KEF LS W ireles Colection The Sound ofthe Future
W ith 60 yearsofacousticexpertise,KEF isw elplaced to bring the very bestquality sound to yourhom e –from m usicto gam ing,f ilm s,oreven yourfavourite TV series, how everyou like to listen.
Plug and play in high f idelity Todaywe can listen to whatwe like,where we like, and we expect to do so without com plicated setupsand instalations.W ith the LSW ireles Colection,youcanconnectto your TV,laptop,turntable,and m any otherdevices easily while experiencing high-fidelity sound quality.Forthose who wantextra bas ,there’s a dedicated output to connect a KEF subwoofer. Plug and play in high f idelity Todaywe can listen to whatwe like,where we like, and we expect to do so without com plicated setupsand instalations.W ith the LSW ireles Colection,youcanconnectto your TV,laptop,turntable,and m any otherdevices
The LS W ireles Colection is a series of al-in-one high-fidelity m usic system s developed to transform your entertainm ent experience. You can enjoy the power of high-fidelity sound as stream ed from any sourceand connectto anyhom eaudio device–there’s a system forany set-up,in any room ofthe house, whateverthe space. 60 Yearsofdef ining tom orow Celebrating sixdecadesofKEF,the LS W ireles range now includes the floor standing LS60 W ireles ,the award-winning LS50 W ireles I and the very latest addition, the com pact LSX I. W ith breakthrough technologiesincluding Uni-Q ,Uni-Core,M etam aterial Absorption Technology (M AT) and M usic Integrity Engine(M IE),theLSW ireles Colectiontrulybringsan authentic high-fidelity experience to m ore hom es,for the waywe listen to m usictoday.
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