Music at Home+ Summer 2022

com ponent selection, circuit topology and critical evaluation to achieve perform ance thatwas m uch m ore than the sum of the individual parts. The engineers were chalenged to realy deliverand on severaloc asionscircled backagain and again to re-engineerthe designs and furtherrefine the product perform ance. Thisprojecttookfive yearsto com plete and a new flagship series of M ichi products engineered with the history and heritage of Rotel was re-born in 2019. The firstm odels launched were the P5 Pream plifier supported with the S5 Stereo Amplifier and M8 Mono Am plifier.These separatescom ponents were later joined by the X3 and X5 Integrated Am plifiers. This new M ichi series very quickly received global critical ac laim , m ultiple awards and continues be recognised for seting a new standard of audio perform ance. You can read the AVForum s review of the RotelM ichiX3 here. Rotelhoweverwas notcontenthaving the best high end technology exclusively in the new M ichiseries.In 2019 Rotel team ed up with audio engineering legend Ken Ishiwata with a view of creating im proved editions of Rotel’s14 and 15 Seriesm odels. Daren O rth, Rotel’s Chief Technology O ficer, recals that during his initial discus ionswith Ken itwasdecided that to add true value the first m odels to receive an update would be the Rotel A11 Integrated Am plifierand CD11 CD playerasthese were already afordable and highly regarded having won m ultiple industryawards. Ken’s interests and desire was to take afordable audio components and achieve the very bestperform ance with

RotelFactory,M odern Day

CurentProduction Line

M ichiX5 Integrated Am plifier

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