Music at Home+ Summer 2022

Chord Com pany Shawline XLR cable

The provision ofXLR Balanced audio connections on dom estic audio equipm entseem sto beontherise,and to m eetthis dem and the Chord Com panyofersan XLR version ofitsShawline analogue interconnectrange. As em bled by hand, the Shawline XLRs use silver-plated copper conductors insulated with an FEP dielectric.Thesearescreened withacom posite m aterialdesigned to work overa wide bandwidth. Three identicalconductors are used for al three connections (hot,cold and earth),as wel as the com pany’sTuned ARAY conductorgeom etry. Connecting the Shawline XLR between m y Studer A810 pro tape machine and my preamp,Iplay a 15IPS copy-m aster tape of the Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra performing Prokofiev’s Cinderela. The opening ofCinderela Dream sAboutThe Bal hasaslightlyreflectivem ood,whichprogres esto a m oresprightlydancetune.Thesuperb depthofthe recording is briliantly conveyed and al of the com plexitiesofthepiecearehandled withefortles ease bythe Shawline XLR interconnect.

Happyblending Forsom e vocals,Iturn nextto the soprano Daisy Brown singing Agnus Dei by M ozart on a copy-m aster tape from Chasing The Dragon. Brown’s vocals have a clarity and joyfulnes that blendsbeautifulywiththepiano ac om panim ent in this rather captivating track. The piano is clearly positioned behind the soprano and the overal depth ofthis recording is very faithfuly conveyed bythe Shawline cable. Switching reels to a m odern copy-m aster tape from UltraAnalogue Recordings ofGrieg’s Celo Sonata,the im aging ofthe celo and piano is pin-sharp while the excelentdynam ic range of this recording is clearly transported by the XLR interconnect.Al this adds up to a wonderfuly realisticand totalybelievable perform ance in m y listening room . The Shawline is a first-rate cable whose perform ance wil be very m uch athom e in any high-end system .

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