plinth to aide stabilty, further improving dynamics and stereo focus.
AE107 2 For hom e cinem a and m ulti-channel m usic system s, the AE107² is a 2-way horizontalm ountloudspeakerdesigned for centre channel applications. The AE107² delivers exceptionalarticulation and detailthroughout the vocalrange, augmented by powerful bas perform ance from the reflex loaded rear slot port. The com pact centre speaker can be sited within a cabinet or on a shelf.
AE108 2 The AE108² is a new, com pact, yet extrem ely powerful active subwoofer. Designed to workseam les lyaspartofa multi-channel system including the AE100²s,AE109²s,AE120²s and AE107² and new AE105s,the AE108²isidealfor the m odern hom e where controled bas performance is required without com prom ising the living space. Atles than one cubic footin size and utilsing a 10” driver,the AE108²delivers a bas punch that belies its com pact dim ensions.Finished in a choice ofsatin black orwalnutvinylveneerthe AE108² can be positioned discretely into any room.
AE105 –Ariving Sum m er2022 The latestaddition to the range is the AE105.Ariving Sum m er2022,the AE105 isa 2-wayhorizontalorvertical wal m ounted loudspeaker. The AE105 can be easily positioned and com es com plete with a tem plate and m ounting brackets.Finished in a choice of satin black, satin white orwalnuttheyare supplied with blackorlight greygrilesforeasyintegration into anyroom décor.
Built as a ‘box within a box’, and prom ising a slicker al-round perform ance,Auralic’s G2.1 series now extends to the fuly-fledged Altairstream ing DAC/pream plifier Review:Andrew Everard Lab:PaulM iler
We’ve commented previously on the sim ilarity – atleastin styling – between m any of the products in the Auralic range,and here’sanotherhead-scratcher in the form ofthe AltairG2.1.It’sonly a litle m ore than the AriesG2.1 ‘W ireles Stream ing Transporter’[HFN Feb ’21]– £4599 plays £4199 – yet this m odel, designated a ‘DigitalAudio Stream er’,is a m uch m ore com prehensive product.It com es com plete with onboard DAC,a pream p thatalows itto drive a power am p ora pairofactive speakersdirectly, and there are even analogue inputs – a line leveland M M phono – to reinforce thatrole asacom plete system hub. Indeed,you can go even furtherwith the option ofan internalhard drive to alow the AltairG2.1 to function as a network m usicstore aswelasac es ing external storage. Specifying it with a 2TB SSD instaled adds £400 to the price,while looking around Auralic’s retailers finds it with a1TB SSD fited for£4699,ora4TB drive for£4899.Althese are reasonable add-on costs considering the prem ium charged bysom ecom puting brandsfora Bought ‘as is’, without the internal storage options,this is stil an extrem ely flexible device.Leave aside the analogue capabilty for a m om ent, and you can play m usic into itvia optical,coaxialand AES/EBU inputs;connecta com putervia its asynchronous USB-B port, or an externalUSB store using the USB-A;or storage upgrade. LIKELIGHTNING
stream to itoverahom e networkusing eitherW i-Fi(forwhich twin antennae are provided)or Ethernet.It also has both Bluetooth and AirPlay connectivity and is also Roon-ready, alowing the AltairG2.1 to be used as an endpointwith a system builtaround aRoon Core. Ifyou don’tgo down the Roon route,the AltairG2.1 itself supportsarangeofonlinestream ing services,aswelasbeing ableto stream from theuser’sownnetworklibrary.Q obuzand Tidalare builtin,asisInternetradio,and itcan also workwith Songcastand SpotifyConnect.
ABOVE: O ne linearPSU [top right]feedsscreened areasfor phono EQ [botom right],the DACs[top left],laddervolum e controls [centre left]and ‘Clas A O rfeo O utput m odules’ [heatsink,botom left].O ptionalHDD would sitabovevolum e cans.
M aking sense ofalthisisAuralic’sown Lightning DS operating system ,which works in conjunction with the wel-sorted app of the sam e nam e, and is available for Apple iO S devices. There’s also the option ofcontroling the unit using the Lightning W eb ControlInterface:it’s justa m aterofreading the AltairG2.1’s IP addres from its setings m enu, typing that into a web browser, and you’re in busines. Both the app and the web version coverboth basic operation and detailsetings.You can,forexam ple, enable the internalresam pling system ,upsam pling ordownsam pling acros a 44.1kHzto 384kHzrange – al this running under the control of Auralic’s custom ‘DualFem to’m asterclocks.There’s also a built-in – and very flexible – param etric equaliser, and you can even tailor the sound to suit your speakerpositions,with adjustable gain and distance param eters. It’s no substitute for geting your speakers placed corectly,but in the realworld it could prove handy.
Depending on the inputyou choose,the Altair G2.1 can handle digitaldatastream s at up to 384kHz/32-bit and DSD512, the higher lim its achievable viaboth networkand USB connection from acom puter(forwhichW indowsuserswil need a driver)orUSB storage,whetherfrom a connected driveoroptionalinternalstorage.The legacy digital inputs – optical, coaxial and AES/EBU – top out at 192kHz/24-bit,but can ac eptDSD64 viaDoP ifrequired.The analogue line and M M phono inputs bypas the digital wizardry ofAuralic’s ‘Tesla’platform and can be configured to fixed level in a ‘hom e theatre bypas ’m ode.These inputs also go straightto Auralic’s ‘resistor-ladder’volum e controland to its proprietary ‘O rfeo’Clas A outputstages to either unbalanced RCAs or balanced XLRs. There’salso a 6.35m m headphone socketon the front panel, along with a large, sharp and inform ative display and a single controlcovering volum e and ‘push and twist’m enu ac es .
DIGITALW IZARDRY Dig even deeper and there’s a huge raft of adjustm entavailable here,including seting a fixed outputshould you wantto use the AltairG2.1 into a conventionalam p orpream p.You can also setthe brightnes and form atofthe display,the autom atic power-on param eters,and select from a range of digitalfilteroptions.Having spentsom e tim e trying these filters,Ican safelysaythe one you choose wil be a m aterofpersonaltaste,and Irealy wouldn’t devote too m uch tim e experim enting.Find the one you like – Iended up with ‘Sm ooth’,butyou m ay disagree –and forgetaboutit.
m ode.These inputsalso go straightto Auralic’s ‘resistor-ladder’ volum e control and to its proprietary ‘O rfeo’ Clas A output stages to either unbalanced RCAs or balanced XLRs. There’salso a 6.35m m headphone socketon the front panel, along with a large, sharp and inform ative display and a single controlcovering volum e and ‘push and twist’m enu ac es . Asisthe case with althe com pany’sG2.1-series products, the latest Altair features Auralic’s interference-busting ‘Unity Chas is’ design, its copper inner case held within a substantial alum inium chas is m ounted on sprung feetfor
m echanicalisolation.That’s the inside story: the outer im pres ion is of a producthiding itscom plexitybehind a sim ple and elegantexterior,and with a noticeable sense ofsolidity when you heftitfrom the packaging –itm ayonly be 34cm wide but it weighs a
In com m on with the earlier AltairG 1,thisG 2.1 variant oferssom e user-selectable ‘sound tuning’in the form of fouralternative digitalfilters –Precise,Dynam ic,Balance and Sm ooth.Seven pre- program m ed filter algorithm sare baked into the
respectable 9.5kg. STRAIGHTTALKER
As I m entioned, I stuck with the ‘Sm ooth’digitalfilterforthe m ajorityof m y listening,and used the AltairG2.1 straightinto m y Naim NAP 250 power am p,aswel asconnecting itasa line source into the Naim Supernait3 in m y ‘other’system ,in both casesusing m y tried-and-tested Neat Acoustics and PMC loudpeakers for auditioning. Regardles of which set-up was em ployed, the Altair G2.1 proved a neutral and extrem ely clean source, presenting high levels ofdetailwhile neversounding m echanicalorartificial. Indeed,itdelivered excelentlevelsof m usical involvem ent acros a wide range of musical genres, again, regardles of the input that I used. W hether with stream s from online services, low-res Internet radio, or hi-res m usic served up from m y NAS, the experience ofusing the AltairG2.1 was generaly a case of‘m ove along, nothing to see here’:the com ponents into which you playitare going to have m uch m ore ofan efecton the sound than this unit.True,the perform ance wasvery slightly drierwhen com pared to m yreferenceNaim ND555[HFN Apr ’19],which delivers m ore body and a greater sense of presence and perform ers being placed before the listeners, but that’s hardly a criticism given the diference in price between the two. Above al, the Auralic Altair G2.1 ‘com m unicates’. Play a dem anding recording suchastherecentTrondheim
Symphony Orchestra set of Kleiberg concertos [2L 2L-166-SABD,DXD],and the sheerfocusofthe sound,and the naturalbalanceofthesolo instrum entagainsttherichweightof the orchestra isbreathtaking.As,Im ightadd,isthe sense of presence and space in the soundstage,and the speed and rhythm icdrive on ofer.The sam e goesforCharlie Haden,Jan Garbarek and Egberto Gism onti’s 1980 M agico album [ECM E1151].Here the AltairG2.1 realygetsitsteeth into the label’s typicaly gorgeousproduction,alowing the sax to soarabove the deep,superbly-resolved bas ,while the guitarand piano are also given ful icence to be heard to thriling efect.It’salso efortles ,as wel as being a richly rewarding listen,and the recordings don’thave to be state-of-the-artforthis playerto workitsm agic. For exam ple,‘Precise’[black]is a typicalhigh-order linear phase type with long pre/postringing and m oderate group delay but a flat and extended HF response with a steep cut-of and excelent rejection of aliasing im ages. Tim e dom ain perform ance is traded for excelent frequency dom ain perform ance in a filteridealysuited to lowersam ple rate m edia.‘Sm ooth’[green]ofersa contrastwith itsslightly earlybutgentle HF rol-of and pooraliasrejection,butm uch reduced ‘tim e dom ain’distortion.The benefitsofthistype of filterprogres ivelyoutweigh any‘negatives’athighersam ple rates,butletyourearsdecide!PM ESS DAC butitwil also ac ept custom versions,typicaly generated using M ATLAB and then downloaded asC code. Forthe AltairG2.1 the response is flatestwith al sam ple ratesvia the Dynam ic filter[see insetGraph].The respective tim e (im pulse)and frequency responses with 48kHz m edia (solid traces), 96kHz (doted) and 192kHz (dashed) are colour-coded here in black,red,orange and green.These are a m ix of linear phase (Precise, Dynam ic, Balance) and m inim um phase (Sm ooth) filters that trade response extension and stopband rejection (99dB,83dB,14dB and 18dB,respectively)forreduced group delayand pre-ringing.
ABOVE: W ired/wireles network control/stream ing supplem entsac es to m ore m usic via internaland external (HDD) USB-A drives. A USB-B (DSD512/DXD) input is joined by Toslink, coax and AES (DSD64/192kHz)alongside analogue line and phono inputs.Variable analogue outputison RCAsand balanced XLRs
JOYOUSEXPERIENCE Even with the Bil Evans take on ‘Alfie’ from his Another Tim e – The Hilversum Concert album , recorded (adm itedly m agnificently) back in 1968 and revived to DSD by the 2xHD label [2XHDRE1069],the sound brim swith the easygoing interplay between Evans, Eddie Gom ez and Jack DeJohnete in frontofasm alaudience.It’sajoyous experience viathe AltairG2.1. The tim bres of realvoices and instrum ents are a m ajor strength here,for while m ainstream pop is revealed in al its autotuned awfulnes , give it som ething like ‘Litle Black Dres ’from The Bles ed Unrest, the 2013 Sara Bareiles album [Epic 88883739832; HDtracks 88.2kHz/24-bit], and it punchesoutnotonlyeverylineofthe vocal,butalso the gutsy ac om panim ent,with realdefinition and im pact.It’sa sound to have you wanting to explore m ore ofthe singer’scatalogue,fairerthan which one realycan’tsay. It’s also as adeptwhen growling outsom e driving rockasitiswhen playing m ore hi-fi-show-friendly m usic.Thisreview period coincided with the dem ise ofZZ Top bas istDusty Hil,which alm ostinevitably led to acouple ofeveningswith m e im m ersed deep inTexasboogie.Icantelyouthatfrom theslowburn blues of‘Just Got Back From Baby’s’al the way through to the charging guitar solo of ‘Cheap Sunglas es’,thisnew Altairdid proud the exhaustive Goin’50 com pilation [W arnerBros0603497851621].
Its analogue output drove the am plification, and thus the speakers, to suitably raucous efect, while stil keeping those good-tim e rhythm sroling asthe trio powered on.Ieven played the odd track–welalrightthen,quite a lotofthem !– severaltim es,justto im m erse m yselfin althe thunderand snarl.
ABOVE: Hidden under the top-plate and screening the digital electronics within is a branded,silver-coloured enclosure.
HI-FINEW SVERDICT Describe the Altair G2.1 as a technical tour-de-force, and one m ight seem to have falen foral Auralic’sproprietary technology,or to dam n it with faint praise. Far from it: this excelentdigitalfront-end com bineseaseofuse and flexibilty,and then layers on a crisp,clean and gutsy sound as adept at crashing out
boogie asitissum m oning up althe atm osphere of a clas icalconcerto orintim ate jaz trio.
AURALICALTAIRG2.1 This generational uplift from Auralic’s G1 platform sees im provem ents in proces ing speed, functionality,file form athandling and technicalperform ance.The lateristhe focusofthisreportwhere the Altair G2.1 clocks-up a very high 4.9V output from a rem arkably low 200-300m ohm source im pedance.Notonlywilthisdrive anyinterconnect/am plifiercom bination but,with asuitable adapter, would also serve as a very efective secondary headphone am plifier.This is a function ofAuralic’s self-titled ‘O rfeo’outputstage which,tag-team ed with ESS’stried-and-tested 9038 DACs,m aintainsa fabulously low 0.00003-0.0003% distortion (20Hz-20kHz)overthe top 15dB ofitsdynam ic range [see Graph 1,below].Although Auralicspecifiesitsown m asterclocksforthe AltairG2.1,the jiterrejection perform ance ofthese ESS DACs is already wel proven.Here,digitaljiteris vanishingly low,with a corelated figureof<15psecacros alsam pleratesand inputs.Thelackofanyuncorelated,noise-like, jiteris reflected in the sharpnes ofthe centralJ-testsignal[see Graph 2,below]and this typicaly bodesverywelindeed forthe stabiltyand focusofstereo im ages. In sim ilarvein,the S/N isa verywide 117dB (A-wtd,re.0dBV)and resolution good to ±0.02dB overa 100dB dynam ic range and ±0.2dB overa ful 110dB dynam ic range,suggesting an efective 20-bit resolution forthe AltairG2.1.O nce again both digitaland analogue engineering isatplay here,the lateralso as isting in the super-wide 135dB m idrange channelseparation,faling to a stil-im pres ive 105dB at20kHz.The channelbalance isgood to ±0.03dB,asexpected with Auralic’sprecision ladder volum e control.From whateverangle you choose to view,the AltairG2.1 hasno obviousblind spots. PM
ABO VE:Distortion vs.USB 24-bitdigitalsignallevel overa120dB range at1kHz(black)and 20kHz(blue)
ABO VE:High res.jiterspectrum viaS/PDIF and USB (black,48kHz/24-bitwith m arkers;red,96kHz/24-bit)
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W ho are Spendor?
Spendor design,engineer and build al of their loudspeakers in the UK. Every Spendor loudspeakerisas em bled atourproduction facilty in Sus ex, with com ponents and cabinets al refined through theirown in-house R&D program . Their loudspeakers are easy to set up, work perfectly with whateverHi-Fiequipm entyou have and transform the way you hearand enjoy every style of m usic. Their tim eles , elegant design, which hasevolved overfive decades,m akesthem instantly and unobtrusively athom e in any room . Best of al,they deliver a true,transparent and m usicalsound waybeyond theirprice point.
understanding ofthe link between the technical m easurem ents and what we hear. Captivating products require intense listening thatis inspired by a pas ion form usic.In the below video Philp Swift(M D & CEO )explainsthisin m ore depth.
Creating the perfect loudspeaker requires an
Spendorwas founded in the late 1960s by Spencer and Dorothy Hughes – the ‘Spen’ and ‘Dor’in the nam e.Spencerapplied the knowledge and expertise he’d gained as an engineer in the BBC’s sound engineering departm ent to create his first loudspeaker, the BC1.Thisgam e-changing design quickly became the monitor of choice for broadcasters and recording studios worldwide. Alm ost 50 years on, the influence of the iconic BC1 and its suc es ors can be seen and heard in their range of distinctive, innovative loudspeakers. Spendor rem ains the reference standard for both discerning audiophiles and profesional sound engineers,delivering a transparent,natural and m usicalsound thattrulycaptivatesyou. THECOLOUROFMUSIC The goal of high-end loudspeakers is to deliver a clear, transparent sound. This is preciselyso the infinitelysubtle shades,tones and colours of the m usic itself can shine through,free ofdistortion,interuption and com prom ise. W e al experience m usic in a unique and personal way. It is an intense, im m ersive experience thatengages the em otions and intelect, as wel as the senses. Spendor loudspeakers reveal these details and subtleties that open new windows on the perform ance, and transform the way you connect with m usic – they bring m usic vib rantly to life.
FROM CONCEPTTO CREATION M anufacturing a loudspeaker, particularly one that perform sasbriliantly asa Spendor,isno easy task.In this video,each stage ofthe build proces has been beautifulydocum ented. It takes them six days to build a loudspeaker and a wholeyearto designone.Thisiswhattheproces looks like forourD7.2 loudspeaker.
SpendorClas ic200
INNOVATION IN SOUND Spendor has always applied innovative technology to deliver a natural, transparent and musical perform ance.The SpendorLPZ high frequency drive unit used in the D-Line products is designed to equalize sound-wave path lengths and generate a symmetrical pres ure environm ent so the drive unit operates in a balanced linear mode. The resultis a clean,precise signal that highlights every detail and nuance,particularly in lyrics.Unique to Spendor, it is also incredibly natural and unforced, so you can enjoy listening for hours at a tim e withoutbecom ing fatigued. AWARD W INNING PRODUCTS Three distinctive product lines ofer the authentic Spendor listening experience, carefuly tailored fordiferentpreferences, needsand budgets.TheirA-Line loudspeakers ofer captivating perform ance in com pact,elegant designs suitable for smaler spaces.SpendorClas ic delivers an immersive listening experience that m any listeners find m is ing in other speakers, whilst D-Line delivers resolution, ac uracy and scale to bring out the very best in high-perform ance audio system s.
CLOSER TO THEPERFORM ANCE Itisincreasingly rare to find a brand thatm anufacturesitsown drive units in-house–and evenfewerthatm ake their own cabinets – since these tasks require experience,expertise and serious investm ent.Spendoris one ofthem .From a pairofA1sin naturaloak to the Clas ic 200s in a rich dark walnut, al Spendor loudspeakercabinets go through a painstaking manufacturing proces involving hours of labour, pair matching, staining and hand finishing to create their stunning looks. Ifyou are the kind ofperson who realy appreciates craft, skil, im agination and atention to detail, you can choose any Spendor loudspeaker confident you are investing in true craftsm anship.
ATTENTION TO DETAIL The distinctive Spendorsound isthe product of their obsesion with detail.The Spendordrive unitswork seamlesly together through eficient high quality crosover networks,creating shortsignalpaths whilstbeing anchored directlyto the rigid cabinetstructure. The in-house Spendorcabinetswith theirdynam icdam ping system gives a super-fast response, while high linearity com ponents, high quality internalcablesand am achined from solid stabilzerspike system used on floorstanding m odels,al contribute to a super-eficient clas-leading perform ance.
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Bowers& W ilkinsre-im aginesitsiconic Zeppelin forthe stream ing age
Firstintroduced in2007astheultim ateiPod doc,the beautiful Bowers & W ilkins Zeppelin has been reim agined for the stream ing age.Shaped by the engineering team behind the world’s finest loudspeakers–asfound in AbbeyRoad Studios–it’s the ultim ate wireles m usic stream ing system , al wrapped up in a sensualform thathasbeen honed
need foranyexternalcom ponents.Sim plyaskfor the song you wantto hear,and yourZeppelin wil oblige. If you prefer, your Zeppelin can be operated by physicalbutons on the top ofits elegantenclosure. The Beauty ofSound So,the Bowers& W ilkinsZeppelin returns,beter than everin everyregard.You no longerhave to choose between afulyfeatured wireles speaker withthestream ing servicesyouneed and asleek, sophisticated design with the room -filing sound you want.Now,you can have both.
bydecadesofacousticexpertise. The M usicYou Love,Instantly
W ith high-resolution stream ing firm lyon the rise,the new Zeppelin is perfectly placed to give buyers a best-ever listening experience from their favourite m usic.Thanks to the Bowers & W ilkins M usic App, you’lenjoyinstantac es to Deezer, ,Q obuz, Soundcloud,TIDAL,TuneIn and m ore.Airplay2 and aptX Adaptive Bluetooth are also included, as is Spotify Connect,ensuring both high-quality sound and convenient,easy ac es from a wide range of m obile devices Connected,Sm art,Intuitive
The new Zeppelin features built-in Alexa,with no
Introducing Aperta
Hi-FiRacks FirstBespoke O pen-Fram e SpeakerStands SinceHiFiRackswasfounded in2007,we com m ited ourselvesto m aking bespoke, acousticaly perform ing solid hardwood hi-fi furniture to m eet our custom ers’ exactrequirem ents,from startto finish in ourUK workshop.W e believe that“one size does not fit al”, because no two custom ers have the sam e needs - from the com plexity ofyourhi-fiset-up to the dim ensions of your com ponents or the available space in yourhom e.That’swhy we’re proud to announce the launch of our solid hardwood Aperta Speaker Stands,ourfirstcustom isable open-fram e m odelthatcan be created in anycustom width,depth,and height. W hen itcom es to finding the righthi-fi furniture for your needs,we know from personalexperience thatthe search can be long and arduous - from sub-par acoustic performance to compromising with fixed size m odelsthatdon’tfityour com ponent’s dim ensions oryourhom e’s available space.That’s why we’ve builta legacy of leading speaker stands available in any bespoke size,including the Podium T5,X50 and Centre Speaker Stand m odels. The Aperta Speaker Stand is the latest m aterialisation ofourethos,alowing our custom ers to tailor the stand to fit the width and depth of their chosen loudspeakerm odelto the m ilim etre,and optim ise speaker positioning with any
bespoke height.In addition to any custom size,the Aperta SpeakerStands are optim ised forHarbeth Audio with four setsizesavailablefortheC7ES,M 30,SHL5and M 40m odels. The Aperta Speaker Stands are available in a range of acousticalyperform ing solid hardwoodsincluding solid oak, chery,walnut,m ahogany,and m aple,in addition to black and white solid oak finishes -a range tailored to m eetany aestheticneeds. ButtheApertaisn’tjustaboutaestheticsorcustom isation,it’s asophisticated design builtfrom the ground up to m axim ise acoustic quality and deliver an exceptional listening experience.Solid hardwood hasalwaysbeen the m aterialof choice forourhi-fifurniture,with itsinnate qualitiessuited for the achievem ent ofoptim alsonic perform ance from your set-up. The Aperta’s open-fram e four-corner design is tailored to enhance these qualities,utilsing the rigidity of solid hardwoods in a robust fram e to enhance ac uracy,
clarity,and bas response.Featuring the latestin our proprietaryacoustictechnology,the Aperta Speaker Stand encom pas es SO NISPIKE© stainles steel isolation spikesforthe finishing touch to itsacoustic profile, dis ipating vibrations whilst alowing for naturalspeakerresonance. To find out m ore about our brand new Aperta Speaker Stands, visit our website at orspeak to yourlocalAudio T store today.
Hi-FiRacksFounders,Bradleyand Julie W alters
June 2022 seesthe release ofBluesound HUB,a networkac es orythatprovidesconnectivityfor a wealth ofdigitaland analogue audio sources into the Bluesound multi-room ecosystem for stream ing. The inconspicuous,USB-C powered HUB alows Audio sourcessuch asturntablesorCD players to becom e sourcesfrom which yourBluesound system can play m usic. In regards to vinyl playbackis ue ofgeographyissolved with HUB,
alowing usersto stream recordsoverthe network via itsinternalaudiophile-grade m oving m agnetpream p. Inputs are selectable easily from any player’s m enu withoutthe need to create agroup between the two. The HUB wil ac ept HDMIeARC,Optical,Coax, Phono and one additional stereo analogue connection,and can play back two diferentsources (one analogue,one digital)anywhere in yournetwork, sim ultaneously. HUB can be m ounted a num berof ways and the abilty to bus-powervia USB-C m eans
m eanspositioning itin the hom e couldn’tbe m ore convenient. Keir Livock,brand m anager for Bluesound’s UK DistributorAnatech,said thisofHUB. “HUB aim sto add convenience and flexibilty to yourBluesound network. W hilstit’strue to saythatsom e externaldevicescan alreadybe plugged to a Bluesound player,players are often located in spots which m akes them trickierto reach – a wal m ount,forexam ple, orakitchen shelf–and additionaly,playing an input source elsewhere would then m ean grouping 2 zones and m uting the first. HUB m akesthese inputsinstantly ac es ible on al players”. HUB wil alow you, for exam ple, to run a legacy Hi-Fi system in one place (say turntable,tape deck and CD player)– and then play these sources anywhere in the
house.It wil alow you to use a pair ofwireles flex speakers foryourTV audio output. There are lots of posibilties. With the high quality phono preamp though,weanticipatethatm anypeoplewiluseHUB for the sim ple abiltyto locate aturntable and som e records inafavouritespot,ratherthanhaving to com prom iseon its position.”
Builtonknowledge from alm ost30 yearsof research,developm ent, and m anufacturing of speakers.
technology,proprietary in-house m ade woofers and a m ajestic appearance,EPICO N showsjust how farDALIhascom e in theirsearch fornatural sound reproduction. W ith a visualappearance thatsignalsexclusivity, these speakers are forthe m ostdem anding of m usic and m ovie enthusiasts. The beautifuly crafted curved cabinetsare available in a choice ofsixstunning finishes;fourluxurioushigh-glos finishesand two m odern Satin finishes. The series com prises offourm odels,the stand m ountEPICO N 2,two floorstanding speakers; EPICO N 6 and EPICO N 8,and a centre channel; EPICON VOKAL. The breath-taking DALI EPICO N series is available exclusively atAudio T O xford.Contact the store to bookadem onstration.
There are m usicalexperiencesin life so epicthatyou wish theywould neverend.M om entsso wonderfuly overpowering the very thoughtofthem m akesyour hearttrem ble,yourm ind goeswandering and your ears yearn for m ore. W ith the spectacular DALI EPICO N series,you can relive thatsensation,again and again. DALIhas been a pioneerofaudio technology for alm ost 40 years. M usical boundaries have been broken and no stone left unturned in the adventurous quest for the perfect audiophile experienceto equalthoseheard atconcerthals,live m usicvenuesand cinem as. Designed byand forpeople with agenuine pas ion for im pec able audio experiences, the EPICO N series delivers a m ind-blowing three-dim ensional sound thathonoursthe m usic and the m usician like never before. Incorporating m atchles new driver
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