Music at Home+ Summer 2022

The latestarivalsfrom Regam ightlooklike busines asusual, but Ed Seley thinksthere’saquietrevolution underway

This being Rega, it is more the significance ofthere being inputs at al than the inputsthem selvesbeing radical. O ne optical and one coaxial input are fited with both ofering supportforPCM up to 24-bit/192kHz.Decoding com esvia an unspecified W olfson DAC. This sm al digital section joins four RCA line inputs and a m oving-m agnet phono stage, the later being retained from the previousElicit-R,m aking thisthe largestRega am p to feature an internal phono stage. The amplifier section benefitsfrom Rega’swork developing its Aethos (HFC 457) and this is m ost

Over the last decade or so, two-channelaudio hasundergone one of the m ost revolutionary phases of evolution in its history.You can now constructtrem endouslycapable stereo system s thatlook alm ostnothing like whatwould have been the case even a few yearsago.Asthem arginsbetween source and am p blur into nothing, som e com panies seem to have litle interestin altering theirapproach –but even long-standing holdouts are m aking som e changes. Atfirstglance,whatyou see here is an ultra traditionalpairing ofam p and CD player,buttherealityisalitlem ore interesting. As a prolific builderofturntables, Rega is a logicalcandidate to build am plifiers that concentrate on being am ps, but even it has reached the decision thata litle extra connectivity m ighthelp the cause.The ElicitM K5 is the first am p to augm ent analogue inputswith digitalones.

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