Ourdesign goalwith the COBRA was to create an afordable, powerful, integrated valve am plifier, capable ofreaching a broaderaudience.W e wanted an am plifierthatwould work with a wide range of speakers from otherm anufacturers,which are usualy les eficient and les easy to drive than our own. O bviouslyitshould also sound fantasticwith a pairof Audio Note(UK)’sspeakers!And withtheCO BRA,that isexactlywhatwe have achieved.W e knew we would notbe happy with a ‘cheap and cheerful’am plifier; thatisn’tthe Audio Note (UK)wayofdoing things.So we included ourlatestgeneration ofdouble C-core outputtransform ersand used alofourrenowned skil and experience when selecting com ponents (paying particularatentionto thePSU arangem ent),to create an extrem ely harm onious com position. The driver valvesare GE 6AU6W C (triode-connected),with a GE
5670W asthe phase spliter,and a pairofEL34 perchannelintheoutputstage,running inClas A Push-Pul,producing 28 wats per channel. For the first tim e in one of our integrated am plifiers, we chose to include an onboard DAC, which uses the trusty Philps TDA1543 converter.There are coaxialSPDIF,O pticaland USB digitalinputs,along with three line level stereo inputs and – anotherfirstforan Audio Note (UK)am plifier– we have even included a rem ote controlforvolum e and inputselection.
You can read an indepth review of the Cobra integrated am plifier from High Fidelity magazine HERE .
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